
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)特克斯克编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京语言大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787561939147
  • 页数:476 页

ACT Overview and Strategies 1

Description of the Test 1

Your ACT Score 2

Questions to Consider 2

Why Use a Math and Science Workbook? 3

Test Day 5

Strategies for the ACT 6


1 Overview of the Math Test 11

What Topics Are on theTest? 11

Question Types 13

Calculators 31

2 Pre-Algebra 35

What Should You Expect? 35

Specific Strategies 35

Using a Calculator 38

Topics in Pre-Algebra 40

Ace the ACT!Sample Pre-Algebra Questions 61

3 Elementary Algebra 67

Specific Strategies 67

Topics in Elementary Algebra 73

Ace the ACT!Sample Elementary Algebra Questions 82

4 Intermediate Algebra 89

Specific Strategies 89

Topics in Intermediate Algebra 94

Ace the ACT!Sample Intermediate Algebra Questions 121

5 Plane and Solid Geometry 129

Specific Strategies 129

Topics in Plane and Solid Geometry 131

Ace the ACT!Sample Plane and Solid Geometry Questions 159

6 Coordinate Geometry 175

Specific Strategies 175

Topics in Coordinate Geometry 178

Ace the ACT!Sample Coordinate Geometry Questions 188

7 Trigonometry 197

The Graphing Calculator 197

Topics in Trigonometry 200

Ace the ACT!Sample Trigonometry Questions 223


8 Overview of the Science Test 231

What Topics Are on the Test? 231

Data Representation Passages 232

Research Summaries Passages 234

Conflicting Viewpoints Passages 237

9 General Strategies for Science 241

Tips for Tackling ACT Science 241

How to Read Science Passages 243

Knowing the Lingo 243

ACT Science Vocabulary 244

10 Data Representation 247

General Strategies 247

Reading Simple Graphs 248

Reading More Complicated Graphs 252

Reading Tables 256

Warm-Up Exercises 257

Ace the ACT!Sample Data Representation Passages 270

11 Research Summaries 299

The Scientific Method 300

Strategies for Reading About an Experiment 301

Warm-Up Exercises 303

Strategies for Research Summaries Passages 315

Ace the ACT!Sample Research Summaries Passages 316

12 Conflicting Viewpoints 359

Strategies for Conflicting Viewpoints Passages 360

Further Advice 361

Ace the ACT!Sample Conflicting Viewpoints Passages 362


Practice Mathematics Test 401

Answer Key 415

Math Answers and Explanations 416

Practice Science Test 435

Answer Key 462

Science Answers and Explanations 463


Appendix A:Some Useful Math Formulas 473

Appendix B:Some Useful Scientific Units 475