社会百态 3
My Views on Gambling 3
Limiting Handguns 14
I Wish They'd Do It Right 24
The Advantages of Work 35
Closing the Gap 43
人性思索 55
Why players Love to Score 55
Why We Crave Horror Movies 66
Pursuit of Possessions 78
The Virtues of Growing Older 89
Women:Fragile Flowers? 100
萃萃学子 113
I Am Not a Crook 113
Children Need To Play,Not Compete 126
The Harmful Effects of the Multiple-choice Test 142
Three Cheers For Corporal Punishment in Schools 153
What True Education Should Do 165
现代话题 175
A Vote Against Computers 175
Animal Rights vs Human Health 184
Should Smoking be Allowed in Public Places? 196
Pollution is a Dirty Word 204
Rain Forests Must Not be Destroyed 216
语文之辩 231
What's Wrong with Black English 231
The Necessity of English Writing for English Majors 243
Will a Common Language Be Possible? 253
The Necessity of Korean Foreign Language Education for Korean-American Children 261
Language of Cyberspace 270