Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Definition of Code-switching 2
1.2 Research Topic,Questions and Aims 6
1.3 Research Rationale 8
1.3.1 Interpersonal Meaning Construction via CS 8
1.3.2 A Socio-cognitive Perspective 9
1.4 Scope and Structure of the Book 13
Chapter 2 Literature Review of Code-switching 17
2.1 Sociolinguistic Studies on Code-switching 18
2.1.1 Gumperz's Tradition of CS Studies 19
2.1.2 Myers-Scotton's Seminal Work on CS 27
2.1.3 Conversation Analytic Approaches to Code-switching 37
2.2 Grammatical Treatment of Code-switching 43
2.2.1 Poplack et al's work on CS 43
2.2.2 MacSwan et al's Studies of CS 46
2.2.3 The Matrix Language Frame Model 47
2.3 Psycholinguistic Explorations of Code-switching 56
2.3.1 Giles'Speech Accommodation Theory 56
2.3.2 Grosjean's Guest Word Recognization Model 58
2.4 Summary 60
Chapter 3 A Socio-cognitive Framework of Code-switching 64
3.1 Theoretical Foundations for the Forthcoming Model 65
3.1.1 Vygotskian Social Constructionism 65
3.1.2 The"Encyclopaedic"View of Meaning 69
3.1.3 Bandura's Reciprocal Determinism 71
3.2 Theoretical Elements to be Integrated into the Model 74
3.2.1 The MC/EC Distinction 75
3.2.2 Profiling 79
3.2.3 Context 84
3.3 A Suggested Model of IMC via CS 89
3.3.1 Hypothesis of IMC via CS 90
3.3.2 Three Stages of IMC via CS 94
3.3.3 Three Principles in IMC of Code-switching 103
3.4 A Specific Illustration for the Model 113
3.5 A Classification of CS'Interpersonal Functions 117
3.6 Summary 120
Chapter 4 Stance Positioning vja Code-switching 122
4.1 Introduction 122
4.2 Adopting Epistemic Stance via CS 126
4.2.1 Concealing Taboo topics via CS 127
4.2.2 Commitment Displaying via CS 138
4.2.3 Distancing via CS 141
4.2.4 Disaligning with the addressee via CS 153
4.3 Positioning Affective Stance via CS 155
4.3.1 Positive Stance Profiling via CS 156
4.3.2 Negative Stance Profiling via CS 162
4.4 Summary 175
Chapter 5 Relationship Scaling via Code-switching 177
5.1 Introduction 177
5.2 Distance Scaling via CS 182
5.2.1 Closeness-Profiling via CS 183
5.2.2 Remoteness-Profiling via CS 193
5.3 Status Scaling via CS 203
5.3.1 Power Profiling via CS 203
5.3.2 Solidarity Profiling via CS 216
5.4 Summary 224
Chapter 6 Identity Negotiating via Code-switching 226
6.1 Introduction 226
6.2 Identity Profiling via CS 230
6.2.1 Ethnic Identity Profiling via CS 233
6.2.2 Political Identity Profiling via CS 241
6.2.3 Occupational Identity Profiling via CS 244
6.2.4 Relational Identity Profiling via CS 247
6.3 Identity Fusing via CS 250
6.3.1 Identity Integrating via CS 251
6.3.2 Identity Mismatching via CS 255
6.3.3 Identity Shifting via CS 259
6.4 Summary 265
Chapter 7 Conclusions 267
7.1 Major Points of the Present Research 267
7.2 The Implications of the Present Research 268
7.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 270
Bibliography 272
Index 294
Postscript 295