《金融英语听说 教师用书》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈建辉著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787513506243
  • 页数:201 页

Uunit 1 Banks and Banking Organizations 1

Ⅰ Warm-up 1

Ⅱ Short Dialogs 2

Ⅲ Long Conversations 9

1 Bank of China 9

2 Foreign Banks in China 13

Ⅳ Lecture & News Report 18

1 Banks in China 18

2 News on the HSBC Bank 21

Ⅴ Research & Presentation 24

Ⅵ Technical Terms 24

Uunit 2 Deposit Services 27

Ⅰ Warm-up 27

Ⅱ Short Dialogs 28

Ⅲ Long Conversations 35

1 Personal Deposit Services 35

2 Depositing Money 38

Ⅳ Lectures 42

1 Types of Bank Accounts 42

2 Money Creation 45

Ⅴ Research & Presentation 48

Ⅵ Technical Terms 48

Uunit 3 Lending Business 50

Ⅰ Warm-up 50

Ⅱ Short Dialogs 52

Ⅲ Long Conversations 58

1 Applying for an Auto Loan 58

2 Personal Consumer Durables Loans 62

Ⅳ Lecture & News Report 66

1 Lending Business 66

2 News on the Citigroup 68

Ⅴ Research & Presentation 71

Ⅵ Technical Terms 71

Uunit 4 Financial Statements 74

Ⅰ Warm-up 74

Ⅱ Short Dialogs 75

Ⅲ Long Conversations 82

1 Entries of Financial Statements 82

2 Statements of Cash Flows 85

Ⅳ Lectures 89

1 Accounts and Entries 89

2 Chart of Accounts 92

Ⅴ Research & Presentation 94

Ⅵ Technical Terms 95

Unit 5 Financial Instruments 97

Ⅰ Warm-up 97

Ⅱ Short Dialogs 100

Ⅲ Long Conversations 106

1 Bill Discounting 106

2 A Banker's Draft 110

Ⅳ Lectures 115

1 Banker's Acceptance 115

2 Types of Bills of Exchange 117

Ⅴ Research & Presentation 120

Ⅵ Technical Terms 120

Unit 6 International Settlement 123

Ⅰ Warm-up 123

Ⅱ Short Dialogs 124

Ⅲ Long Conversations 130

1 Tvpes of Letters of Credit 130

2 The Procedure for L/C Business 135

Ⅳ Lectures 139

1 Documentary Collections 139

2 Means of International Settlement 143

Ⅴ Research & Presentation 146

Ⅵ Technical Terms 147

Unit 7 Foreign Exchange Dealings 151

Ⅰ Warm-up 151

Ⅱ Short Dialogs 152

Ⅲ Long Conversations 159

1 Buying RMB Against USD 159

2 Selling RMB Yuan for the US Dollar 162

Ⅳ Lectures 166

1 Foreign Exchange Dealings with a Bank 166

2 Futures Transactions 169

Ⅴ Research & Presentation 172

Ⅵ Technical Terms 172

Unit 8 Insurance and Securities 175

Ⅰ Warm-up 175

Ⅱ Short Dialogs 177

Ⅲ Long Conversations 183

1 Types of Insurance Products 183

2 Insurance for Individuals 188

Ⅳ Lecture & News Report 192

1 Insurance Companies 192

2 News on the Stock Market 195

Ⅴ Research & Presentation 198

Ⅵ Technical Terms 198

Bibliography 201