
  • 购买积分:18 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:程京主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787509177532
  • 页数:602 页

第一部分 奋斗历程 1

程京的中国芯——程京院士自传 3

程京院士小传 9

第二部分 学术贡献 11

一、程京院士的学术成就与学术思想 13

二、程京院士的主要学术论文 16

The Extraction and Classification of Dyes from Cotton Fibres Using Different Solvent Systems 16

Glycerol-enhanced Separation of DNA Fragments in Entangled Solution Capillary Electrophoresis 23

Polymerase Chain Reaction Heteroduplex Polymorphism Analysis by Entangled Solution Capillary Electrophoresis 30

Chip PCR.Ⅰ.Surface Passivation of Microfabricated Silicon-glass Chips、for PCR 38

Chip PCR.Ⅱ.Investigation of Different PCR Amplification Systems in Microfabricated Silicon-glass Chips 44

Diagnosis of Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy and Quantitative Identification of Carrier Status by Use of Entangled Solution Capillary Electrophoresis 52

The Use of Capillary Electrophoresis for Point-mutation Screening 61

Sample Preparation in Microstructured Devices 74

Integrated Cell Isolation and Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis Using Silicon Microfiltrer Chambers 85

Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primed-polymerase Chain Reaction and Capillary Electrophoretic Analysis of Human DNA on Microchip-based Devices 91

Isolation of Cultured Cervical Carcinoma Cells Mixed with Peripheral Blood Cells on a Bioelectronic Chip 98

Preparation and Hybridization Analysis of DNA/RNA from E.coli on Microfabricated Bioelectronic Chips 105

Response of Gene Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Amphoteriein B and Nystatin Measured by Microarrays 115

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination Assisted by Improved Base Stacking Hybridization Using Oligonucleotide Microarrays 127

Preparation of Steroid Antibodies and Parallel Detection of Multianabolic Steroid Abuse with Conjugated Hapten Microarray 134

Negative Dielectrophoretic Force Assisted Construction of Ordered Neuronal Networks on Cell Positioning Bioelectronic Chips 142

The Design and Application of DNA Chips for Early Detection of SARS-CoV from Clinical Samples 157

Parallel Profiling of Active Transcription Factors Using an Oligonucleotide Array-based Transcription Factor Assay (OATFA) 167

Genomic Analysis of Anti-hepatitis B Virus(HBV) Activity by Small Interfering RNA and Lamivudine in Stable HBV-producing Cells 175

The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) Project Shows Inter- and Intraplatform Reproducibility of Gene Expression Measurements 191

Protein Chips for High-throughput Doping Screening in Athletes 207

Multiplex Asymmetric PCR-based Oligonucleotide Microarray for Detection of Drug Resistance Genes Containing Single Mutations in Enterobacteriaceae 211

Use of a DNA Microarray for Simultaneous Detection of Antibiotic Resistance Genes among Staphylococcal Clinical Isolates 222

Construction of a Multiplex Allele-specific PCR-based Universal Array (ASPUA) and its Application to Hearing Loss Screening 234

Distinctive MicroRNA Profiles Relating to Patient Survival in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 246

Analysis of the Sensitivity and Frequency Characteristics of Coplanar Electrical Cell-substrate Impedance Sensors 256

Novel High-throughput Profiling of Human Transcription Factors and its Use for Systematic Pathway Mapping 266

Broad Profiling of DNA-binding Transcription Factor Activities Improves Regulatory Network Construction in Adult Mouse Tissues 281

Quantitative Fluorescence Correction Incorporating Forster Resonance Energy Transfer and its Use for Measurement of Hybridization Efficiency on Microarrays 295

Real-time,Label-free Monitoring of the Cell Cycle with a Cellular Impedance Sensing Chip 303

Integration of Sperm Motility and Chemotaxis Screening with a Microchannel-based Device 312

The MicroArray Quality Control(MAQC)Ⅱ Study of Common Practices for the Development and Validation of Microarray-based Predictive Models 321

Integration of Single Oocyte Trapping,in vitro Fertilization and Embryo Culture in a Microwell-structured Microfluidic Device 343

MicroRNAs-372/373 Promote the Expression of Hepatitis B Virus Through the Targeting of Nuclear Factor I/B 352

Validation of a Mobile Phone-assisted Microarray Decoding Platform for Signal-enhanced Mutation Detection 366

Biochips for Translational Medicine 375

A Microfluidic Device with Passive Air-bubble Valves for Real-time Measurement of Dose-dependent Drug Cytotoxicity through Impedance Sensing 377

MicroRNA-133b is a Key Promoter of Cervical Carcinoma Development through the Activation of the ERK and AKT1 Pathways 383

Use of Cellular Electrical Impedance Sensing to Assess in vitro Cytotoxicity of Anticancer Drugs in a Human Kidney Cell Nephrotoxicity Model 395

Construction of a Novel Oligonucleotide Array-based Transcription Factor Interaction Assay Platform and its Uses for Profiling STAT1 Cofactors in Mouse Fibroblast Cells 405

A Rapid Automatic Processing Platform for Bead Label-assisted Microarray Analysis:Application for Genetic Hearing-loss Mutation Detection 415

三、程京院士的主要学术著作 425

Capillary Electrophoresis of Nucleic Acids 425

Biochip Technology 433

生物芯片:生命信息CPU 435

生物芯片技术 443

四、程京院士学术年表 445

程京院士论文目录 445

程京院士著作目录 461

程京院士国际和国内发明专利目录 464

科研成果奖目录 488

荣誉奖项目录 490

第三部分 大师风范 493

读书期间的回顾和感言 495

同一屋檐下 496

学术的导师,人生的楷模 499

我眼中的程老师 502

成长的蜕变 505

记忆中程老师的点点滴滴 506

念奴娇·毕业感言 508

“严谨细致”成就精彩人生——观《程京:小芯片书写大人生》有感 509

一种全新基因突变检测芯片的研究及在耳聋筛查中的应用 511

人源转录因子芯片的构建及在信号通路系统筑图中的应用 512

研制并利用神经芯片研究神经网络活动中的时空模式 513

小鼠组织特异性转录调控网络的构建 514

细胞内的miRNA参与调控乙型肝炎病毒表达的研究 515

构建通用磁珠解码芯片平台并应用于遗传性耳聋检测 516

MiR-133b在宫颈癌发生与发展中的作用研究 517

精子健康评价与体外受精芯片系统的开发与应用 518

用于精子筛选及体外受精的微流控芯片的构建及应用 519

用于药物开发与评价的细胞芯片平台的构建 520

用于精子健康评价与筛选的微流控芯片系统的构建与应用 521

第四部分 社会影响 523

写在生物芯片上的人生——记北京博奥生物芯片公司总裁程京博士 525

美国《时代》:中国能成为创新中心吗? 530

生物科技的“中国芯” 532

程京:活跃的中国生物芯片领域 535

程京:中国生物芯片探路者 539

让生物芯片见证中国“加速度” 543

程京“小”芯片 书写“大”人生 551

人类健康的侦察兵 557

管理创新要跟上 559

程京:“芯”人问政 560

什么拖了“中国创造”后腿 563

程京:被“续挂”的党外代表人士 566

健康产业发展的历史与未来——访中国工程院院士程京 568

程京:用心缔造“中国芯” 572

中国工程院院士程京:中国梦根植于健康梦 577

部分新闻宣传报道列表 579

第五部分 人生风采 585

成长历程 588

海外深造 589

归国创业 591

教书育人 593

学术交流 595

实至名归 598

社会责任 600