
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:朱昌平主编;黄占宝副主编;王全瑞,刘宏,孙纪文编著
  • 出 版 社:银川:宁夏人民教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787807648147
  • 页数:198 页

地理和历史概况The Geography and History of Ningxia 1

地理概况/The Geography of Ningxia 2

悠久历史/The History of Ningxia 6

人口概况/The Population of Ningxia 12

行政区划/The Administrative Division 14

特色文化The Distinctive Culture of Ningxia 17

黄河文化/The Culture of the Yellow River 18

回族伊斯兰文化/The Islamic Culture of Hui People 22

西夏文明/The Western Xia Civilization 28

移民文化/The Immigration Culture 32

边塞文化/The Frontier Culture 36

丝路文化/The Culture of the Silk Road 38

宁夏旅游The Tourism in Ningxia 43

塞上江南/A Northern Region with Lush Southern Scenery 44

长城博物馆/The Great Wall Museum 46

银川玉皇阁/The Yinchuan Jade Emperor Pavilion 48

银川钟鼓楼/The Bell Tower and Drum Tower of Yinchuan 50

海宝塔寺/The Haibao Pagoda 52

承天寺塔/The Chengtian Temple Pogoda 54

南关清真寺/The Nanguan Mosque 56

苏峪口森林公园/The Suyukou National Forest Park 60

西夏王陵/The Western Xia Mausoleums 61

西部影视城/The West Film Studio 72

贺兰山/The Helan Mountains 78

贺兰山岩画/The Helan Mountain Rock Arts 82

滚钟口/The Gunzhongkou Pass 84

沙湖/The Sand-Lake 92

北武当庙/The North Wudang Temple 96

拜寺口双塔/The Baisikou Twin Pagodas 102

黄河古渡/The Ancient Ferry of the Yellow River 106

水洞沟遗址/The Ruins of the Shuidonggou Culture 110

兵沟旅游区/The Soldier Ditch Tourism Zone 112

纳家户清真寺/The Najiahu Mosque 114

108塔/The 108 Towers 116

黄河大峡谷/The Grand Canyon of the Yellow River 120

牛首山/The Ox-head Mountain 128

董府/The Dongs'Mansion 134

同心清真寺/The Tongxin Mosque 138

沙坡头/The Shapotou Desert 142

高庙/The Gaomiao Temple 146

须弥山石窟/The Xumishan Grottoes 152

黄河水车/The Yellow River Waterwheels 156

六盘山红军长征纪念亭/The Red Army's Long Marches Monument on the Liupan Mountain 158

固原博物馆/The Guyuan Museum 162

火石寨/The Flint Village 164

六盘山国家森林公园/The Liupan Mountains 166

海原大地震遗址/The Haiyuan Earthquake Site 168

名优特产The Superb Local Produce 173

枸杞/The Gouqi Berry 174

贺兰石/The Helan Stone 178

滩羊皮/The Tanyang Sheepskin 180

甘草/Licorice 182

珍珠米/Pearl Rice 183

风味饮食The Special Local Food 185

宁夏羊肉/The Mutton of Ningxia 186

宁夏面食/The Local Wheaten Food 188

八宝茶/ Eight-treasure Tea 189

清真全羊席/The Muslim All-Sheep Banquet 190

回民筵席十大碗/The TenLarge Bowls Feast of the Hui People 192

跋Postscript 194

后记General Postscript 197