
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:冯进来,李娇娜,刘杰秀编著;申家年主审
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国石化出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787511445469
  • 页数:278 页

Part Ⅰ Geology 3

Chapter 1 Basic Geology 3

1.1 Structure of Earth 3

1.2 The Geologic Time Scale 5

1.3 The Three Main Classes of Rocks 11

Chapter 2 Tectonic Geology 44

2.1 The Tectonic Movement of the Earth's Crust 44

2.2 The Folded Forms of Bedding 48

2.3 Faults 52

2.4 Sequence stratigraphy 55

Chapter 3 Petroleum Geology 60

3.1 The Physical and Chemical Properties of Petroleum 60

3.2 The Essential Conditions of Formation of Oil Reservoir 65

3.3 Migration 67

3.4 The trap 73

3.5 Fundamental Types of Petroliferous Basin 76

3.6 Permeability and Porosity 80

Part Ⅱ Petroleum and Natural Gas Geochemistry 89

Chapter 1 Production and Accumulation of Organic Matter 89

1.1 Photosynthesis—The Basis for Mass Production of Organic Matter 89

1.2 The Main Types of Organism 91

1.3 Primary Biological Productivity of Modern Aquatic Environments 93

1.4 Chemical Composition of the Biomass 94

1.5 Sedimentary Processes and the Accumulation of Organic Matter 97

Chapter 2 Composition and Type of Kerogen 101

2.1 General Definition of Kerogen 101

2.2 Compositon of Kerogen 103

2.3 General Structure of Kerogen 105

2.4 Type of Kerogen 106

Chapter 3 Evolution of Kerogen 109

3.1 From Kerogen to Petroleum 109

3.2 General Scheme of Petroleum Formation 118

3.3 Current Major Advancements in Modern Petroleum Formation 120

Chapter 4 Geochemical Fossils and Their Significance in Petroleum Formation 126

4.1 Geochemical Fossils(Biological Markers) 126

4.2 n-Alkanes and n-Fatty Acids 127

4.3 Acyclic Isoprenoids 130

4.4 Steroids and Terpenoids 132

4.5 Aromatics 133

4.6 Oxygen and Nitrogen Compounds 134

4.7 Biomarkers in petroleum and earth history 134

Chapter 5 The Composition and Classification of Crude Oils and Natural Gas 137

5.1 Composition of Crude Oil 137

5.2 Classification of Crude Oils 140

5.3 Geochemical Characteristics of Natural Gas 144

Chapter 6 Petroleum Alteration 150

6.1 Thermal Alteration 150

6.2 Deasphalting 152

6.3 Biodegradation and Water Washing 153

6.4 Gravity Segregation 156

Chapter 7 Source Rock Evaluation 159

7.1 Amount of Organic Matter 159

7.2 Type of Organic Matter 161

7.3 Maturation of the Organic Matter 167

7.4 Conclusions on Characterization of Potential Source Rocks 174

Chapter 8 Reservoir Geochemistry 177

8.1 Fundamentals 178

8.2 Samples and methods 182

8.3 Results and Interpretation 185

8.4 NSOs:new directions in reservoir geochemistry 188

8.5 Assessment of Migration Volumes:Oil-Water-Rock Interaction 192

8.6 Petroleum Migration-Accumulation and Reservoired History Study 194

8.7 Summary and Conclusions 196

Part Ⅲ Geochemistry 205

Chapter 1 Origin and the Solar System Abundance of Elements 205

1.1 Origin of the Elements 205

1.2 Solar System Abundance of Elements 211

Chapter 2 Trace Element Geochemistry 216

2.1 Introduction 216

2.2 What is a Trace Element? 217

2.3 Goldschmidt's Classification 218

2.4 The Rare Earth Elements and Y 219

Chapter 3 Isotope geochemistry 221

3.1 Introduction 221

3.2 Stable Isotope Geochemistry 222

3.3 Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry 226

Part Ⅳ Environmental Geochemistry 231

Chapter 1 The Impact of Petroleum,Petroleum production and Petroleum Products on the Environment 231

1.1 Introduction 231

1.2 Petroleum Chemical Composition 233

1.3 Petroleum Exploration,Production,and Processing 235

1.4 Petroleum Transportation and Storage 237

Chapter 2 Environmental Quality Monitor and Evaluation 240

2.1 Field Methods in Regional Geochemical Surveys 240

2.2 Sampling Methods for Site Characterization 243

Chapter 3 Environment of China 247

3.1 Present situation of environmental pollution of China 247

3.2 Environment and People's Health in China 251

Part Ⅴ A General Introduction of the Translation Skills in EST 265

Chapter 1 General Introduction to EST Translation(科技英语翻译概论) 265

Chapter 2 Translation Skills of EST(科技英语翻译技巧) 271

References 278