
  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:叶明昌主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787509177655
  • 页数:506 页

第一部分 奋斗历程 1

血液学王国的领军人 苏州系列单抗缔造者 3

第二部分 学术贡献 31

一、阮长耿院士的学术成就与学术思想 33

二、阮长耿院士的主要学术论文 43

Monoclonal Antibody to Human Platelet Glycoprotein I 43

A Murine Antiglycoprotein I b Complex Monoclonal Antibody,SZ 2, Inhibits Platelet Aggregation Induced by Both Ristocetin and Collagen 49

Glycoprotein I b and Glycoprotein Ⅸ are Fully Complexed in the Intact Platelet Membrane 60

Inhibition Effects of KRDS,a Peptide Derived from Lactotransferrin,on Platelet Function and Arterial Thrombus Formation in Dogs 65

Increase in Plasma Thrombomodulin and Decrease in Plasma Von Willebrand Factor after Regular Radiotherapy of Patients with Cancer 69

Thrombomodulin as a Marker of Radiation-Induced Endothelial Cell Injury 74

Detection of Plasma Alpha-Granule Membrane Protein GMP-140 Using Radiolabeled Monoclonal Antibodies in Thrombotic Diseases 80

Radioimmunoimaging of Experimental Arterial and Venous Thrombi in Dogs with 99 Tc m-Labelled Monoclonal Anti-Activated Platelet Antibody SZ-51 86

Differential Effects of New Breviscapine on Arachidonic Acid Metabolisms in Blood Cells and in Endothelial Cells 91

Identification of a Nonsense Mutation at Amino Acid 584-Arginine of Platelet Glycoprotein Ⅱ b in Patients with Type I Glanzmann Thrombasthenia 94

Defibrotide Stimulates Expression of Thrombomodulin in Human Endothelial Cells 102

Preparation of an Antifibrin Thrombus-specific Murine/Human Chimeric Monoclonal Antibody Fab Fragment in Escherichia coli 107

Construction and Expression of Mouse-human Chimeric Antibody SZ-51 Specific for Activated Platelet P-selectin 112

A Recombinant Antibody-Targeted Plasminogen-Activator with High Affinity for Activated Platelets Increases Thrombolytic Potency in Vitro and in Vivo 119

The Sma I Polymorphism in the von Willebrand Factor Gene Associated with Acute Ischemic Stroke 127

Studies on Reference Intervals for Platelet Counts in Three Cities in China and one in Japan 132

Expression and Characterization of the ScFv Fragment of Antiplatelet Gp Ⅲ a Monoclonal Antibody SZ-21 137

Generation and Characterization of Recombinant Single Chain Fv Antibody that Recognizes Platelet Glycoprotein Iba 144

P-selectin -targeting of the Fibrin Selective Thrombolytic Desmodus Rotundus Salivary Plasminogen Activator αl 152

Alteration of ADAMTS13 Antigen Levels in Patients with Idiopathic Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 163

Two Novel Monoclonal Antibodies to VWFA3 Inhibit VWF-collagen and VWF-platelet Interactions 165

Circulating Dendritic Cells Subsets and CD4+ Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells in Adult Patients with Chronic ITP before and after Treatment with High-dose Dexamethasome 174

Effects of von Willebrand Factor Concentration and Platelet Collision on Shear-induced Platelet Activation 181

Thrombospondin-1 and ADAMTS13 Competitively Bind to VWF A2 and A3 Domains in Vitro 192

A Conformation-Sensitive Monoclonal Antibody against the A2 Domain of von Willebrand Factor Reduces Its Proteolysis by ADAMTS13 199

Development of an ELISA Method for Testing VWF Ristocetin Cofactor Activity with Improved Sensitivity and Reliability in the Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease 209

The WXXW Motif in the TSR1 of ADAMTS13 is Important for Its Secretion and Proteolytic Activity 216

Simvastatin Increases ADAMTS13 Expression in Podocytes 224

A Novel Fibrinogen B Beta Chain Frameshift Mutation Causes Congenital Afibrinogenaemia 231

Anti-human VWF Monoclonal Antibody SZ-123 Prevents Arterial Thrombus Formation by Inhibiting VWF-collagen and VWF-platelet Interactions in Rhesus Monkeys 239

三、阮长耿院士的主要学术著作 250

临床病例会诊与点评——血液病分册 250

现代血液病诊断治疗学 263

血液学现代理论与临床实践 275

血栓与止血——基础理论与临床(第2版) 289

血栓与止血——现代理论和临床实践 326

血小板——基础与临床 341

四、阮长耿院士的部分讲话和文章 359

奋发攻关 振兴中华 359

为祖国为人民发奋攻关 364

加强临床与基础的协作 366

严谨求实——北大百年校庆有感 367

五、阮长耿院士学术年表 369

阮长耿院士中文论文目录 369

阮长耿院士主要外文论文目录 411

阮长耿院士著作目录 421

阮长耿院士主要科研成果目录 422

阮长耿院士获得的专利目录 423

阮长耿院士主要的荣誉称号 424

阮长耿院士参加国际学术会议的重要发言 428

第三部分 治学之道 429

奋发攻关——记阮长耿在法国研究血小板生理机制获得重大成就 431

为祖国服务——市劳动模范、优秀讲师阮长耿同志的先进事迹 433

为战胜心血管脑血管疾病开辟新路——阮长耿在国外研究血小板生理机制取得突破,以杰出的成绩获得了法国医学生物学国家博士学位 436

发奋攻难关 一载胜三年——记北大毕业生、苏州医学院讲师阮长耿 438

阮长耿院士与“烛缸精神” 441

阮长耿:严谨求实作学问 442

第四部分 大师风范 447

一个医疗、科研和造就人才的中心 449

三十周年感言摘录 450

办法总是人想出来的——血栓室给我的美好回忆和启示 451

授人以欲 桃李天下 452

血栓室是我事业的起点 453

博士求学时的点滴往事 454

人生宝贵的财富 455

80后学生眼中的阮院士 456

第五部分 社会影响 457

攀登学术巅峰之路 459

我的事业在中国——阮长耿同志事迹介绍 464

为了揭开形成血栓之谜——访苏州医学院阮长耿副教授 469

阮长耿开辟血液研究新领域 471

来自法兰西的殊荣——苏州医学院院士阮长耿受勋记 472

把一腔热血贡献给祖国——记省劳模、苏州医学院院长阮长耿 473

站在国际学术的前沿——记中国工程院院士、共产党员阮长耿 475

阮长耿院士当选中华医学会血液学分会主委在江苏省尚属首次 476

阮长耿:顶天立地创新发展 477

阮长耿院士再获殊荣 479

“中国血小板之父”阮长耿:就想让每个人的血液都健康 480

阮长耿——苏州系列单抗之父 483

阮长耿——仁心仁术的血液学专家 486

第六部分 人生风采 489