
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:杨健梅,温宗全总主编;胡骏分册主编
  • 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787564319038
  • 页数:305 页

Unit 1 Universe 1

Focus 1

Text A A Universe Stranger Than We Can't Imagine 2

Reading Skills Preparing for TEM 4:General Skills 7

Text B Life,the Universe and Everything 9

Text C 15

2012 Apocalypse 15

Jerusalem UFO"Almost Certainly a Hoax" 18

The Red Planet 20

Test Preparation 22

Reading for Fun 27

Unit 2 Philosophy 29

Focus 29

Text A Philosophy:Who Needs It? 31

Reading Skills Preparing for TEM 4:Word Formation 37

Text B What Makes People Unhappy? 40

Text C 47

What Is Philosophy? 47

Life of Plato 49

Wu Hsing:the Five Material Agents 51

Model Test 52

Reading for Fun 57

Unit 3 Energy 60

Focus 60

Text A If Green's So Great...? 62

Reading Skills Preparing for TEM 4:Summary of the Main Structures in EST 72

Text B Food Bubble Collapse Threatens Survival of Human Civilization 73

Text C 79

Solar Power Emergency 79

Elephant Dung to Power Green Energy Plans at Paignton Zoo 81

How Hybrid Cars Work 82

Model Test 84

Reading for Fun 89

Unit 4 Art 92

Focus 92

Text A Aesthetic Commentary:Post-Postmodern Art 94

Picasso's Blue Period 100

Reading Skills Figures of Speech(1):Comparison and Contrast 101

Text B Graffiti 102

Text C 108

Chinese Seals 108

Chinese Shadow Puppetry 109

Chinese Embroidery 111

Model Test 117

Reading for Fun 122

Unit 5 Artificial Intelligence 124

Focus 124

Text A Rise of the Robots—The Future of Artificial Intelligence 126

Reading Skills Preparing for TEM4:Numerical Expressions in EST 133

Text B How Driverless Cars Will Work 134

Text C 141

Next Generation Surgical Robots:Where's the Doctor? 141

RoboCup 2010:Could Robot versus Human Be Far Behind? 143

Microsoft Bets on Gesture over Touch 146

Model Test 148

Reading for Fun 152

Unit 6 Politics 155

Focus 155

Text A Obama Acceptance Speech 156

Reading Skills Figures of Speech(2):Parallelism,Repetition,Climax and Antithesis 162

Text B 6 Things You Won't Believe Can Brainwash You On Election Day 164

Text C 170

A Breast-Feeding Plan Mixes Partisan Reactions 170

Intemet,Mobile at Forefront of Election Coverage 172

Urban League Study Focuses on Plight of African Americans 173

Test Preparation 175

Reading for Fun 181

Unit 7 New Technology 184

Focus 184

Text A Human-Motion Detection-Nanotechnology Takes Interactivity to a New Level 185

Reading Skills Preparing for TEM 4:Reading Strategies for Different Genres 191

Text B 10 Profound Innovations Ahead 192

Text C 199

Loving and Hating the iPad 199

Students Inventing the Future 201

How Nanotechnology Works 203

Model Test 205

Reading for Fun 210

Unit 8 Economy 213

Focus 213

Text A How Asia's Binge Shoppers Will Help the West 214

Reading Skills Use Diagrams to Summarize and Analyze the Text 220

Text B On the Natural Progress of Opulence 221

Text C 226

The Confucian Consumer 226

No Bubbles in Beijing 228

Why Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Were Right 230

Model Test 232

Reading for Fun 236

Unit 9 Metaphysics 240

Focus 240

Text A Feng-shui and Housing 241

Reading Skills Preparing for TEM 4:Question Types 249

Text B Zodiac Signs VS.Constellations 251

Text C 258

How to Read Palms 258

Welcome to the Zodiac,Ophiuchus.But Who Are You? 260

Chinese Astrology:More than 12 Animals 262

Model Test 266

Reading for Fun 270

Unit 10 Genetic Engineering 273

Focus 273

Text A American Judges,European Citizens—and the Vatican:It's NO to GE! 274

Reading skills Preparing for TEM 4:Debate 281

Text B Ethical Dangers of Genetic Engineering 283

Text C 288

Fancy a Cat Clone? 288

Gods and Monsters 291

Pig Welfare VS Human Rights 293

Model Test 297

Reading for Fun 302