
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:莫纪宏主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国政法大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787562052739
  • 页数:314 页

Preamble 1

Why Do We Need Constitutional Law?&Mo Jihong 1

Préambule 3

Pourquoi Avons-nous Besoin du Droit Constitutionnel?&Mo Jihong 3

Part Ⅰ Economic,Social and Cultural Rights 3

Right to Food and Safety of Food in China&Mo Jihong 3

Constitutional and Legal Protection of Cultural Rights in China&Mo Jihong Nie Xiushi 18

Who Pays the Bills for Women's Housework?A Human Rights Perspective&Dai Ruijun 35

One Kind of Actual Dilemma:Power of Deciding on A Holiday or Right to Rest and Leisure?&Tan Bo 47

Constitutional Assurance for Environmental Rights of Chinese Citizens&Yu Haixia 61

Part Ⅱ Constitutional Law and Human Rights 71

Constitutional Dimensions of Human Rights Protection&Zhang Yiqing 71

Reconstruction of the Pattern of Judicial Protection of Human Rights in China&Jiang Nancheng 90

The Protection and Restriction of Chinese Civil Right of Action&Wang Xiao 101

Research on the Guarantee Mechanism for the Guizhou Minority's Right to Education&Yu Junfeng 111

Problems Faced by China on the Protection of the Rights of Aliens and Basic Concepts for Its Future Approaches&Luo Yan 120

Actuality and Prospects of Judicial Guarantee of Human Rights in China&Liu xiaomei 135

Part Ⅲ International Law and Human Rights 151

On the Application of Theory of State Responsibility in the International Human Rights Law&Wang Zhenjun 151

Rights of Non-Citizens:From International Law to Constitutions&Dai Ruijun 165

International Terrorist Threats against China and Their Challenges to China's Constitutionalized Foreign Policies&Luo Yan 181

Part Ⅳ Constitutional Law and Constitutional Functions 197

The Function of Constitutional Amendment in Transitional Society&Zhai Guoqiang 197

On the Problems Arising from the Abuse of the Admin-istrative Emergency Power and the Solution thereof&Wang Zhenjun 206

The Role of the Power of Police and Its Regulation in China&Zheng Xi 224

On the Significance and Function of Emergency Clause of the Constitution to Anti-Terrorism——Problems and Improvement of Emergency Clause of Chinese Constitution from the Perspective of Anti-Terrorism&Wang Zhenjun 269

The Application of WTO Rules in Chinese Courts:Improvements through Judicial Interpretation?&Han Bing 287

Constitutional Order:Meta-order of International Community——Analysis of Concepts and Relations of Domestic and International Constitutional Orders from Three Perspectives&Zhang Yiqing 305