《黄帝内经 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:罗希文
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国中医药出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787802316348
  • 页数:398 页

Part One Introduction 12

1 The Value of Huangdi Neijing 12

2 A Study Guide 15

3 The Authorship 23

3.1 Attribution to Huangdi 23

3.2 The Authorship of Neijing 26

3.3 The Authenticity of Lingshu 29

4 Suwen,Lingshu:Hence the Name 32

4.1 Suwen 32

4.2 Lingshu 33

5 Emendators and Annotators 35

6 Academic Thinking 38

6.1 Yin and Yang 38

6.2 Five Elements 40

6.3 Holism:Conception of the Organism as a Whole 42

6.4 A World in Perpetual Motion 46

7 Theoretical System 48

7.1 Visceral Manifestation 48

7.1.1 Definition 49

7.1.2 Five Viscera 50

7.1.3 Six Bowels 52

7.1.4 Extraordinary Bowels 52

7.1.5 Physiological Function 52

7.1.6 Theory of Channels and Collaterals 54

7.1.7 Vital Essence,Vital Energy and Spirit 56

7.2 Pathological Mechanism 62

7.2.1 Pathogenesis 62

7.2.2 Etiology 63

7.2.3 Pathology 65

7.3 Diagnosis 67

7.3.1 Observation 68

7.3.2 Pulses 69

7.4 General Rule of Treatment 73

7.4.1 Preventive Principle 73

7.4.2 Treatment Based on Concrete Conditions 76

7.4.3 Priorities in Treatment 77

7.4.4 Flexibility in Treatment 78

7.4.5 Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs,Principle of Treatment 80

7.4.6 Compatibility of Drugs and Composition of Prescriptions 81

7.4.7 Principle of Acupuncture 83

8 Epilogue 84

Part 1 Chapter 1-22 of Suwen(Full Texts With Detailed Notes)Chapter 1 Treatise on Ancient Theory of Primordial Energy 89

Chapter 2 Treatise on Self Cultivation of Spirit in Accordance with the Four Seasons 99

Chapter 3 Treatise on Communication of the Vital Energy with the Heaven 109

Chapter 4 Dictum of the Golden Chamber 124

Chapter 5 Treatise on the Correspondence of Yin and Yang 137

Chapter 6 Treatise on the Separation and Combination of Yin and Yang 165

Chapter 7 Treatise on the Differentiation of Yin and Yang 172

Chapter 8 Treatise on the Secret Canon in the Imperial Library 184

Chapter 9 Treatise on Six Jie and Visceral Manifestaion 191

Chapter 10 Treatise on the Producing and Complementing Relationship of the Five Viscera 208

Chapter 11 Treatise on the Additional Study of the Five Viscera 222

Chapter 12 Treatise on Variations of Treatments to Patients of Different Locations 228

Chapter 13 Treatise on Regulating the Vital Energy by Shifting Patient's Attention 234

Chapter 14 Treatise on Decoctions and Dense Wines 241

Chapter 15 Precious Treatise Inscribed on Jade 248

Chapter 16 Treatise on the Quintessence of Diagnosis and the Evanescence of the Channel Vital Energy 255

Chapter 17 Treatise on the Quintessence and Subtlety of Pulse-Feeling 265

Chapter 18 Treatise on the Manifestation of Pulsation for a Normal Person 292

Chapter 19 Treatise Inscribed on Jade on Pulses Symbolizing the Decay of Visceral Vital Energy 311

Chapter 20 Treatise on Pulses in Three Regions with Nine Presentations 334

Chapter 21 Treatise on the Additional Study of the Channels and Pulses 348

Chapter 22 Treatise on the Regulation of Visceral Vital Energy in Accordance with Seasonal Changes 359

English-Chinese Terminology 379

Reference 395