《汉语话语中推理照应的语用研究 a pragmatic appproach》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:莫爱屏著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7543840138
  • 页数:259 页

Chapter One Introduction 1

1.1 The Goals of the Research 2

1.2 The Rationale of the Research 4

1.3 Main Issues and the Problem 5

1.4 Methodology and Data Collection 13

1.5 Overview of the Book 14

Chapter Two Review of Past Studies 19

2.1 Earlier Research on Bridging Reference 20

2.2 Research on Bridging Reference in the 1980s 26

2.3 More Recent Research on Bridging Reference 30

2.4 Current Trends in Research on Bridging Reference 34

2.5 Summary 36

Chapter Three A Description of the Theoretical Framework 38

3.1 The Delimitation of Bridging Reference 39

3.1.1 The Mechanics of Bridging Reference 39

3.1.2 The Working Definition of"Bridging Reference" 40 A Review of Previous Definitions 41 An Alternative Definition 44

3.2 Principle of Relevance and Context 46

3.2.1 Two Principles of Relevance Theory and Optimal Relevance 47

3.2.2 Context 50

3.3 Relevance Theory and Bridging Reference 54

3.4 The Study of Bridging Reference at Three Levels 58

3.4.1 The Syntactic Level 59

3.4.2 The Semantic Level 60

3.4.3 The Pragmatic Level 61

3.5 Summary 63

Chapter Four The Syntactic Analysis of Bridging Reference4.1 The Linguistic Elements of Discourse 65

4.1.1 Parts of Sentence and Their Grammatical Functions 65

4.1.2 Kinds of Word-forms in Chinese Discourse 68

4.1.3 Major Carriers of Bridging Reference in Chinese Discourse 71 Clause 71 Sentence 74

4.1.4 Logical Operators 77

4.2 Information Structure and Syntactic Form 81

4.2.1 Given/New Information 82

4.2.2 Given/New Information and Syntactic Form 84

4.3 Syntactic Constraints on Bridging Reference in Chinese Discourse 87

4.3.1 Word Order and Constituent Order in Chinese Discourse 88

4.3.2 Constraints of Word Order and Constituent Order on Bridging Reference 91

4.4 Well-formedness and Syntactic Validity of Bridging Reference 95

4.4.1 Well-formedness of Bridging Reference 95

4.4.2 Syntactic Validity of Bridging Reference 98

4.4.3 Syntactic Position of the Bridging Reference Relationship 100

4.5 Summary 106

Chapter Five The Semantic Analysis of Bridging Reference 107

5.1 Theories of Meaning Relating to Bridging Reference 108

5.2 Semantic Analysis of Bridging Reference 110

5.2.1 Situational and Discourse Bridging Reference 111

5.2.2 Meaning Relations and Truth-conditions in Discourse 113 Entailment 115 Semantic Presupposition 117

5.2.3 The Semantics of the Verb,the Verb Phrase and the Adverbial in Bridging Reference Relationships 121

5.3 Semantic Constraints on Bridging Reference 122

5.3.1 The Constraint of Proposition on Bridging Reference 123

5.3.2 The Constraint of Animate and Inanimate Entity on Bridging Reference 127

5.3.3 The Constraint of Properties on Bridging Reference 128

5.4 The Semantic Well-formedness and Acceptability of Bridging Reference 131

5.4.1 The Semantic Well-formedness of Bridging Reference 132

5.4.2 Semantic Acceptability of Bridging Reference 135

5.5 Summary 138

Chapter Six The Pragmatic Analysis of Bridging Reference 140

6.1 Pragmatic Approaches to Bridging Reference 141

6.1.1 Truth-based Approaches 141

6.1.2 Coherence-based Approaches 144

6.1.3 Relevance-based Approaches 148

6.2 Pragmatic Constraints on Bridging Reference 151

6.2.1 The Constraint of Stereotypicality 151

6.2.2 The Pragmatic Constraint of Non-transitivity 154

6.2.3 Pragmatic Constraint of Discourse Connectives on Bridging Reference 157

6.3 Pragmatic Acceptability and Accessibility of Bridging Reference 160

6.3.1 Bridging Reference and Bridging Inference 161

6.3.2 Contextual Effects and Implicature in Interpreting Bridging Reference 165

6.4 Towards a Unified Account of Bridging Reference 169

6.4.1 Pragmatics vs.Syntax and Semantics in Bridging Reference 169 Syntactic vs.Pragmatic Interpretation of Bridging Reference 171 Semantic vs.Pragmatic Interpretation of Bridging Reference 172

6.4.2 A Relevance-theoretic Account of Bridging Reference 174 Sidner's Account:The Expected Focus Algorithm 175 Topic/Focus Accounts and the Determination of Bridging Reference 177 Pragmatic Presupposition and Appropriateness of Bridging Reference 180

6.5 Summary 184

Chapter Seven Testing the Hypotheses:Two Questionnaire Studies 185

7.1 Questionnaire 1 186

7.1.1 Participants 186

7.1.2 Materials 187

7.1.3 Procedures 189

7.1.4 Data Preparation and Data Analysis 189

7.1.5 Results and Discussion 190

7.2 Questionnaire 2 193

7.2.1 Participants 193

7.2.2 Materials 194

7.2.3 Procedures 196

7.2.4 Data Preparation and Data Analysis 196

7.2.5 Results and Discussion 197

7.3 Summary 202

Chapter Eight Conclusion and Implications 203

8.1 Syntactic Well-formedness and Validity 205

8.2 Semantic Well-formedness and Acceptability 206

8.3 Pragmatic Appropriateness and Accessibility 208

8.4 Implications of the Present Research 210

8.5 Limitations and Issues Worth Further Consideration and Exploration 211

Bibliography 214

Appendix Ⅰ 226

Appendix Ⅱ 235

Appendix Ⅲ 247

第一章 简介 1

1.1 本研究的目的 2

1.2 本研究的出发点 4

1.3 本研究拟定解决的主要问题 5

1.4 本研究的研究方法和语料 13

1.5 本书概要 14

第二章 文献回顾 19

2.1 推理照应的早期研究 20

2.2 推理照应在二十世纪80年代的研究 26

2.3 推理照应近年来的研究 30

2.4 推理照应研究的当代动向 34

2.5 本章小结 36

第三章 理论框架 38

3.1 推理照应的界定 39

3.1.1 推理照应的构成 39

3.1.2 本研究对“推理照应”的界定 40 对现存定义的回顾 41 本研究的界定 44

3.2 关联原则与语境 46

3.2.1 关联理论和最佳关联 47

3.2.2 语境 50

3.3 关联理论和推理照应 54

3.4 推理照应三个层面的研究 58

3.4.1 句法层面 59

3.4.2 语义层面 60

3.4.3 语用层面 61

3.5 本章小结 63

第四章 推理照应的句法分析 64

4.1 话语的构成成分 65

4.1.1 句子成分及其语法功能 65

4.1.2 汉语话语的词形 68

4.1.3 汉语话语中推理照应的主要载体 71 子句 71 句子 74

4.1.4 逻辑算子 77

4.2 信息结构和句法形式 81

4.2.1 新/旧信息 82

4.2.2 新/旧信息和句法结构 84

4.3 汉语话语中推理照应的句法制约因素 87

4.3.1 汉语话语中的词序及语序 88

4.3.2 词序及语序对推理照应的制约功能 91

4.4 推理照应的合法性及句法有效性 95

4.4.1 推理照应的合法性 95

4.4.2 推理照应的句法有效性 98

4.4.3 推理照应的句法位置 100

4.5 本章小结 106

第五章 推理照应的语义分析 107

5.1 分析推理照应的意义理论 108

5.2 推理照应的语义分析 110

5.2.1 情景推理照应与话语推理照应 111

5.2.2 话语中的意义关系与真值条件 113 蕴涵 115 语义预设 117

5.2.3 推理照应关系中的动词、动词短语及状语的语义分析 121

5.3 推理照应的语义制约因素 122

5.3.1 命题对推理照应的制约功能 123

5.3.2 有生命性及无生命性对推理照应的制约功能 127

5.3.3 特性对推理照应的制约功能 128

5.4 推理照应的语义合法性及可接受性 131

5.4.1 推理照应的语义合法性 132

5.4.2 推理照应的语义可接受性 135

5.5 本章小结 138

第六章 推理照应的语用分析 140

6.1 推理照应研究的语用方法 141

6.1.1 真值论 141

6.1.2 连贯论 144

6.1.3 关联论 148

6.2 推理照应的语用制约因素 151

6.2.1 常规关系的制约功能 151

6.2.2 非及物性的语用制约功能 154

6.2.3 话语标记语对推理照应的语用制约功能 157

6.3 推理照应的语用可接受性及可及性 160

6.3.1 语用照应与语用推理 161

6.3.2 推理照应的语境效果及暗含 165

6.4 推理照应之合理解释 169

6.4.1 推理照应的语用与句法及语义之对比 169 推理照应的句法与语用之对比 171 推理照应的语义与语用之对比 172

6.4.2 推理照应的关联论解释 174 Sidner的研究:意想焦点法 175 主题/焦点法与推理照应的确定 177 语用预设与推理照应的适切性 180

6.5 本章小结 184

第七章 假设检验:两个问卷调查 185

7.1 问卷1 186

7.1.1 参与者 186

7.1.2 语料 187

7.1.3 本问卷调查过程 189

7.1.4 语料收集及分析 189

7.1.5 结果与讨论 190

7.2 问卷2 193

7.2.1 参与者 193

7.2.2 语料 194

7.2.3 本问卷调查过程 196

7.2.4 语料收集及分析 196

7.2.5 结果与讨论 197

7.3 本章小结 202

第八章 结论与启示 203

8.1 句法合法性与有效性 205

8.2 语义合法性与可接受性 206

8.3 语用适切性与可及性 208

8.4 本研究的启示 210

8.5 本研究的不足及值得进一步探讨的问题 211

参考书目 214

附录Ⅰ 226

附录Ⅱ 235

附录Ⅲ 247