
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赵明主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:7040348125
  • 页数:304 页

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 History of Chemistry 2

1.2 Chemistry in Medicine 3

1.3 Measurement of Matter:the SI Unit 7

1.4 Quantitative Ways of Expressing Concentration 10

1.5 Chapter Summary 15

Review Questions 15

Answers 16

References 17

Chapter 2 Colligative Properties of Dilute Solutions 18

2.1 Vapor Pressure Lowering 19

2.2 Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression 21

2.3 Osmotic Pressure 24

2.4 Chapter Summary 29

Review Questions 30

Answers 31

References 31

Chapter 3 Electrolyte Solution 32

3.1 Theory of Strong Electrolyte Solution 33

3.2 Proton Theory of Acids and Bases 36

3.3 Calculating the pH of Acid and Base Solution 42

3.4 Chapter Summary 56

Review Questions 57

Answers 58

References 59

Chapter 4 Buffer Solution 60

4.1 Buffer Solution and How a Buffer Works 60

4.2 Calculating the pH ofa Buffer Solution 62

4.3 Buffer Capacity and Buffer Range 64

4.4 Preparing Buffer Solutions 66

4.5 Buffer Solution in Human Blood 68

4.6 Chapter Summary 70

Review Questions 71

Answers 72

References 73

Chapter 5 Equilibria of Sparingly Soluble Ionic Compounds 74

5.1 The Solubility Product Constant,Ksp 74

5.2 The Relationship between Solubility and Ksp 75

5.3 Predicting the Formation of a Precipitate:Q vs.Ksp 77

5.4 Equilibria Shift 77

5.5 Application of Ionic Equilibria to Medicine 82

5.6 Chapter Summary 83

Review Questions 84

Answers 86

References 86

Chapter 6 Colloids and Emulsions 87

6.1 Introduction 87

6.2 Colloid 87

6.3 Sol 88

6.4 Polymer Solution 94

6.5 Chapter Summary 96

Review Questions 96

Answers 97

References 98

Chapter 7 Chemical Thermodynamics 99

7.1 The First Law:The Concepts 100

7.2 The Extent of Chemical Reactions 107

7.3 Indirect Determination of △H:Hess's Law 110

7.4 Energy Values of Food 116

7.5 Chapter Summary 118

Review Questions 119

Answers 120

References 121

Chapter 8 The Direction and Equilibrium of Chemical Reactions 122

8.1 Spontaneity:The Meaning of Spontaneous Change 123

8.2 Entropy and Entropy Change 123

8.3 Free Energy and Free Energy Change 125

8.4 Standard Free Energy Change,△G? 127

8.5 Relationship of △G? to △G for Nonstandard Conditions 128

8.6 Relationship of △G? to the Equilibrium Constant K? 129

8.7 Criteria for Spontaneous Change 129

8.8 Altering Equilibrium Conditions:Le Ch?terlier's Principle 130

8.9 The Le Chátelier's Principle in Physiology 133

8.10 Chapter Summary 133

Review Questions 134

Answers 136

References 137

Chapter 9 Kinetics:Rates and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions 138

9.1 The Rates of Chemical Reactions 139

9.2 Rate Laws and Reaction Order 141

9.3 Rate Constant and Reaction Order 144

9.4 Reaction Mechanisms:Steps in the Overall Reaction 149

9.5 Theoretical Models for Chemical Kinetics 153

9.6 The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rates 157

9.7 Catalysis 158

9.8 Chapter Summary 162

Review Questions 163

Chapter 10 Electrochemistry 166

10.1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 166

10.2 Voltaic Cell 168

10.3 Electrode Potentials 170

10.4 Free Energy and Electrical Work 174

10.5 Predicting Spontaneous Reactions for Nonstandard Conditions 178

10.6 Chapter Summary 178

Review Questions 179

Answers 181

References 181

Chapter 11 Atomic Structure and Periodical Table 183

11.1 The Discovery of Atomic Structure 184

11.2 Atomic Spectrum and the Bohr Model of the Atom 185

11.3 The Wave-Particle Duality of Matter and Energy 188

11.4 The Atomic Orbital and the Probable Location of the Electron 190

11.5 Quantum Numbers and Electron Orbitals 191

11.6 Electron Configurations 196

11.7 The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table 200

11.8 Chapter Summary 205

Review Questions 206

Answers 208

References 210

Chapter 12 Covalent Bonding and Intermolecular Forces 211

12.1 The Covalent Bonding Model 212

12.2 Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals 220

12.3 Molecular Orbital (MO)Theory 227

12.4 Delocalized Electrons:Bonding in the Benzene Molecule 234

12.5 Intermolecular Forces 235

12.6 Chapter Summary 241

Review Questions 242

Answers 244

References 245

Chapter 13 Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 246

13.1 The Structure of Complexes 247

13.2 Formulas and Names of Coordination Complexes 247

13.3 Isomerism 248

13.4 Chemical Bond Theories of Complexes 249

13.5 Aspects of Complex-Ion Equilibrium 254

13.6 Metals and Chelates in Living Systems 256

13.7 Chapter Summary 257

Review Questions 258

Chapter 14 Acid-Base Titration 260

14.1 Getting Started:Some Terminology 260

14.2 Significant Figures 261

14.3 Acid-Base Indicator 262

14.4 Titration of a Strong Acid with a Strong Base 263

14.5 Titration of a Weak Acid with a Strong Base 264

14.6 Standardization of Acid(Base)Using a Primary Standard 268

14.7 Chapter Summary 269

Review Questions 270

Chapter 15 UV-Vis Absorption Spectroscopy 272

15.1 UV-Vis Spectroscopic Regions 272

15.2 Beer-Lambert Law 272

15.3 UV/Vis Absorbance Bands and Structures 273

Review Questions 275

Notes 276

Index 278

Appendix A—H 283