精品店Boutique cafe 9
The Coffee Academics 10
Holly Brown 18
Blue Mountain trip 27
惬意店Cozy cafe 29
amical 30
Crema Coffee 38
Soft Aroma 44
Accro Coffee 50
Barista Caffe 58
PREGIO by Barista Caffe 64
Espresso Alchemy 70
Brazil walk 79
个性店Trendy cafe 81
18 GRAMS 82
the cupping room 90
Unar Coffee Company 98
Salute to coffee farmers 107
达人店Specialty cafe 109
Knockbox Coffee Company x J'amine bien Patisserie 110
Rabbithole Coffee and Roaster 119
Mo's handmade coffee roasting equipments 126
另类店Alternative cafe 129
kapok (on sun street) 130
Caffe Essenza 137
Danes Gourmet Coffee 142
CENG (Coffee Engineering Limited) 148
Cafe Directory 156