《实用英语 综合教程 3》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:国家教委高等专科英语教材编写组编
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:704005020X
  • 页数:299 页

UNIT 1 1

Text A: A Payment Greater Than Money 1

Text B: My Mother's Desk 11

Reading Skills — Reading English Newspapers (1) 14

Comprehensive Practice 17

Guided Writing— Giving Reasons 20

简历 21

Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(1) 22

Listening and Speaking 23

UNIT 2 29

Text A: Unique Problems in International Trade 29

Text B: The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund 39

Reading Skills — Reading English Newspapers (2) 44

Comprehensive Practice 46

Guided Writing— Making Comparisons 48

求职信 50

Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(2) 51

Listening and Speaking 52

UNIT 3 57

Text A: Coping with Crisis 57

Text B: Millions of Britons Endure Life with Noisy Neighbours 67

Reading Skills — Reading English Newspapers (3) 71

Comprehensive Practice 75

Guided Writing — Making a Classification 77

奖学金申请信 79

Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(3) 79

Listening and Speaking 80

UNIT 4 85

Text A: Interstellar Postcards—Messages to Space 85

Text B: Why Should Children Learn Science? 95

Reading Skills—Advertisement (1) 98

Comprehensive Practice 102

Guided Writing—Presenting a Contrast 104

申请任助教信 106

Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(4) 106

Listening and Speaking 107

UNIT 5 113

Text A: Social Responsibility of Scientists 113

TextB: Science and Truth 123

Reading Skills—Advertisement (2) 128

Comprehensive Practice 131

Guided Writing—Describing Causes and Effects 133

推荐信 134

Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(5) 135

Listening and Speaking 136

UNIT 6 141

Text A: Excerpts from Speech by Margaret Thatcher 141

Text B: Excerpts from Speech by Carter 152

Reading Skills—Understanding Product Description 155

Comprehensive Practice 158

Guided Writing—Giving Examples 160

询价信 161

Translation Practice—倍数的翻译(1) 162

Listening and Speaking 163

UNIT 7 169

Text A: School Costs Are Rising in Britain, Too 169

Text B: Budget Puts Students in More Debt 179

Reading Skills — Underslanding Directions 182

Comprehensive Practice 185

Guided Writing—Describing a Process 187

报价信 188

Translation Practice—倍数的翻译(2) 189

Listening and Speaking 189

UNIT 8 195

Text A: The Population Bomb 195

Text B: Reforest the Earth! 205

Reading Skills — Understanding Catalogue Cards 210

Comprehensive Practice 213

Guided Writing— Presenting an Argument 215

脱销通知书 216

Translation Practice—长句的翻译(1) 217

Listening and Speaking 218

UNIT 9 223

Text A: “I Have a Dream” —30 Years Ago and Now 223

Text B: The Key Issue for Women 233

Reading Skills — Understanding Graphic Information (1) 236

Comprehensive Practice 239

Guided Writing—— Expressing an Opinion 241

道歉信 242

Translation Practice—长句的翻译(2) 243

Listening and Speaking 244

UNIT 10 249

Text A: Take a Multimedia Course, Ms. Smith 249

Text B: FutureCars 259

Reading Skills — Understanding Graphic Information (2) 264

Comprehensive Practice 270

Guided Writing — Reasoning 272

装运通知书 273

Translation Practice—长句的翻译(3) 274

Listening and Speaking 275

Glossary 281

Phrases and Expressions 295