Chapter 1 Pampered Pets:Love me?Love my dog! 1
Chapter 2 Silly Sports:Can you really call this a sport? 13
Chapter 3 Modern Marriage:Until death do us part? 25
Chapter 4 Shopping:The new drug of choice 37
Chapter 5 Las Vegas:Sin City 49
Chapter 6 Shoplifting:Why is the price tag still on your hat? 61
Chapter 7 Gluttony:You are what you eat! 73
Chapter 8 Get-Rich-Quick Scams:Have I got a deal for YOU! 84
Chapter 9 Sports Doping:Does it matter if you win or lose? 96
Chapter 10 White-Collar Crime:When A LOT just isn't enough! 108
Chapter 11 The Homeless:It's not their choice 121
Chapter 12 Beauty Contests:The business of beauty 132
Chapter 13 Drug Trends:Legal but lethal 144
Chapter 14 Nature:Paradise Lost—Can we get it back? 156
Appendix CNN?Video Activities 169