《爱玛穿越中国 成语篇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李娜,李锦青,孙兰编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:华语教学出版社
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:9787513814737
  • 页数:162 页

引子 1

1.心有灵犀 7

2.亡羊补牢,为时未晚 11

3.闻鸡起舞 18

4.望子成龙 27

5.为什么是“买东西”而不是“买南北”? 35

6.郑人买履 40

7.“二百五”的由来 48

8.叶公好龙 55

9.九牛二虎之力 65

10.画龙点睛 74

11.画蛇添足 78

12.井底之蛙 84

13.半途而废 91

14.自相矛盾 95

尾声 104

后记 106

Prologue 109

1.Be able to read each other’s mind 112

2.It’snever toolate tomend 114

3.Rise at the rooster crow and practice swordsmanship 117

4.Long for one’s child to become a dragon 121

5.Why do people say “to buy 东西” but not “to buy 南北 ”? 125

6.A man from Zheng State buying shoes 128

7.The origin of 二百五 132

8.Lord Ye loves the dragon 135

9.The strength of nine bulls and two tigers 140

10.Dot the eyeballs in painting a dragon 145

11.Draw a snake and add feet to it 147

12.The frog in a well 150

13.Give up halfway 153

14.Use one’s shield to ward off one’s spear 155

Epilogue 159

Afterword 160