序五雷轰顶的家庭会议&Family conference 4
part1当傲娇女遇上腹黑男&When the charming girl encounter the black-abdomen 10
1章节 狭路相逢勇者胜&The braver will always win 11
2章节 风云突变狮子灰&The upheaval 31
3章节 火上浇油无退路&No retreating 51
4章节 回天乏力意见书&The unrescuable submission 71
5章节 尽释前嫌全身退&Forget and forgive 93
part2当天然呆遇上桀骜男&When the intractable man encounter the muddle 110
1章节 惊魂路上风波蓝&The incident with amazement 111
2章节 遥忆儿时芳心远&Memory comes back 131
3章节 初尝甘怡峰回转&A favorable tum 147
4章节 苦涩陈香找啊找&The seeking 167
5章节 争分夺秒飙时赛&Rush hour 185
6章节 银座顶层事端起&Something happened 203
7章节 血缘情深难自欺&Consanguinity 223
8章节 水落石出代价惨&A large cost 243