《立场 辩证思维训练 全球问题篇 第7版 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)哈尔夫,(美)隆巴尔迪编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787513544276
  • 页数:213 页
图书介绍:《立场——辩证思维训练:全球问题篇》是Taking Sides系列丛书七本之一。本书选取全球性热点话题,提供源自报刊、法庭辩词、议会陈述等关于同一问题正反两方面的论证文章,培养对于同一观点的辩证思维能力和论辩技巧。

Issue 1.Does Global Urbanization Lead Primarily to Undesirable Consequences? 1

Issue 2.Should the World Continue to Rely on Oil as the Major Source of Energy? 30

Issue 3.Will the World Be Able to Feed Itself in the Foreseeable Future? 43

Issue 4.Is the Threat of Global Warming Real? 64

Issue 5.Can the Global Community"Win"the Drug War? 83

Issue 6.Is the International Community Adequately Prepared to Address Global Health Pandemics? 122

Issue 7.Do Adequate Strategies Exist to Combat Human Trafficking? 158

Issue 8.Is the Global Economic Crisis a Failure of Capitalism? 185

Issue 9.Are We Headed for a Nuclear 9/11? 197

Internet References 209

Contributors to This Volume 211