Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Orientation 1
1.2 English Progressive Aspect:The Target of Research 1
1.3 Rationale 6
1.3.1 Decomposing the Learning Task of the English Progressive Aspect 6
1.3.2 Previous Studies and Their Inadequacies 8
1.4 Key Research Questions 10
1.5 Structure of the Book 11
Chapter 2 In Search of a Unified Theoretical Account for L2 Progressive Aspect Acquisition 13
2.1 Previous Studies on L2 Aspect Acquisition:Empirical Findings and Theoretical Explanations 14
2.1.1 Form-meaning Mapping of L2 Tense-aspect Acquisition:Aspect Hypothesis 15
2.1.2 Form-function Mapping of L2 Tense-aspect Marking:Discourse Hypothesis 19
2.1.3 Narrative Structure and Lexical Aspect:Conspiring Factors? 20
2.2 Theoretical Accounts of Form-meaning Mapping in Tense-aspect Acquisition 21
2.2.1 Language Bioprogram Hypothesis and Basic Child Grammar 21
2.2.2 Prototype Account and Distributional Bias Argument 22
2.2.3 Connectionist Account 22
2.3 Problems Existing in the Tense-aspect Acquisition Studies 23
2.4 Optimality Theory as a Unified Framework 25
2.5 Summary 27
Chapter 3 Constraints on the Progressive Aspect Marking in English and Chinese 28
3.1 Aspect and Other Related Notions 30
3.1.1 Aspect 30
3.1.2 Grammatical Aspect 31
3.1.3 Lexical Aspect 32
3.1.4 Technical Issues Related with Lexical Aspect 34
3.2 Interaction of Grammatical and Lexical Aspects 50
3.3 Semantic Constraints on Progressive Marking:The Form-meaning Mapping 53
3.3.1 The Formal Approach 54
3.3.2 The Functional Approach 55
3.3.3 The PROG Operator 60
3.4 Discourse Constraints of Progressive Aspect Marking:The Form-function Mapping 64
3.5 Cross-linguistic Analysis of the Progressive Aspect in Chinese and English 67
3.6 Summary 70
Chapter 4 An OT Analysis of the Constraints on the Progressive and Their Interaction 72
4.1 Optimality Theory 73
4.1.1 Basic Tenets of OT 73
4.1.2 Conventional Notations 74
4.1.3 Faithfulness and Markedness Constraints 76
4.1.4 OT Account of Language Acquisition 77
4.2 Conflicting Constraints on the Progressive Aspect Marking 79
4.2.1 Transitivity Hypothesis(TH) 80
4.2.2 Discourse Representation Theory(DRT)and Aspect Coercion 82
4.3 An OT Analysis of the Constraints on Aspect Marking and Their Ranking 87
4.3.1 Typology of Constraints on Aspect Marking in English 87
4.3.2 Constraint Ranking of Aspect Marking in English 91
4.3.3 Testing the Ranking of Constraints on Aspect Marking 94
4.4 Summary 100
Chapter 5 L2 Acquisition of the Progressive Aspect:Towards an OT Account 101
5.1 An OT Account of L2 Tense-aspect Acquisition 102
5.1.1 Initial Ranking of Constraints on Tense-aspect Marking 102
5.1.2 Learning Algorithms in OT 104
5.2 Hypotheses on L2 Acquisition of English Tense-aspect System by Chinese EFL Learners 107
5.2.1 Hypothesis on Aspect Coercion 108
5.2.2 Hypotheses on Constraint Reranking 108
5.2.3 Hypotheses on Cross-linguistic Constraints 109
5.3 Variables Involved in Hypothesis Testing 110
5.3.1 L2-English Proficiency Level 110
5.3.2 NoCoER Constraint 111
5.3.3 IDENT(TF)Constraint 112
5.3.4 Tense-aspect Marking 113
5.4 Summary 114
Chapter 6 Research Design,Instrumentation,Data Collection and Data Analysis 115
6.1 Research Design 116
6.2 Participants 116
6.3 Instrumentation 119
6.3.1 Acceptability Judgment Test(AJT) 120
6.3.2 Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task(ASIT) 123
6.3.3 Movie Clip Retell Task(MCRT) 130
6.3.4 Summary of Test Instruments 135
6.4 Data Collection 135
6.4.1 Time and Venue 135
6.4.2 Task Sequence 136
6.5 Data Scoring and Coding 137
6.5.1 Scoring of ASIT Data 138
6.5.2 Scoring of AJT Data 139
6.5.3 Coding and Scoring MCRT Data 139
6.6 Data Analysis 141
6.7 Summary 141
Chapter 7 Results for Research Hypotheses Testing 142
7.1 Results for Hypothesis 1 143
7.1.1 Testing Hypothesis 1 through Movie Clip Retell Test(MCRT)Data 144
7.1.2 Testing Hypothesis 1 through Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT) 150
7.1.3 Testing Hypothesis 1 through Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT) 153
7.2 Testing Hypothesis 2 156
7.2.1 Testing Hypothesis 2 through Movie Clip Retell Task(MCRT) 157
7.2.2 Testing Hypothesis 2 through Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task(ASIT) 162
7.2.3 Testing Hypothesis 2 through Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT) 165
7.3 Testing Hypothesis 3 168
7.3.1 Testing Hypothesis 3 through Movie Clip Retell Task(MCRT) 168
7.3.2 Testing Hypothesis 3 through Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT) 171
7.4 Testing Hypothesis 4 178
7.4.1 Testing Hypothesis 4 through Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT) 179
7.4.2 Testing Hypothesis 4 through Movie Clip Retell Task(MCRT) 183
7.5 Testing Hypothesis 5 186
7.5.1 Testing Hypothesis 5 through Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT) 186
7.5.2 Testing Hypothesis 5 through Movie Clip Retell Task(MCRT) 188
7.5.3 Testing Hypothesis 5 through Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT) 190
7.6 Summary 192
Chapter 8 General Discussion 194
8.1 Developmental Route of English Tense-aspect Acquisition by Chinese EFL Learners 195
8.1.1 A Summary of Major Findings 195
8.1.2 Characterizing L2 Acquisition of the English Aspect Markers by Chinese EFL Learners 198
8.2 Implications of OT for the Developmental Route of L2 Tense-aspect Forms 200
8.2.1 An OT Account of the Initial State 200
8.2.2 The Triggering Factor in Tense-aspect Acquisition 203
8.2.3 The Spread from Prototypical to Non-prototypical Situation-aspect Mappings 206
8.2.4 The Role of Statives in Progressive Aspect Marking 208
8.3 The Explanatory Power of OT for L2 Aspect Acquisition 210
8.3.1 Temporal Semantics and Discourse Grounding:Two Conspiring Forces? 210
8.3.2 Nativism or Connectionism 213
8.4 Summary 215
Chapter 9 Conclusion 218
9.1 Conclusions 218
9.2 Implications 220
9.2.1 Implications for SLA Theory 220
9.2.2 Implications for L2 Tense-aspect Instruction 221
9.3 Limitations 223
9.4 Suggestions for Further Research 223
References 226
Appendix Ⅰ Progressive Aspect Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT) 241
Appendix Ⅱ Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task(ASIT) 244
Appendix Ⅲ Movie Clip Retell Task 254
Appendix Ⅳ Descriptive Statistic Data for the Figures 260
作者简介 263
List of Tables 38
3.1 Semantic Features of Aspectual Classes 38
3.2 Diagnostic Tests for Different Temporal Features of Situation 50
3.3 Interaction of Lexical Aspect with Grammatical Aspect 52
4.1 Aspect Marking Scenarios under Different Semantic-discourse Conditions 94
5.1 Violations of NOCOER Constraint on Different Situation Types 112
6.1 Grouping of Participants Based on Years of L2 English Learning and Scores on English Proficiency Test 118
6.2 Taxonomy and Token Numbers of the Verbs in AJT 123
6.3 Tokens of Telic Verbs in ASIT 126
6.4 Balancing Aspect, Test Statement and Filler Statement of One Passage across Arrangements of ASIT 129
6.5 A Summary of Instruments Developed for the Study 135
6.6 Coding of the Tense-aspect Forms in MCRT 140
7.1 Two-way ANOVAs(Repeated Measures)of Results for MCRT 146
7.2 Pairwise Comparisons of the Mean Differences Between Different Situation Types Marked with the Progressive Aspect(LSD) 147
7.3 Pairwise Comparisons of the Mean Differences Between Different Situation Types Marked with the Perfective Aspect(LSD) 148
7.4 Frequency Order of Perfective and Progressive Aspect Marking on Verbs of Five Situation Types by L2 Groups in MCRT 149
7.5 Effect of Verb Situation Type on Aspect Interpretation in ASIT 152
7.6 Effect of Verb Situation Type on Acceptability Judgment of Progressive Marking:Results for One-way ANOVA(Repeated Measures) 155
7.7 Pairwise Comparisons of Means for Five Situation Types by Each L2 Group in AJT 156
7.8 Effects of Proficiency Level and Situation Type of Verb on Progressive and Perfective Marking in MCRT:Results for Two-way ANOVA(Mixed Design) 160
7.9 Pairwise Comparisons of the Progressive and Perfective Marking on Verbs of Five Situation Types in MCRT (LSD) 160
7.10 Interaction Between Proficiency Level and Situation-aspect Mapping as Shown in ASIT:Results for Two-way ANOVA(Mixed Design) 164
7.11 Pairwise Comparisons of the Aspect Sentence Interpretations by Participants of Lower Proficiency Group and the Other Three Groups 164
7.12 Means and Standard Deviations of AJT by L2 Participants and Native Controls 166
7.13 Effects of Proficiency Level and Situation Type on Acceptability of Sentences Marked with Progressive:Results for Two-way ANOVA(Mixed Design) 167
7.14 Pairwise Comparisons of Mean Scores Between Low-level Group and Three Participant Groups for AJT 167
7.15 Aspect Marking for Two Discourse Grounding Status by Four Participant Groups in MCRT 169
7.16 Effects of Proficiency Level on Aspect Marking of Discourse Grounding in MCRT:Results for One-way ANOVAs 170
7.17 Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Aspect Sentence Interpretation by Four Participant Groups(ASIT) 173
7.18 Effects of Sentence Aspect and Proficiency on Temporal Interpretation of Test Statement in ASIT:Results for Two-way ANOVA(Mixed Design) 173
7.19 Pairwise Comparison of the Mean Scores for Aspect Sentence Interpretation by Four Participant Groups(ASIT) 174
7.20 Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Aspect Test Statement in Within-and After-text Position in ASIT 175
7.21 Three-way ANOVA for Test Statement Interpretation Related to Aspect,Position and Proficiency Level(ASIT) 176
7.22 Pairwise Comparisons of Mean Scores for Aspect Sentence Interpretation by Four Participant Groups (ASIT) 177
7.23 Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Acceptability of the Progressive Marking on the Stative Verbs in AJT 180
7.24 ANOVA for Acceptability Judgment of Five Subtypes of Stative Verb by Four Participant Groups 181
7.25 Pairwise Comparisons of Mean Scores for Five Subclasses of Stative Verbs in AJT 182
7.26 Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Progressive Aspect Marking on the Stative Verbs by Four Participant Groups in MCRT 184
7.27 Pairwise Comparisons of the Mean Scores for Progressive Aspect Marking on the Stative Verbs by Four Participant Groups in MCRT 185
7.28 Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Acceptability of the Progressive Marking on Achievement Verbs in AJT by Four Participant Groups 187
7.29 Pairwise Comparisons of Mean Scores for Acceptability of Progressive Aspect Marking on Achievement Verbs in AJT 188
7.30 Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Progressive Aspect Marking on Achievement Verbs in MCRT by Four Participant Groups 189
7.31 Pairwise Comparisons of Mean Scores for Progressive Aspect Marking on Achievement Verbs in MCRT 189
7.32 Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Interpretation of Sentences Containing Achievement Predicates Marked with Progressive Aspect 191
7.33 Pairwise Comparisons of Mean Scores for Interpretation of Sentences Containing Achievement Predicates Marked with Progressive Aspect 191
List of Figures 34
3.1 A Preliminary Taxonomy of Aspect in Languages 34
3.2 Flowchart of Situation Type Identification Procedure 44
3.3 Reference of the Progressive Punctuals 59
3.4 The Functions of the[PROG]Operator 61
3.5 Semantic Referents of Progressive in Chinese and English 69
4.1 Mapping of Input to Output in OT Grammar 73
4.2 Conflicting Constraints on Aspect Marking in English 87
5.1 Categorical and Overlapping Ranking of Constraints along a Continuous Scale 105
6.1 Schematic Representation of the Acceptability Scale of AJT 122
6.2 Experimental Set-up and Variables in ASIT 128
7.1 Means of Progressive and Perfective Marking for Five Situation Types in MCRT 145
7.2 Probability of Interpreting Aspect Sentence as Denoting Completed Events by All Participant Groups in ASIT 151
7.3 Mean Scores for Acceptability of Progressive Marking in Five Situation Types by L2 Participants and the Native Controls 154
7.4 Mean Scores for Progressive Aspect Marking by All Participant Groups on Each Situation Type in MCRT 158
7.5 Mean Scores for Perfective Aspect Marking by All Participant Groups on Each Situation Type in MCRT 159
7.6 Interpretation of Critical Aspect Sentences by Four Participant Groups 163
7.7 Acceptability of Aspect Marking on Five Subclasses of Stative Verbs by Four Participant Groups 181
8.1 General Pattern of Constraints Re-ranking in L2 Tense-aspect Acquisition 198