
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赵伐总主编;赵伐主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787040413618
  • 页数:208 页
图书介绍:作为专为选修通识类课程的非英语专业大学生编写的文学类读写教材,《英语散文——赏析与写作》从新古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义,尤其是现当代等各个时期的英语散文名篇当中精选出12篇作为课文,并按其语言的难易程度由易到难进行编排。鉴赏的目的在于学会创作。本教材的另一目标是通过培养学生的2C(Critical & Creative)能力,激发其亲手尝试英语散文创作的兴趣。

Unit One "On Doors"by Christopher Darlington Morley 1

Literary Device:Symbol(象征) 6

Composition Guide:Achieving Coherence 7

Further Reading: "A Letter to Father Time(New Year's Eve)"by Christopher Darlington Morley 9

Unit Two "On Goinga Journey"by William Hazlitt 13

Literary Device:Rhetorical Question(修辞性问句) 22

Composition Guide:Position Defending 24

FurtherReading: "Going Out for a Walk"by Max Beerbohm 26

Unit Three "A Piece of Chalk"by G.K. Chesterton 29

Literary Device:Hyperbole/Exaggeration(夸张) 37

Composition Guide:Narrating and Reflecting 38

Further Reading:"On Running After One's Hat"by G.K. Chesterton 39

Unit Four "ARelic"by Max Beerbohm 43

Literary Device:Allusion(引喻) 52

Composition Guide:Narrative Point of View 53

Further Reading:"They All Just Went Away"by Joyce Carol Oates 55

Unit Five "On Lying Awake at Night"by Stewart Edward White 65

Literary Device:Personification(拟人) 72

Composition Guide:Description 73

Further Reading:"Niagara Falls"by Rupert Brooke 74

Unit Six "Rude Am I in My Speech"by Caryl Phillips 79

Literary Devices:Metaphor and Simile(隐喻与明喻) 89

Composition Guide:Compare and Contrast 90

Further Reading:"Do He Have Your Number,Mr. Jeffrey?"by Gayle Pemberton 92

Unit Seven "About Face"by Joseph Epstein 101

Literary Device:Transferred Epithet(移就) 112

Composition Guide:Paragraph Development 112

Further Reading:"My Face"by Robert Bentley 114

Unit Eight "La Paz"by Jan Morris 117

Literary Device:Rhyme(押韵) 124

Composition Guide:Travel Essay 125

Further Reading:"Pamplona in July"by Ernest Hemingway 127

Unit Nine "Grieving"by Meenakshi Gigi Durham 135

Literary Device:Humor(幽默) 146

Composition Guide:FreeAssociation 147

Further Reading:"Who Are You and What Are You Doing Here?"by Mark Edmundson 149

UnitTen "Trivia"by Logan Pearsall Smith 161

Literary Device:Epiphany(顿悟) 169

Composition Guide:Ironic Turn of Meaning 170

Further Reading:"The Note-Books of Samuel Butler"by Samuel Butler 171

Unit Eleven "Thomas Hobbes"by Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper 175

Literary Devices:Metonymy and Synecdoche(换喻与提喻) 184

Composition Guide:Biographical Essay 185

Further Reading:"William James"by John Jay Chapman 186

Unit Twelve "Disaster Always Waits on Early Wit"by Samuel Johnson 191

Literary Device:Parallelism(排比) 199

Composition Guide:Semantic or Concept Map 199

Further Reading:"Domestick greatness unattainable"by Samuel Johnson 201

Appendix 205