
  • 购买积分:7 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(法)科琳娜·图阿蒂著;(法)亚历山大·博纳弗伊图;彭捷译
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国铁道出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787113145965
  • 页数:95 页

跟读光盘里的英语单词和儿歌,练习正确发音 4

Who's who?/谁是谁 4

The family/家庭 儿歌 5

The house/房子 6

The bedroom and the kitchen/卧室和厨房 7

The bathroom or the living room?/浴室还是客厅? 8

Knock Knock!/笃笃笃!儿歌 9

Clothes/衣服 10

Head or feet?/头还是脚? 11

Breakfast/早餐 12

Jungle animals/丛林里的动物们 13

Eating and drinking/吃与喝 14

The alphabet/字母表 儿歌 15

Face/脸 16

Arms and legs/手臂和腿 17

Winter and summer/冬天和夏天 18

Autumn and spring/秋天和春天 19

Numbers/数字 20

On the road/在路上 儿歌 21

The birthday party/生日宴会 22

The school bag/书包 23

School or home?/学校还是家? 24

At school!/在学校!儿歌 25

Snack/点心 26

Cat,Dog…/猫、狗 27

Animals/动物 28

Wild and dangerous/野生危险动物 儿歌 29

Fast or slow?/快还是慢? 30

They have a sweet tooth!/他们喜爱吃甜食! 31

Small or big?/小还是大? 32

Opposites/反义词 儿歌 33

Long or short?/长还是短? 34

Pink or red?/粉色还是红色? 35

HapPy or sad?/快乐还是悲伤? 36

The seaside/海边 37

Man or woman?/男的还是女的? 38

0ne,two,three/1、2、3 儿歌 39

Green or orange?/绿色还是橙色? 40

Vegetables or fruit?/蔬菜还是水果? 41

What are they doing?/他们正在干什么? 42

Expensive or cheap?/贵还是便宜? 43

Hot or cold?/热还是冷? 44

On the beach/在海滩上 儿歌 45

Empty or full?/空的还是满的? 46

Tall or short?/高还是矮? 47

Colours/颜色 48

Thechemy or the strawberry?/樱桃还是草莓? 49

Table/餐桌 50

Fat or thin?/胖还是瘦? 51

Actions/动作 52

Run and jump!/跑和跳!儿歌 53

Halloween or Christmas?/万圣节还是圣诞节? 54

Flags/国旗 55

London/伦敦 56

Let's go shopping!/一起去购物 儿歌 57

Blue or yellow?/蓝色还是黄色? 58

What do you like eating?/你喜欢吃什么? 59

Sports/运动 60

Balls/球 儿歌 61

Hungry or thirsty?/饿了还是渴了? 62

Grey or brown?/灰色还是棕色? 63

Fancy dress/化装服 64

Jobs/职业 儿歌 65

Games and toys/游戏和玩具 66

Planting and watering/栽种和浇水 67

Farm animals/农场动物 68

Hello cow!/奶牛你好!儿歌 69

Beautiful or ugly?/漂亮还是丑陋? 70

The prince and his princess/王子和公主 71

Christmas and Halloween/圣诞节和万圣节 72

Halloween song/万圣节歌曲 儿歌 73

Forlunch/午餐 74

Black or white?/黑色还是白色? 75

In the bathroom/在浴室里 76

Clean or dirty?/干净还是脏?儿歌 77

At the supermarket/在超市里 78

Where do they work?/他们在哪里工作? 79

The days of the week/星期 80

Hello and goodbye/你好和再见 儿歌 81

Purple or white?/紫色还是白色? 82

Shapes/形状 83

Musical instruments/乐器 84

Sky/天空 儿歌 85

Town/城市 86

Town or country?/城市还是乡村? 87

Round or flat?/圆的还是平的? 88

In the forest/在森林里 儿歌 89

我的英语单词表 90