《英语四级写作速成 修订本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:贺哲编著;周忠杰主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7562807655
  • 页数:205 页

第一部分 作文全真试题分析 1

卷一An Early Morning Walk 2

卷二Women in the Modern World 8

卷三Bicycle—an Important Means of Transport in China 15

卷四Is Failure a Bad Thing? 20

卷五Can Money Buy Happiness? 26

卷六Advantages of a Job Interview 32

卷七The Two-day Weekend 37

卷八Global shortage of Fresh Water 43

第二部分 写作基础 50

一、一致性(Unity) 50

二、连贯性(Coherence) 58

三、过渡(Transition) 62

1.连接词和连接用词语 62

2.关键词的重复 63

3.同义词的使用 63

4.代词的使用 64

5.平行结构的使用 65

四、写作方法(Writing Method) 71

1.举例法 72

2.比较法 74

3.分类法 79

4.因果法 81

5.定义法 84

6.叙述法 88

7.描述法 90

8.过程分析法 93

五、文章体裁(Types of Writing) 97

1.记叙文 97

2.描写文 101

3.说明文 102

4.议论文 103

六、结构安排(Planning) 108

七、应试提示(Tips on the Composition) 113

1.给出段首(尾)句作文 114

2.给出题目及中文提纲作文 116

3.给出题目作文 119

4.看图表作文 120

5.给出关键词作文 123

6.根据情景作文 125

八、语法技巧(Grammar Skills) 127

1.定语从句 127

2.分词及分词短语 129

3.同位语 132

4.独立结构 136

5.从属结构 139

6.并列结构 143

7.名词替代 148

第三部分 模拟试题 152

Topic 1 Small Kindness 152

Topic 2 Opportunity and Success 152

Topic 3 Advertisements 152

Topic 4 Good Study Habits 153

Topic 5 Crisis 153

Topic 6 English Corner 153

Topic 7 The Ocean—Man’s Last Great Resources 154

Topic 8 Man Is to Survive 154

Topic 9 Automobiles 155

Topic 10 Are Part-time Jobs Beneficial to College Students? 156

Topic 11 The Total Amount of China’s Import and Export 156

Topic 12 The Research on the Pizza Business in U.S. 157

Topic 13 The Payroll of L.T.D.Inc 158

Topic 14 All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy 158

Topic 15 Rome Was Not Built in a Day 159

Topic 16 Route to Success 159

Topic 17 Preventing Pollution 159

Topic 18 The Place of Science and Technology in Modern Life 160

Topic 19 English Learning 160

Topic 20 Computer—A Companion of Man 160

Topic 21 Prospects for the 21st Century 161

Topic 22 Project Hope 161

Topic 23 On English Teaching Methods 161

Topic 24 Do you Have Enough Sleep? 161

Topic 25 The Changing Standards of a Good Student 161

附录 参考答案 162