
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Tristram G.Parslow等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:9787030165688
  • 页数:294 页
图书介绍:本教材以面向21世纪课程教材,龚非力主编的“医学免疫学”的内容和结构为蓝本,在“Medical Immunolgy”中进行相应的英文摘编。本教材主要包括三大内容:基础免疫学、临床免疫学、应用免疫学。


Section 1 Fundaments ofImmunology 1

Chapter 1 Immunity 1

Innate Immunity 1

Adaptive Immunity 2

Chapter 2 Immune Cells 3

Phagocytes 3

Lymphocytes 4

Antigen Presenting Cells 6

Chapter 3 Lymphoid Tissues and Organs 7

Primary Lymphoid Organs 7

Secondary(peripheral)Lymphoid Tissues and Organs 8

Lymphocyte Traffic and Recirculation 10

Chapter 4 Pathological Immunity and Immune Diseases 11

Section 2 Brief History and Prospect of Immunology 12

Chapter 1 Empirical Immunology 12

Chapter 2 Scientific Immunology 13

Discovery of Pathogens and Application of Vaccines 13

Discovery and Application of Antibodies 13

Cellular Immunity 14

Immunological Tolerance 15

Burnet's Clonal Selection Theory 15

Chapter 3 Modern Immunology 16

Diversity of Antigen Receptors 16

Discovery of Signal Transduction Pathway 16

Discovery of Programmed Cell Death 17

Hematogenesis and Development of Immune Cells 17

Immunological Application 18

Prospect of Immunology 19


Section 3 Antigen 20

Chapter 1 Properties of Antigen 20

Chapter 2 Characteristics of Antigen 20

Specificity 20

Foreignness 22

Chapter 3 Factors Influencing Immunogenicity 22

Physicochemical Properties of Antigens 23

Effect of Host 23

Mode of Contact 23

Chapter 4 Classification of Antigens 24

TD-Ag and TI-Ag 24

Classification Based on Relationship with Host 25

Chapter 5 Non-specific Stimulators 25

Super Antigen 25

Adjuvant 25

Mitogen 26

Section 4 Immunoglobulins 28

Chapter 1 Organization of Immunoglobulins 28

Molecular Structure of Immunoglobulins 28

J Chain and Secretory Component 31

Enzymatic Digestion Products of Immunoglobulins 31

Chapter 2 Immunoglobulin Classes and Subclasses 33

Immunoglobulin Classes,Subclasses and Types 33

Isotypes,Allotypes and Idiotypes of Immunoglobulins 34

Chapter 3 Biological Activities of Immunoglobulins 35

Activities of Variable Regions 35

Activities of Constant Regions 35

Chapter 4 Biological Properties and Functions of Immunoglobulin Classes 36

IgG 36

IgA 37

IgM 37

IgD 37

IgE 38

Chapter 5 Antibody Technology 38

Section 5 The Complement System 41

Chapter 1 Introduction 41

Component of Complement System 41

Nomenclature 41

Chapter 2 Pathways of Complement Activation 42

Classical Pathway 42

The Lectin Pathway 46

Alternative Pathway 47

Terminal Sequence and the Membrane Attack Complex 47

Chapter 3 Regulation of Complement System Activation 48

Self-regulation 48

Fluid-Phase Regulator 49

Solid-Phase Regulator 49

Chapter 4 Biological Consequences of Complement Activation 50

Cell Lysis 50

Opsonization and Phagocytosis 50

Viral Neutralization 50

Inflammation 50

Regulation of Cells 51

Clearance of Immune Complex 52

Section 6 Cytokines 53

Chapter 1 Introduction 53

Chapter 2 Classification and Biological Activities of Cytokines 55

Interleukins 55

Tumor Necrosis Factor 56

Interferon 57

Hematopoietic Colony-Stimulating Factors 59

Transforming Growth Factor 60

Chemokines 61

Chapter 3 Cytokine Receptors 62

IL-1 Receptor 64

TNF-α Receptors 64

IL-2 Receptor 64

Chemokine Receptor 65

Chapter 4 Clinical Application 65

Section 7 Major Histocompatible Complex 66

Chapter 1 Structure and Genetics of MHC 66

Classical MHC Gene Complex 66

MHC Molecules 67

Other MHC Genes 69

Chapter 2 MHC Polymorphism 69

Concept of Polymorphism 69

Linkage Disequilibrium and Haplotype 70

Generation and Significance of MHC Polymorphism 71

Chapter 3 Peptide-MHC Interaction 71

Molecular Basis 71

Characteristics 72

Chapter 4 HLA and Clinical Medicine 73

HLA and Graft Rejection 73

HLA Related-Diseases 74

HLA and Diseases 75

Section 8 Leukocyte Differentiation Antigens and Adhesion Molecules 76

Chapter 1 Leukocyte Differentiation Antigens 76

Concept of Leukocyte Differentiation Antigens 76

Concept of Cluster of Differentiation 76

Chapter 2 Cell Adhesion Molecules 76

Intergrin Family 77

Selectin Family 79

Immunoglobulin Superfamily 80

Functions of Cell Adhesion Molecules 80

Chapter 3 Clinical Application of CD Molecules,Cam and Monoclonal Antibodies Against CD Molecules and Cam 82

Elucidation of Pathogenesis 82

Diagnosis and Prognosis in Clinical Use 83

Prevention and Treatment for Diseases 83


Section 9 Hematopoietic Stem Cells 84

Chapter 1 Origin and Surface Markers of Hematopoietic Stem Cells 84

Origin of Hematopoietic Stem Cells 84

Surface Markers of Hematopoietic Stem Cells 84

Chapter 2 Differentiation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells 86

The Factors Affect Differentiation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells 86

Development of Lineage-Committed Progenitors 87

Section 10 Cells ofInnate Immunity 89

Chapter 1 Phase of Innate Immunity 89

Chapter 2 Cells of Innate Immunity 89

Epithelials 89

Phagocytes 90

Neutrophils 90

Mononuclear Phagocytes:the Monocyte-Macrophage System 94

NK Cells 96

γ:δ T Cells 96

B1 B Cells 98

NK T Cells 99

Chapter 3 Receptors of Innate Cells 99

Pattern-Recognition Receptors 99

Toll Like Receptors 100

Section 11 T Lymphocytes 101

Chapter 1 T Cell Ontogeny 101

Stages of Thymocyte Development 101

Positive and Negative Selection of Thymocytes 101

Chapter 2 Surface Proteins of T Lymphocytes 103

TCR-CD3 Complex 103

CD4 and CD8 Coreceptors 104

Costimulatory Molecules 104

Mitogen Receptors 105

Chapter 3 T Lymphocytes Subsets and Functions 106

Helper T Lymphocytes 106

Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes 107

Memory T Cells 107

Regulatory T Cells 108

Section 12 B Lymphocytes 109

Chapter 1 Development of B Lymphocytes 109

The B Cells Development in the Bone Marrow 109

The B Cells Maturation in Germinal Centers 110

Chapter 2 Surface Markers of B Lymphocytes 110

BCR Complex 110

Surrogate BCR Complex 111

Other Surface Markers 111

Chapter 3 Subsets and Functions of B Lymphocytes 112

B1 Cells and Their Functions 113

B2 Cells and Their Functions 113

Immune Regulation 114

Section 13 Organization and Diversity of Antigen Receptor Genes 115

Chapter 1 Structure of Antigen Receptor Genes 115

The Gene Structure of BCR 115

The Gene Structure of TCR 116

Chapter 2 Rearrangement of Antigen Receptor Genes 117

Chapter 3 The Diversity Antigen Receptor Genes 119

BCR 119

TCR 120


Section 14 Innate Immune Response 121

Chapter 1 Components Involved in Innate Immune Response 121

The Skin and the Mucosal Surfaces 121

Immune Cells Involved in Innate Immune Response 121

Humoral Proteins of Innate Immunity 122

Chapter 2 The Recognition Mechanism of Innate Immune Response 123

Pathogen Associated Molecular Pattersn(PAMPs) 123

Pattern Recognition Receptor(PRR) 124

Chapter 3 The Biological Significance of Innate Immune Response 124

Section 15 Antigen Presentation 126

Chapter 1 Antigen Presenting Cells 126

MPS 126

Antigen Processing and Presentation by Dendritic Cells 127

Antigen Processing and Presentation by B Lymphocytes 129

Chapter 2 Antigen Processing and Presentation 129

Processing of Exogenous and Endogenous Antigens 130

MHC and Antigen Processing and Presentation 133

CD1 Related Antigen Presentation 134

Section 16 T Cells Recognitions and Responses of Antigens 136

Chapter 1 T Cells Recognition of Antigens 137

Chapter 2 Signals for T Cells Activation 138

Stimulators of T Cells Activation 138

Double Signals for T Cells Activation 138

Chapter 3 Signal Transduction of T Cell Activation 140

Receptor Cross-Iinking 140

Cytoplamic Signaling by TCR 141

Chapter 4 Transcription Factor Activation and Gene Expression 143

Chapter 5 Functions of Effector T Cells 143

Functions of CD4+TH1 Cells 143

Functions of CD8+Cytotoxic T Cells 143

Section 17 B Cell Recognition and Response of Antigens 147

Chapter 1 B Cell Response to T Cell-Dependent Antigen 147

Clonal Selection and Antigen Recognition of B Cells 147

Signaling by BCR Complex and B Cell Coreceptors 147

Effects of TH Cells and Interaction Between TH and B Cells 149

Development and Differentiation of B Cells in Germinal Centers 151

Chapter 2 B Cell Response to T Cell-Independent-Antigen 156

B Cell Response to Type 1 of TI Antigens 156

B Cell Response to Type 2 of TI Antigens 157

Chapter 3 Rules of Antibody Production 158

Immunoglobulin Secretion 158

Primary and Secondary Response 158

Chapter 4 Mucosal Immune Response 159

Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue 159

Secretory Ig and Transcytosis 160

Section 18 Immunoregulation 161

Chapter 1 Role of Antigen,Antibody and Complement 161

Role of Antigen 161

Role of Antibody 161

Role of Complement 162

Chapter 2 Role of Signaling Components and Molecules 163

Role of Activating Signaling Components and Molecules 163

Role of Suppressing Signaling Components and Molecules 165

Chapter 3 Role of Cells 166

Role of T Cell Subtypes 166

Role of the Idiotypic Network 168

Role of Apoptosis 168

Chapter 4 Neuroendocrine Immune System Regulation 170

Role of Neuroendocrine System 170

Immunoregulation Among Population 171

Section 19 Immune Tolerance 172

Chapter 1 The Development and Representation of Immune Tolerance 173

Innate Tolerance 173

Acquired Tolerance 173

Chapter 2 Mechanisms of Immune Tolerance 174

Central Tolerance 175

Peripheral Tolerance 175

Chapter 3 Immune Tolerance and Clinical Medicine 178

Establishment and Maintenance of Immune Tolerance 178

Abrogation of Immune Tolerance 179


Section 20 Hypersensitivity 180

Chapter 1 Type Ⅰ Hypersensitivity 181

Component and Cells 181

Immune Pathogenesis 182

Type Ⅰ Hypersensitivity-Associated Diseases 184

Therapy for Type Ⅰ Hypersensitivity 186

Chapter 2 Type Ⅱ Hypersensitivity 186

Immune Pathogenesis 187

Type Ⅱ Hypersensitivity-Associated Diseases 187

Chapter 3 Type Ⅲ Hypersensitivity 190

Immune Pathogenesis 190

Type Ⅲ Hypersensitivity-Associated Diseases 191

Chapter 4 Type Ⅳ Hypersensitivity 192

Immune Pathogenesis 192

Diseases caused by Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity 193

Section 21 Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases 195

Chapter 1 Introduction 195

Autoimmunity 195

Autoimmune Disease 195

Classification 196

Characteristics 196

Chapter 2 Immunologic Pathogenesis and Typical Diseases 197

Autoantibodies Directly Mediated Tissue Damage 197

Autoantibodies Modulate Cell Function 197

Autoantibodies form Damaging Immune Complexes 197

Cell Mediated Immunity in Pathogenesis 198

Chapter 3 Factors in Development of Autoimmune 198

Autoantigens 199

Abnormal Immunoregulation 200

Abnormal Expression of Fas/FasL 201

Genetic Factors 201

Infections 202

Chapter 4 Treatment of Autoimmune Disease 203

Section 22 Immunodeficiency Diseases 205

Chapter 1 Introduction 205

Chapter 2 Primary/Congenital Immunodeficiency Diseases 205

Congenital B Cell Immunodeficiency Disorders 206

Congenital T Cell/Cellular Immunodeficiency Disorders 207

Combined Immunodeficiency Disorders 208

Complement Deficiencies 209

Phagocytic Defects 210

Chapter 3 Secondary Immunodeficiency 211

HIV and AIDS 211

Chapter 4 Treatment of Immunodeficiency 213

Section 23 Tumor Immunology 215

Chapter 1 Tumor Antigens 215

Classification by Specificity of Antigen 216

Classification by Origin and Nature of Antigen 217

Chapter 2 Mechanisms of Anti-tumor Effects 218

Cellular Immunity 218

Humoral Immunity 219

Chapter 3 Mechanisms of Tumor Escape 220

Tumor Cell-Associated Factors 220

Host Immune System-associated Factors 221

Chapter 4 Tumor Immunodiagnosis 221

Chapter 5 Tumor Immunotherapy 223

Cellular Immunotherapy 224

Humoral Immunotherapy 225

Tumor Vaccines 226

Section 24 Transplantation Immunology 227

Chapter 1 Immunologic Basis of Allograft Rejection 227

Attributes of Allograft Rejection 227

Target Antigens of Allograft Rejection 228

Cell Basis of Allograft Rejection 228

Recognition of Alloantigens 228

Chapter 2 Allograft Rejection Types and Mechanisms 230

HVGR 230

GVHR 233

Chapter 3 Prevention and Treatment of Allograft Rejection 233

Donor Selection 233

Immunosuppressive Agents 234

Specific Tolerance to Transplantation Antigens 236

Section 25 Immunodiagnosis 238

Chapter 1 Detection of Antigens and Antibodies 238

Principles of Antigen-Antibody Reaction 238

Detection ofAntigens and Antibodies 238

Chapter 2 Detection of Cellular Immunity 243

Lymphocyte Isolation and Phenotyping 243

Lymphocyte Function Assays 244

Phagocyte Function Assays 245

Chapter 3 Clinical Analysis of Immune System bv Molecular Genetic Techniques 246

Hybridization 246

Polymerase Chain Reaction 248

Genome Sequencing 248

Chapter 4 Application of Immunologic Tests 249

Selection and Evaluation of Immune-Tests 249

Clinical Application of Immune-Tests 250

Section 26 Immunotherapy 251

Chapter 1 Definition and Classification 251

Chapter 2 Molecular Immunotherapy 251

Molecular Vaccines 251

Antibody Immunotherapy 251

Cytokine Therapy 252

Microbe Antigen Vaccine 255

Chapter 3 Cellular Immunotherapy 255

Adoptive Immunotherapy 255

Stem Cells Transplantation 255

Chapter 4 BRMs and Immunosupressors 256

BRMs 256

Immunosupressor 257

Section 27 Immunoprevention 261

Chapter 1 Artificial Immunization 261

Artificial Active Immunization 261

Artificial Passive Immunization 263

P1anned Immunization 264

Chapter 2 Development of New Vaccines 265

Basic Requirements for Vaccines 266

Development of New Vaccines 266

Chapter 3 Application of Vaccines 267

Prevention of Infectious Diseases 267

Prevention of Tumor 267

Others 267

Appendix 269

English-Chinese Comparison 291