Unit One 1
Section A Focus Reading 1
The Happy Prince By Oscar Wilde 1
Section B Supplementary Reading 13
Ⅰ The Little Prince(Excerpt) 13
Ⅱ Great Minds Think Alike 20
Ⅲ A Joke 21
Section C Suggested Reading 22
Unit Two 23
Section A Focus Reading 23
Three Days to See(Excerpt) By Helen Keller 23
Section B Supplementary Reading 28
Ⅰ Three Days to See(Excerpt) 28
Ⅱ On His Blindness 35
Ⅲ A True Instinct for the Beautiful 36
Ⅳ Great Minds Think Alike 37
Ⅴ Four Jokes 38
Section C Suggested Reading and Viewing 39
Unit Three 40
Section A Focus Reading 40
Mending Wall By Robert Frost 40
Section B Supplementary Reading 43
Ⅰ Prophet(Excerpt) 43
Ⅱ Fire and Ice 45
Ⅲ The Flood 45
Ⅳ The Road Not Taken 46
Ⅴ Tree at My Window 47
Ⅵ Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 48
Ⅶ 一封家书 49
Ⅷ A Joke 49
Section C Suggested Reading 49
Unit Four 50
Section A Focus Reading 50
Seeing People Off By Max Beerbohm 50
Section B Supplementary Reading 55
Ⅰ Farewell Song 55
Ⅱ 送元二使安西(渭城曲) 56
Ⅲ 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 57
Ⅳ 赠汪伦 57
Ⅴ 送别 57
Ⅵ 送行 58
Ⅶ Actor's Voice 60
Ⅷ About Humor 60
Ⅸ Two Jokes 62
Section C Suggested Reading 63
Unit Five 64
Section A Focus Reading 64
Dusk By Saki 64
Section B Supplementary Reading 70
Ⅰ The Nightingale and the Rose 70
Ⅱ The Prophet(Excerpt) 77
Ⅲ The Dreamer 80
Ⅳ Great Minds Think Alike 85
Section C Suggested Reading 85
Unit Six 86
Section A Focus Reading 86
Black Beauty(Excerpt) By Anna Sewell 86
Section B Supplementary Reading 95
Ⅰ The Love of a Mother Cow 95
Ⅱ The Lamb 96
Ⅲ The Tyger 97
Ⅳ 《道德经》(节选) 99
Ⅴ Four Jokes 100
Section C Suggested Reading and Viewing 101
Unit Seven 102
Section A Focus Reading 102
Three Men in a Boat(To Say Nothing of the Dog) By Jerome K.Jerome 102
Section B Supplementary Reading 110
Ⅰ Three Men in a Boat (Excerpt) 110
Ⅱ Four Jokes 116
Section C Suggested Reading 117
Unit Eight 118
Section A Focus Reading 118
Rip Van Winkle By Washington Irving 118
Section B Supplementary Reading 135
Ⅰ The Author's Account of Himself 135
Ⅱ 《庄子》(节选) 137
Ⅲ 桃花源记并诗 137
Ⅳ 吾有十亩田 140
Ⅴ 古风(九) 140
Ⅵ 刘晨阮肇游天台 141
Ⅶ 烂柯山 141
Ⅷ 深山会棋 141
Ⅸ 刘阮遇仙 141
Ⅹ Wouter Van Twiller 142
Section C Suggested Reading 145
Unit Nine 146
Section A Focus Reading 146
Marrakech By George Orwell 146
Section B Supplementary Reading 154
Why I Write 154
Section C Suggested Reading 160
Unit Ten 161
Section A Focus Reading 161
A Wrong Man in Workers'Paradise By Rabindranath Tagore 161
Section B Supplementary Reading 166
Ⅰ Art as Play and Personality 166
Ⅱ Work 168
Ⅲ Work,Labour,and Play 173
Ⅳ Lectures and Essays (Excerpts) 175
Section C Suggested Reading 177
References 178
后记 180