1 Prefertilization Events 1
Ⅰ.Gametes(Oocytes and Spermatozoa) 1
Ⅱ.Meiosis 1
Ⅲ.Female Gametogenesis(Oogenesis) 1
Ⅳ.Hormonal Control of the Female Reproductive Cycle 3
Ⅴ.Male Gametogenesis(Spermatogenesis) 4
Ⅵ.Clinical Considerations 4
2 Week 1(Days l—7) 7
Ⅰ.Overview 7
Ⅱ.Fertilization 7
Ⅲ.Cleavage 7
Ⅳ.Blastocyst Formation 8
Ⅴ.Implantation 8
Ⅵ.Clinical Considerations 9
3 Week 2(Days 8—14) 12
Ⅰ.Embryoblast 12
Ⅱ.Trophoblast 12
Ⅲ.Extraembryonic Mesoderm 12
Ⅳ.Clinical Considerations 13
4 Embryonic Period(Weeks 3—8) 17
Ⅰ.Introduction 17
Ⅱ.Gastrulation 17
Ⅲ.Clinical Considerations 17
5 Placenta,Amniotic Fluid,and Umbilical Cord 22
Ⅰ.Placenta 22
Ⅱ.The Placenta as an Endocrine Organ 23
Ⅲ.The Placental Membrane 24
Ⅳ.Amniotic Fluid 26
Ⅴ.Umbilical Cord 27
Ⅵ.Vasculogenesis 27
Ⅶ.Hematopoiesis 28
Ⅷ.Fetal Circulation 29
6 Cardiovascular System 32
Ⅰ.Formation of Heart Tube 32
Ⅱ.Primitive Heart Tube Dilatations 32
Ⅲ.The Aorticopulmonary(AP)Septum 33
Ⅳ.The Atrial Septum 35
Ⅴ.The Atrioventricular(AV)Septum 37
Ⅵ.The Interventricular(IV)Septum 39
Ⅶ.Development of the Arterial System 40
Ⅷ.Development of the Venous System 40
7 Digestive System 43
Ⅰ.Primitive Gut Tube 43
Ⅱ.Foregut Derivatives 44
Ⅲ.Midgut Derivatives 49
Ⅳ.Hindgut Derivatives 52
Ⅴ.The Anal Canal 54
Ⅵ.Mesenteries 55
8 Urinary System 58
Ⅰ.Overview 58
Ⅱ.The Pronephros 58
Ⅲ.The Mesonephros 58
Ⅳ.The Metanephros 58
Ⅴ.Development of the Metanephros 59
Ⅵ.Relative Ascent of the Kidneys 61
Ⅶ.Blood Supply of the Kidneys 61
Ⅷ.Development of the Urinary Bladder 61
Ⅸ.Clinical Considerations 61
9 Female Reproductive System 66
Ⅰ.The Indifferent Embryo 66
Ⅱ.Development of the Gonads 66
Ⅲ.Development of Genital Ducts 67
Ⅳ.Development of the Primordia of External Genitalia 67
Ⅴ.Clinical Considerations 70
10 Male Reproductive System 73
Ⅰ.The Indifferent Embryo 73
Ⅱ.Development of the Gonads 73
Ⅲ.Development of the Genital Ducts 74
Ⅳ.Development of the Primordia of External Genitalia 74
Ⅴ.Clinical Considerations 76
Ⅵ.Summary Table of Female and Male Reproductive Systems Development 81
11 Respiratory System 83
Ⅰ.Upper Respiratory System 83
Ⅱ.Lower Respiratory System 83
Ⅲ.Development of the Trachea 83
Ⅳ.Development of the Bronchi 85
Ⅴ.Development of the Lungs 86
12 Head and Neck 90
Ⅰ.Pharyngeal Apparatus 90
Ⅱ.Development of the Thyroid Gland 90
Ⅲ.Development of the Tongue 93
Ⅳ.Development of the Face 94
Ⅴ.Development of the Palate 94
Ⅵ.Clinical Considerations 95
13 Nervous System 100
Ⅰ.Development of the Neural Tube 100
Ⅱ.Neural Crest Cells 100
Ⅲ.Vesicle Development of the Neural Tube 102
Ⅳ.Development of the Spinal Cord 104
Ⅴ Development of the Hypophysis(Pituitary Gland) 105
Ⅵ.Congenital Malformations of the Central Nervous System 106
14 Ear 111
Ⅰ.Overview 111
Ⅱ.The Internal Ear 111
Ⅲ.The Membranous and Bony Labyrinths 113
Ⅳ The Middle Ear 113
Ⅴ.The External Ear 113
Ⅵ.Congenital Malformations of the Ear 114
15 Eye 117
Ⅰ.Development of the Optic Vesicle 117
Ⅱ.Development of Other Eye Structures 119
Ⅲ.Congenital Malformations of the Eye 120
16 Body Cavities 124
Ⅰ.Formation of the Intraembryonic Coelom 124
Ⅱ.Partitioning of the Intraembryonic Coelom 124
Ⅲ.Positional Changes of the Diaphragm 125
Ⅳ.Clinical Considerations 126
17 Pregnancy 128
Ⅰ.Endocrinology of Pregnancy 128
Ⅱ.Pregnancy Dating 129
Ⅲ.Pregnancy Milestones 130
Ⅳ.Prenatal Diagnostic Procedures 131
Ⅴ.Fetal Distress During Labor(Intrapartum) 132
Ⅵ.The Apgar Score 132
Ⅶ.Puerperium 133
Ⅷ.Lactation 133
18 Teratology 134
Ⅰ.Introduction 134
Ⅱ.Infectious Agents 134
Ⅲ.TORCH Infections 137
Ⅳ.Category X Drugs(Absolute Contraindication in Pregnancy) 137
Ⅴ.Category D Drugs(Definite Evidence of Risk to Fetus) 138
Ⅵ.Chemical Agents 139
Ⅶ.Recreational Drugs 140
Ⅷ.Ionizing Radiation 140
Ⅸ.Selected Photographs 140
Credits 142
Index 147