前言 1
Preface 2
一 综合篇 3
在“中澳少数民族地区消除贫困与人权事业发展研讨会”上的致辞&毛公宁 3
Address at the"Sino-Australian workshop of poverty Elimination and Human Rights Development in the Minority Regions"&Mao Gongning 5
在“中澳少数民族地区消除贫困与人权事业发展研讨会”上的欢迎词&王莉莉 8
Welcoming Speech at the Sino-Australian Workshop of Poverty Elimination and Human Rights Development in the Minority Regions&Wang Lili 10
中国少数民族地区贫困问题与扶贫开发&蓝步锦 12
Poverty Problem and Poverty Relief Development in China's Minority Areas&Lan Bujin 21
政府公共政策与少数民族扶贫开发&江烈 33
Government Public Policy and Poverty Relief Development Program for Ethnic Minorities&Jiang Lie 37
在中澳少数民族地区消除贫困与人权事业发展研讨会上的发言&刘曙华 43
Speech on the Symposium on Human Rights Development And Poverty Elimination of Minority Nationalities of China and Australia&Liu Shuhua 49
国际减贫模式比较分析&张慧东 60
Comparative Brief on Poverty Reduction Modes Across International Community&Zhang Huidong 71
在“中澳少数民族地区消除贫困与人权事业发展研讨会”上的总结发言&毛公宁 82
Concluding Remarks on the"Sino-Australian Workshop of Poverty Elimination and Human Rights Development in the Minority Regions"&Mao Gongning 85
二 澳方的经验与借鉴 91
澳大利亚土著少数民族贫困问题的现状和原因&伊恩·特尔斯特 91
The Present Status&Reasons for the Poverty Problems of Australian Indigenous Minorities&Ian Trust 100
少数民族的环境发展与扶贫计划&伊恩·特尔斯特 111
Environmental Development and Anti-Poverty Projects for Ethnic Minorities&Ian Trust 120
澳大利亚人权委员会的职能以及土著与托雷斯海峡岛民社会公正专员的职能&克里斯·荷兰 132
Role of Australian Human Rights Commission and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner&Kelice Helan 141
三 中方民族地区消除贫困的成功经验 155
不断拓宽扶贫开发思路 加快消除民族地区贫困&田代武 155
Expand the Thoughts of Poverty Alleviation Development Continuously,Quicken to Eliminate Ethnic Areas Poverty&Tian Daiwu 162
四川横断山区生态移民的风险与对策研究&李锦 174
Study on the Risks and Solution of Ecological Migration in Hengduan Mountainous Areas of Sichuan&Li Jin 183
扶贫开发攻坚保障人口生存发展&吴长林 195
Assist the Poverty and Develop,Guarantee the Existence and Development of the Population&Wu Changlin 202
西部生态补偿立法研究&郭锟 216
Research on the Legislation of the Ecological Compensation in the Western Region&Guo Kun 227
我国西部地区生态环境保护现状及其制度完善&徐中起 247
Ecologic Environment Protection Situation and its System Perfection in the Western Region of China&Xu Zhongqi 263
从民族地区扶贫形式创新看少数民族人权保障内涵的丰富性&李华权 292
View the Contents Richness of Human Rights Guarantee of Minority Nationalities from the Innovation of the Ethnic Areas Poverty Alleviation Form&Li Huaquan 298
广东少数民族扶贫开发工作成效与基本经验&张朝发 310
Work Effect and Basic Experience on Poverty Alleviation And Development of Minority Nationalities in Guangdong Province&Zhang Chaofa 316
开发式扶贫是实现少数民族脱贫致富的有效途径&李国华 328
Developmental Poverty Alleviation Is the Effective Means for Minority Nationalities Shaking off Poverty and Becoming Prosperous&Li Guohua 335
贵州民族政策与少数民族扶贫开发&贺觅 348
National policy and Minority Nationalities Poverty Alleviation and Development in Guizhou Province&He Mi 353
大力加强民族法制建设 保障少数民族合法权益&郭经钊 362
Strengthen Ethnic Legal Construction Energetically,Guarantee Legal Rights of Minority Nationalities&Guo Jingzhao 368