《英语口语风暴 地道开口篇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张宝丹,解肱一丛书主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787561169612
  • 页数:332 页

Unit 1 新朋老友,欢聚一堂 1

1)Nice to Meet You!很高兴认识你 2

2)Come and Meet Our Boss 来见见我们的老板 5

3)How areYou Today?每日的寒暄 8

4)See You Tomorrow 明天见 11

5)East or West,Home Is the Best 我爱我家 14

6)People Close to Me 身边的亲友们 17

7)My Best Friend—Doggie Leo 我的挚友——狗狗里奥 20

Unit 2 谈论天气 24

1)Fine Day,Isn't It?天气不错啊! 25

2)What's the Temperature Today?今天气温如何? 28

3)Spring,Summer,Autumn and Winter 四季的变迁 31

4)Different Places to Visit in Four Seasons 春夏秋冬巧安排 34

5)What a Day!糟糕天气,糟糕心情! 37

6)A Weather Report from CCTV 央视天气预报 40

Unit 3 地点与时间 44

1)Where is the Train Station去火车站怎么走? 45

2)I Arn Lost!我迷路了! 48

3)What Time Is It?几点了? 51

4)What Date Is Satuday?周六是几号? 54

5)When I was a Little Child难忘金色童年 57

6)Who Knows the Future?未来世界,未知世界 60

Unit 4 接打电话 64

1)Operator,Can I Help You?我是接线员。 65

2)The Manager is Not In.经理不在 68

3)You Have Got the Wrong Number!打错电话了! 71

4)CanWeMeetatStarbucksThisAfternoon?下午星巴克见,好吗? 74

5)I Can't HearYou Clearly!对不起,电话不清楚! 77

6)A Long Distance Call to New York纽约国际长途 80

Unit 5 兴趣爱好 84

1)It's Fun to Have Hobbies业余爱好乐趣多多 85

2)A Football Match一场激动人心的足球赛 88

3)Jogging Keeps Me in Shape 慢跑健美 91

4)I Love Music 我爱音乐 94

5)Chatting online is Nice 网上聊天好方便 97

6)Kids Are Playing Too Many Games!游戏过火会伤身 100

Unit 6 周末休闲 104

1)Thank God,It's FridayAgain!又到周末 105

2)A Big Cleaning on Weekend 周末大扫除 108

3)Sound Sleep Is the Best Way to Relax 好好睡觉,彻底放松 111

4)May I Have a Dance with You?可以请你跳舞吗? 114

5)There is a Good Movie Tonight 今晚有好电影 117

6)Let's Go Karaoke!卡拉永远OK! 120

Unit 7 吃吃喝喝 124

1)A Table For Eight Please 请要一个8人餐桌 125

2)May I Take Your Order Now? 可以为您点菜了吗? 128

3)Chinese Food Is So Delicious 中餐很好吃 131

4)It's My Treat Today 今天我请客 134

5)What Would You Like to Drink? 您想喝什么? 137

6)Chinese Tea is Good for Health 喝茶有助健康 140

Unit 8 逛街去 144

1)Go Window Shopping 瞎逛逛 145

2)Make a Shopping List 购物单很必要 148

3)I Can Bargain in English 用英语如何砍价 151

4)There is a Big Sale During National Day 国庆节大降价 154

5)Supermarket or Corner Shop 大小超市 157

6)Shopping Online is Cheap and Easy 网络购物方便又便宜 160

Unit 9 银行业务 164

1)Can I Open an Account?我想开一个账户 165

2)Put Some Money In the Bank 到银行存钱 168

3)What's the Exchange Rate?兑换率是多少? 171

4)I Want Some Small Change 换零钱 174

5)ATM Is So Convenient 自动取款机很方便 177

6)I Need a Bank Loan 我想申请贷款 180

Unit 10 好好学习 184

1)Which Grade Are You in?你上几年级? 185

2)My School Is So Beautiful 美丽的校园 188

3)I Major in English我的专业是英语 191

4)Practice Makes Perfect熟能生巧 194

5)Final Exam Is Coming要期末考试了,加油啊! 197

6)I'm No.1 Again!又考第一名! 200

7)I Want to Study Abroad我要去留学 203

Unit 11 谈论健康 207

1)Hi.You LookGreat Today!你今天很精神! 208

2)What's Wrong With You?不舒服吗? 211

3)Calling for a Doctor 请医生来 214

4)Let Me Take Your Temperature 量量体温 217

5)Take Some Pills 吃点药就好了 220

6)Smoking Is Bad forYour Health 抽烟有害健康 223

Unit 12 美容健身 227

1)Can I Have My Hair Cut?请帮我理发 228

2)Beautiful Skin Is Important 一白遮九丑 231

3)Let's Do Yuga Everyday 每天做瑜伽,快乐又健身 234

4)I Want to be a Slim Beauty 我想做瘦美人 237

5)Let's Go to the Shaping Club 我们去健身俱乐部吧 240

6)Playing Golf With the Client 陪客户打高尔夫 243

Unit 13 节日庆典 247

1)Chinese Important Festivals 中国重要节日 248

2)What Do You Do at Spring Festival?春节快乐事 251

3)I Enjoy Christmas Most 我最喜欢过圣诞 254

4)Valentine's Day Is Lover's Day 恋人们的节日 257

5)Marry me!结婚庆典 260

6)Here Is a Birthday Present forYou 生日礼物 263

7)Bright Moon,Delicious Moon Cake 月亮圆圆,月饼香甜 266

Unit 14 环游世界 270

1)Traveling by Air or by Train?乘飞机还是乘火车? 271

2)E-Ticketing Is Convenient 网络订票好方便哦 274

3)I Want a Direct Flight to New York 直飞纽约的航班 277

4)Checking in at the Airport 办理登记手续 280

5)Fasten Your Seatbelt 系好安全带 283

6)NewYork Is a Great City 纽约真漂亮啊! 286

7)A Souvenir to Good Friend 小小纪念品 289

Unit 15 住宿酒店 293

1)Single Room or Double Room 单人间还是双人间? 294

2)Please Fill in This Form 办理入住手续 297

3)Your Room Has a Nice View 您的房间风景很美 300

4)My Room Is Too Noisy 我要换房间 303

5)I Have Some Clothes to Wash 洗衣服务 306

6)I'd Like to Check Out Please 我要离店 309

Unit 16 我想工作 313

1)What Are You?你做什么工作? 314

2)Can I Have This Job?我想要这份工作 317

3)A Job Interview 工作面试 320

4)Welcome to ABC Company 欢迎新同事 323

5)I Want to Change My Job 我想辞职 326

6)Getting Promoted 升职了 329