
  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:庄绎传编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7560015212
  • 页数:415 页

Unit 1 Stories 1

Lesson 1(English-Chinese) 1

Bilingual Reading:The Quest 10

译学点滴:翻译的标准 10

Exercise 1:Bill Morrow's Birthday Party 10

Lesson 2(E—C) 10

Bilingual Reading:The Story of My Life(Excerpt 1) 17

译学点滴:怎样读懂原文 17

Exercise 2:The Story of My Life(Excerpt 2) 17

Lesson 3(C—E) 17

Bilingual Reading:我和文学(摘录) 24

译学点滴:汉译英的基本功 24

Exercise 3:我为乘客服务 24

小结1 (1)理解原意 24

(2)代词 30

(3)形容词与副词 30

Unit 2 History 30

Lesson 4(E—C) 30

Bilingual Reading:England Before the Industrial Revolution译学点滴:把握全篇而后译Exercise 4:The Industrial RevolutionLesson 5(E—C) 40

Bilingual Reading:Opportunities Open in the West 49

译学点滴:“Readability” 49

Exercise 5:Machines and Science Help Farmers 49

Lesson 6(C—E) 49

Bilingual Reading:新民主主义论(摘录) 57

译学点滴:研究句子结构的差异 57

Exercise 6:五四运动 57

小结2 (1)理解原意 57

(2)重复与代称 65

(3)定语从句 65

Unit 3 Geography 65

Lesson 7(E—C) 65

Bilingual Reading:Journey Up the Nile(Excerpt 1) 77

译学点滴:提高文字水平无止境 77

Exercise 7:Journey Up the Nile(Excerpt 2) 77

Lesson 8(E—C) 77

Bilingual Reading:Adelaide 84

译学点滴:用知识武装自己 84

Exercise 8:Adelaide(Excerpt) 84

Lesson 9(C—E) 84

Bilingual Reading:The Imperial Palace 89

译学点滴:严谨的学风 89

Exercise 9:北海公园 89

小结3 (1)理解原意 89

(2)动词 97

(3)分词短语 97

(4)被动语态 97

Unit 4 Economy 97

Lesson 10(E—C) 97

Bilingual Reading:A Global Economy 107

翻译理论简介:佛经翻译 107

Exercise 10:New Opportunities in China's Economic Cooperation with Other Countries(Excerpt)Lesson 11(E—C) 107

Bilingual Reading:China and Britain in the World Economy(Excerpt)翻译理论简介:严复与“信、达、雅”Exercise 11:The Challenges of ReformLesson 12(C—E) 119

Bilingual Reading:中国能够依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给(摘录 1

翻译理论简介:林纾 2

Exercise 12:中国能够依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给(摘录 2

小结4 (1)理解原意 127

(2)经济术语 135

(3)数字 135

Unit 5 Culture 135

Lesson 13(E—C) 135

Bilingual Reading:A Valentine to One Who Cared—Too Much(1)翻译理论简介:鲁迅与瞿秋白Exercise 13:A Valentine to One Who Cared—Too Much(2)Lesson 14(E—C) 146

Bilingual Reading:How to Grow Old 158

翻译理论简介:郭沫若与茅盾 158

Exercise 14:How to Grow Old(Continued) 158

Lesson 15(C—E) 158

Bilingual Reading:旧梦重温 166

翻译理论简介:直译与意译 166

Exercise 15:旧梦重温(续) 166

小结5 (1)理解原意 166

(2)关联词语 173

(3)语序 1)时间顺序与逻辑顺序 173

2)评论与表态 173

Unit 6 Literature(1) 173

Lesson 16(E—C) 173

Bilingual Reading:Tess of the D'Urbervilles(1) 187

翻译理论简介:傅雷 187

Exercise 16 a,b:Tess of the D'Urbervilles(2)(3) 187

Lesson 17(E—C) 187

Bilingual Reading:An American Tragedy(1) 198

翻译理论简介:关于风格 198

Exercise 17:An American Tragedy(2) 198

Lesson 18(C—E) 198

Bilingual Reading:祝福 1

翻译理论简介:王佐良 2

Exercise 18:祝福 2

小结6 (1)理解原意 209

(2)选词 217

(3)对话 217

Unit 7 Literature(2) 217

Lesson 19(E—C) 217

Bilingual Reading:East of Eden(1) 227

翻译理论选读:(1)Cicero 227

(2)Saint Jerome 227

Exercise 19:East of Eden(2) 227

Lesson 20(E—C) 227

Bilingual Reading:The Sound of Music(1) 236

翻译理论选读:Tytler's Three Principles 236

Exercise 20:the Sound of Music(2) 236

Lesson 21(C—E) 236

Bilingual Reading:找点活 244

翻译理论选读:The Art of Translation 244

Exercise 21:找点活(续) 244

小结7 (1)理解原意 244

(2)描述 257

(3)心理描写 257

(4)反译 257

Unit 8 Popular Science 257

Lesson 22(E—C) 257

Bilingual Reading:Oil(1) 268

翻译理论选读:不应该这样翻译马克思的著作 268

Exercise 22:Oil(2) 268

Lesson 23(E—C) 268

Bilingual Reading:The Other Road(1) 282

翻译理论选读:确切翻译的原则 282

Exercise 23 a,b:The Other Road(2)(3) 282

Lesson 24(C—E) 282

Bilingual Reading:海洋可持续发展战略 290

翻译理论选读:翻译中的上下文和环境 290

Exercise 24:中国海洋事业的发展 前言 290

小结8 (1)理解原意 290

(2)科技英语的特点 303

(3)抽象名词 303

(4)增词与减词 303

Unit 9 Law 303

Lesson 25(E—C) 303

Bilingual Reading:Environmental Law(Excerpt 1) 313

翻译理论选读:A New Concept of Translating 313

Exercise 25:Environmental Law(Excerpt 2) 313

Lesson 26(E—C) 313

Bilingual Reading:Universal Copyright Convention(Excerpt 1)翻译理论选读:Paraphrase—The True Road for the TranslatorExercise 26:Universal Copyright Convention(Excerpt 2)Lesson 27(C—E) 322

Bilingual Reading:中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法翻译理论选读:翻译作品犹如“土耳其挂毯的反面”Exercise 27:中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法(续)小结9 (1)理解原意 335

(2)法律文件的特点 348

(3)主谓搭配 348

(4)断句与并句 348

Unit 10 Speeches 348

Lesson 28(E—C) 348

Bilingual Reading:Speech by President Nixon of the United States at Welcoming Banquet翻译理论选读:The Question of the Part and the WholeExercise 28:Speech by President Nixon of the United states at Welcoming Banquet(Continued)Lesson 29(E—C) 355

Bilingual Reading:Speech by Former U.S.Persident Carter at Welcoming Banquet翻译理论选读:谈谈外语学习和翻译Exercise 29:Speech by Former U.S.President Carter at Welcoming Banquet(Continued)Lesson 30(C—E) 362

Bilingual Reading:增进相互了解加强友好合作——江泽民主席在美国哈佛大学的演讲(摘录 1

翻译理论选读:Guard Against Chinglish 2

Exercise 30:增进相互了解加强友好合作——江泽民主席在美国哈佛大学的演讲(摘录 2

小结10 (1)理解原意 375

(2)成语 389

(3)文化差异 389

(4)句子之间、段落之间的联系 389

附录:英汉翻译自学考试大纲 389