1.First Impressions 10
2.Traffic Jam 14
3.Who Needsthe Local Language? 18
4.Getting Ahead 22
5.Forever Single 26
6.WhatAre Friends For? 30
7.What's for Dinner? 34
8.Cyber Bullying 38
9.Taking Care of Father 42
10.Why Go to School? 46
11.An International Relationship 50
12.Too Little,Too Late 54
13.Ben and Mike 58
14.Government Control 62
15.Living Together 66
16.Size Discrimination 70
17.Who Will Help Them? 74
18.Finding the Right One 78
19.Dress for Success 82
20.A Mother's Story 86
1.Personal Opinions—extra opinions about the topic of each unit.Corresponds to video clips available on the course website,www.cflo.com.cn/bbs/student.htm 86