
  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:夏照帆主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787509177938
  • 页数:543 页

第一部分 奋斗历程 1

医者如花 杏林绽放——记中国工程院院士夏照帆教授 3

第二部分 学术贡献 7

一、夏照帆院士的学术成就与学术思想 9

二、夏照帆院士的主要学术论文 11

(一)创面修复新技术和新材料的研发 11

Interleukin-33 Increases Antibacterial Defense by Activation of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Skin 11

Mobilised Bone Marrow-Derived Cells Accelerate Wound Healing 28

Accelerated Expansion of Epidermal Keratinocyte and Improved Dermal Reconstruction Achieved by Engineered Amniotic Membrane 37

Evaluation of Dermal Substitute in a Novel Co-Transplantation Model with Autologous Epidermal Sheet 52

An Epidermal Stem Cells Niche Microenvironment Created by Engineered Human Amniotic Membrane 64

A New Strategy of Promoting Vascularization of Skin Substitutes by Capturing Endothelial Progenitor Cells Automatically 77

A New Strategy of Using Keratinocytes for Skin Graft:Animal Experimental Study of Keratinocyte Suspension Combined with the Dermal Substitutes 81

(二)临床资料总结及典型案例分析 87

Selenium Supplementation for Sepsis:a Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 87

Evaluation of Long Term Health-related Quality of Life in Extensive Burns:A 12-year Experience in a Burn Center 96

Pediatric Burns due to Hot Water from Water Dispenser:a Neglected Issue that Should be Highly Concerned 105

Pathogenic Alteration in Severe Burn Wounds 110

Pre-hospital Emergency Burn Management in Shanghai:Analysis of 1868 Burn Patients 117

Epidemiology and Outcome Analysis of Severe Extensive Burns:A 12-Year Summary of 103 Cases in a Burn Center in China 124

Risk Factors and Prognosis of Lower Digestive Tract Haemorrhage in Severe Burns:A 12-year Retrospective Analysis 130

Successful Treatment of a Patient with an Extraordinarily Large Deep Burn 135

Reduction of CD47 on Monocytes Correlates with MODS in Burn Patients 139

Factors Affecting Survival in Adult Patients with Massive Burns 144

Burn Injuries Caused by Ship Fire:A 12-year Study in Shanghai 152

Treatment of Tracheal Stenosis with an Extended Tracheal Cannula in a Patient with Extensive Burn 158

Repair of Complex Abdominal Wall Defects from High-Voltage Electric Injury With Two Layers of Acellular Dermal Matrix:A Case Report 162

Transplantation of Epidermis of Scar Tissue on Acellular Dermal Matrix 165

(三)烧伤休克、烧伤后多器官功能不全综合征、以及吸入性损伤的发生机制及其防治新技术的探讨 169

Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Counter-regulates Dexamethasone-induced Annexin 1 Expression and Influences the Release of Eicosanoids in Murine Macrophages 169

The Therapeutic Efficacy of Glutamine for Rats with Smoking Inhalation Injury 179

Ulinastatin and Thymosin as Immune Modulators for the Treatment of Sepsis (Protocol) 189

Role of Inhibition of p38 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase in Liver Dysfunction after Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation 202

TLR4 Mediates Lung Injury and Inflammation in Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion 209

A Rat Model of Smoke Inhalation Injury 217

The Therapeutic Efficacy of Ulinastatin for Rats with Smoking Inhalation Injury 227

Hydrogen Resuscitation,a New Cytoprotective Approach 236

Hydrogen Inhalation Ameliorates Lipopolysaccharide-induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice 248

Biphasic Effects of Selective Inhibition of Transforming Growth Factor β1 Activin Receptor-Like Kinase on LPS-Induced Lung Injury 258

Notoginsenoside R1 Attenuates Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats 269

Human Calcium/calmodulin-dependent Serine Protein Kinase Regulates the Expression of p21 via the E2A Transcription Factor 280

Angiotensin Ⅱ Induces Type I Collagen Gene Expression in Human Dermal Fibroblasts through an AP-1/TGF-β31-dependent Pathway 293

Tec Kinase Mediating IL-8 Transcription in Monocytes Stimulated with LPS 301

Suppressed Acute Phase Response to LPS-induced Hepatic Injury in Smad3-deficient Mice 307

Activation of p38 MAPK by Reactive Oxygen Species Is Essential in a Rat Model of Stress-induced Gastric Mucosal Injury 312

Sustained Activation of Nuclear Factor-kB by Reactive Oxygen Species is Involved in the Pathogenesis of Stress-induced Gastric Damage in Rats 330

Insulin Resistance Following Thermal Injury:An Animal Study 343

Role of p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Kupffer Cell Secretion of the Proinflammatory Cytokines after Burn Trauma 348

Role of P38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Lung Injury after Burn Trauma 356

烧伤治疗中的修复系统工程和序贯细胞保护概念 364

烧伤后多脏器损伤及防治——烧伤新进展之一 367

提高烧伤后治疗早期细胞保护意识 374

对严重烧伤小鼠休克期肝脏细胞能量代谢的31P核磁共振研究 377

FDP和DCA对严重烧伤休克期大鼠心肌细胞酸中毒和能量代谢紊乱的治疗作用 381

高张盐液治疗家兔烧伤休克对红细胞钠、钾和肾小管钠钾ATP酶的影响 386

应用31P核磁共振研究严重烧伤大鼠心肌细胞能量代谢和pH变化 391

高张和平衡盐溶液对家兔烧伤休克期血浆胶、晶体渗透压的影响 395

三、夏照帆院士的主要学术著作 402

临床烧伤外科学 402

MEEK微型皮片移植技术的临床转化与探索 409

现代烧伤外科手术并发症的预防与处理 416

生物核磁共振 421

烧伤外科学高级教程 425

四、夏照帆院士的讲话 431

在党的阳光照耀下成长 431

第一军医大学50年校庆讲话 435

2002年全国科技界团拜会讲话 438

五、夏照帆院士学术年表 439

夏照帆院士主要论文目录 439

夏照帆院士主要著作目录 445

夏照帆院士主要奖项目录 446

夏照帆院士国家发明专利和国家实用新型专利目录 447

夏照帆院士主要荣誉目录 448

第三部分 治学之道 449

花开之时——记巾帼创新奖获得者夏照帆 451

再造生命 花开之时——记长海医院烧伤科主任夏照帆博士 455

夏照帆——医者如花,芳泽生命 468

第四部分 大师风范 475

十年磨利剑 巾帼逞英豪——衷心祝贺夏照帆教授当选中国工程院院士 477

每次重大抢救,她第一个冲锋陷阵 479

无论伤情多严重,她总是笑对患者 481

目光紧盯最前沿,她站上学术珠峰 482

天天做的简单事,她都会看在眼里 484

有这样一位恩师,很多同学羡慕我 485

照人披肝胆 学海引千帆——记我的导师夏照帆教授 487

花的微笑 489

咏师——贺恩师夏照帆教授当选中国工程院院士 491

春风化雨,亦师亦亲——我的导师夏照帆教授 492

恩师与母亲二三事 494

第五部分 社会影响 497

中共总后勤部委员会贺信 499

国务院扑火前线总指挥部致第二军医大学感谢信 500

中共第二军医大学第一附属医院委员会关于开展向夏照帆院士学习的决定 501

第二军医大学长海医院夏照帆教授:“人造皮肤”疗烧伤 503

是你们创造了生命的奇迹 505

与时间赛跑的生命抢夺战——第二军医大学长海医院烧伤科全力抢救上海“11·15”火灾伤员 507

二医大全力救治上海“11·15”火灾伤员 508

中国工程院院士夏照帆——勇往直前探析烧伤机理 509

医者如花 馨芳生命——记中华医学会烧伤外科学分会主任委员、我院烧伤外科主任夏照帆教授 510

女将军,医伤又治心——中华医学会烧伤外科学分会主任委员夏照帆教授接受本报专访 514

烧伤病人有了永久“人造皮肤” 517

弘扬优良传统 展示天使风采——我院烧伤科全力以赴抢救特重烧伤病员 518

中国女博士“第一人” 520

还患者美丽人生——记烧伤专家夏照帆教授 521

她有一颗红亮的心——访烧伤科副主任夏照帆教授 523

救死扶伤 恪尽职守——长海医院烧伤科炎夏工作实录 524

强军兴院 呼唤旗帜领军 525

第六部分 人生风采 527

当兵的人 529

海外求学 531

临床救治 534

科研团队 536

国际交流 537

牢记使命 538

珍贵合影 540

重要时刻 541