
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:何雄奎,邵振润主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国农业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787565501067
  • 页数:322 页

Part One 第一部分 1

A Study of Dosage Adjustment for Pesticide Application in Vineyards&Jizhong Zhou,Andrew J Landers 3

Dosage Adjustment for Pesticide Application in Orchards and Vineyards&Jizhong Zhou,Andrew J Landers 13

Canopy Related Dosing and Spray Application in Top Fruit-Influence on Target Coverage&Triloff P.,B?cker G.,Kleisinger S. 23

Field Measurements of Spray Drift Potential in Strawberry&N.Bjugstad,P.Hermansen 34

Potential Operator Exposure when Spraying in a Strawberry and Raspberry Tunnel System versus a Conventional Open Field&N.Bjugstad,P.Hermansen 46

On-line Mixing Pesticide Technology on Variable Rate Spray&Liu Zhizhuang,Hong Tiansheng,Song Shuran,et al. 61

Simulation of Spraying Bar with Oblique Rope&Wu Weibin,Hong Tiansheng,Chen Kaicheng,et al. 67

TeeJet Nozzle Design and Atomizing Techniques&Eric Petersen 76

Drift mitigation in fruit crops—airflow adjustment is the answer!&Dr Andrew Landers 77

Seeing is believing—enhancing the Pygmalion effect&Dr Andrew Landers 78

Computer Simulation of Spray Droplet and Canopy Interactions to Minimise Environmental and Public Health Risk of Pesticides&Dr Garv Dorr 79

A global survey on the performance of side lever knapsack sprayers when judged by ISO 19932&A HERBST,W TAYLOR,C KELLY 80

The Discovery and Application of Spinosad,a Green Insecticide&Hang Chio 82

Current situation and development trends of chemical application techniques for arable crops in Europe&A HERBST,H Ganzelmeier 84

Decision support for plant protection with use of mobile devices&Zb.Czaczyk,A.Piotrowski,T.Kluza,Xiongkui HE 86

Research Present State of Orchard Air-assisted Spray Technology in China&Lv Xiaolan,Fu Ximin,Wu Ping,et al. 89

Develop On Automatic Testing And Controlling System of the Fan Performance&Zhou Haiyan,Li Shujun,Yang Xuejun,et al. 89

Spray pesticide constant pressure controlled system design in mountainous orchard&Song Shuran,Ruan Yaocan,Hong Tiansheng,et al. 90

WEB-based Intelligent Diagnosis System for Cotton Diseases Control&Li Hui,Zhang Jinyue,Ji Ronghua,et al. 91

Research on the sprayer chassis systems used in the high density orchard&Qiu Wei,Ding Weimin,Gong Yan,et al. 92

Visual servoing system used in agriculture&Liu Tao,Zhang Bin,Zhang Dongbo 92

Structural analysis of droplets from anti-drift nozzle&Ma Ning,He Xiongkui,Song Jianli 93

The progress on applied techniques of boomsprayer in Heilongjiang Province&Wang Xianfeng 93

Study of deposition efficiency under different collection devices&Dai Meiling,Song Jianli,Yang Xiwa,et al. 94

The Application of Electrolyzed Water on plant protection&Liu Haijie,Hao Jianxiong,Zhou Yanxin,et al. 94

The numerical simulation of pesticide recycling system with rotary air curtain&Wang Shuangshuang,Song Jianli,He Xiongkui 95

Measurement method of spray droplet size and velocity&Deng Wei,Zhao Chnnjiang,Chen Liping,et al. 95

Experimental Study of Droplets Deposition and Distribution of Air-assisted Spraying of Disk Fan&Yan Huijuan,Ding Weimin,Fu Ximin,et al. 96

Development of Automatically Infrared Detection Sprayer based on Color Recognition&Li Heng,He Xiongkui 97

Research on target Agrochemical Spray Robot in Greenhouse&Geng Changxing,Zhang Junxiong,Cao Zhengyong,et al. 97

A walking self-propelled high space boom sprayer&Tao Lei,Yang Bakang 98

Research on Spout Atomizing Performance of Air-blast Sprayer for Grasshopper Control&Zhao Wencheng,Zeng Aijun 98

Studied on the atomization characteristics of the gas-liquid two-phase inducting electrostatic sprayer&Gong Shuai,He Xiongkui 99

Research Progresses on Spraying Nozzles in Plant Protection Machinery&Li Guibin,Li Hongjun,Liu Yajia,et al. 99

Study on Effects on Two Different Flow Deflector Structures of Duct Flow Field&Liu Xuemei,Zhang Xiaohui 100

Study on air-flowing distribution character of greenhouse air-assisted sprayer based on CFD&Yuan Xue,Zhang Jinyue,Zhao Yaqing,et al. 101

Research on Influence of Crop Canopy Structure on Droplets Deposit Distribution&Zhang Jing,Song Jianli,He Xiongkui 102

Study on the Relationship Between Three Kinds of Pesticides Concentration and BSF&Yang Xiwa,Song Jianli,Dai Meiling,et al. 102

Study on Synergism of N-F100 to azoxystrobin SC(250g/L)Prevention red pepper downy mildew&Yu Chunxin,Liu Fen,Guo Zheng,et al. 103

Study on Synergism of Silwet408 to azoxystrobin SC(250g/L)Prevention red pepper downy mildew&Yu Chunxin,Liu Fen,Guo Zheng,et al. 103

Silwet408 Application in Rice&Yu Chunxin,Guo Zheng,Du Fengpei 104

The influence of target plants and liquor properties on the utilization of pesticides&Yu Chunxin,Zhang Xiaoxi,Yan Pengfei,et al. 104

Preliminary test the Silicone surfactant used in detergent&Li Deng,Liu Yajia,He Xiongkui 105

Part Two 第二部分 107

Ⅰ 植保机械 109

植保机械喷头磨损研究进展&李桂彬,李红军,刘亚佳,等 110

我国果园风送式喷雾技术研究现状&吕晓兰,傅锡敏,吴萍,等 115

气液两相感应式静电喷头雾化特征研究&宫帅,何雄奎 120

草原灭蝗风送式喷雾机喷筒雾化性能研究&赵文成,曾爱军 126

风机性能自动测控系统开发&周海燕,李树君,杨学军,等 132

山地果园喷药恒压控制系统设计&宋淑然,阮耀灿,洪添胜,等 138

不同收集装置对雾滴沉积影响的研究&代美灵,宋坚利,杨希娃,等 143

一种手扶自走式高地隙喷杆喷雾机的设计开发&陶雷,杨八康 147

密植型果园喷雾机底盘系统的研究&邱威,丁为民,龚艳,等 150

旋转风幕式药液回收循环系统的数值模拟&王双双,宋坚利,何雄奎 156

防飘喷头的雾滴结构分析&马宁,何雄奎,宋坚利 164

黑龙江垦区喷杆喷雾机使用技术进展&王险峰,关成宏 170

两种不同结构的导流板对风筒流场的影响&刘雪美,张晓辉 179

TeeJet喷头设计及喷雾技术&Eric Petersen 183

减少果树中的飘失——气流调整是答案&Dr Andrew Landers 185

提高皮格马利效应方法研究&Dr Andrew Landers 186

草莓地田间喷雾飘移性能测试&N.Bjugstad,P.Hermansen 187

草莓地不同喷雾作业对操作者污染程度的对比研究&N.Bjugstad,P.Hermansen 198

喷雾液滴尺寸和速度测量方法&邓巍,赵春江,陈立平,等 190

圆盘风扇风送喷雾雾滴沉积分布试验研究&闫惠娟,丁为民,傅锡敏,等 197

Ⅱ 精准施药技术 201

基于颜色传感的喷雾靶标红外探测系统研制&李恒,何雄奎 202

温室黄瓜对靶施药机器人系统&耿长兴,张俊雄,曹峥勇,等 208

基于AT89S52单片机的风送式喷雾机风扇的无级调速控制器设计&任丽春,汪小旵 213

基于CFD的温室无人自助风送式喷雾机风流场分布特性研究&袁雪,张金月,赵亚青,等 217

计算机模拟雾滴与冠层的交互作用以降低农药对环境及公众健康的危害&Dr Gary Dorr 218

基于变量喷雾系统的在线混药技术&刘志壮,洪添胜,宋淑然,等. 220

带斜拉索喷杆的仿真模拟&吴伟斌,洪添胜,陈凯诚,等 220

视觉伺服技术在农业中的应用&刘涛,张宾,张东波 221

基于WEB的棉花病害智能诊断系统&李慧,张金月,冀荣华,等 230

几种新型喷头及其不同组合的喷雾穿透性对比研究&王雪娟,曾爱军,宋坚利 237

Ⅲ 农药制剂、传递与功效 245

三种农药浓度与BSF荧光强度关系初探&杨希娃,宋坚利,代美灵,等 246

N-F100对250g/L嘧菌酯SC防治辣椒霜霉病的增效研究&于春欣,刘芬,郭正,等 252

Silwet408对250g/L嘧菌酯SC防治辣椒霜霉病的增效研究&于春欣,刘芬,郭正,等 256

Silwet408在水稻上的应用&于春欣,郭正,杜凤沛 260

靶标植物和药液理化性质对农药利用率的影响&于春欣,张晓曦,闫鹏飞,等 263

有机硅表面活性剂在洗涤剂中的应用初探&邓丽,刘亚佳,何雄奎 270

电生功能水在植物保护上的应用研究&刘海杰,郝建雄,周艳鑫,等 277

与冠层相关的剂量和喷雾装置对果树树冠农药覆盖率的影响&Triloff P.,B?cker G.,Kleisinger S. 281

小麦冠层结构对雾滴沉积分布影响的试验研究&张京,宋坚利,何雄奎 282

Other 其他 287

AquaCrop作物生长模型的校正和应用&杜文勇,Shamaila Zia,胡振方,等 289

不同灌溉方式下冬小麦根系分布与产量的关系研究&胡振方,曾爱军,杜文勇 292

A SCADA SOFTWARE FOR MANAGEMENT OF AN AUTOMATIC AGROCLIMATIC STATION BASEDIN A cRIO&José Miguel MolinaMartínez,Pedro Javier Navarro Lorente,Manuel Jiménez Buendía,et al. 296

DEPLOYMENT OF A WIRELESS SENSOR NET AS A HELP FOR IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT&José Miguel MolinaMartínez,Fulgencio Soto Valles,Manuel Jimenez Buendía,et al. 306