《工程硕士研究生英语综合教程 第2版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王慧莉,刘文宇,樊宇主编
  • 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787301173671
  • 页数:364 页
图书介绍:本书是面向工程硕士研究生的英语教材,编写时主要针对工程硕士研究生一般采用的集中授课形式,以让学生真正学到实用的东西为目的,强调了应用文体写作、日常和业务英语会话的重要性。本书的第一版,已经受到广大师生的好评,第二版以第一版为基础,在保留原有的特色基础上,对一些内容进行了增补,使其更具教学价值。工程硕士研究生英语综合教程(第二版)共分为15个单元,每个单元分成四个部分。第一部分“阅读与翻译” ,旨在培养阅读能力,就相关话题进行简单的讨论,并设有一些英汉互译的翻译练习;第二部分“翻译小窍门”,设有翻译理论及技巧方面的知识及练习,旨在为读者提供翻译(特别是汉译英)过程中常见问题的解决办法。第三部分“模拟套写”,旨在培养学生参照范例用英语模拟、翻译和写作一些应用文体。第四部分“听力与会话”,包括两个方面:听力和口语。新增加的听力部分提供了与本课主题相关的一个对话或者文章,旨在培养和提高学生基本的听力能力,特别是获取主要信息的能力。口语部分旨在培养学生进行涉外口语交际的能力。为了便于使用与学习,各单元每一部分均注有生词和短语,并用*标出全国工程硕士专业学位研究生英语教学要求词汇。

Unit One Energy Conservation 1

Part One Reading andTranslating 1

Reading A 1

Reading B 7

Part Two Tips for Translation 11

翻译概述(1) 11

Part Three Simulated Writing 13

Business Card 13

Part Four Listening and Speaking 15

Tour Guide Speech 17

Unit Two Online Communication 21

Part One Reading and Translating 21

Reading A 21

Reading B 27

Part Two Tips for Translation 31

翻译概述(2) 31

Part Three Simulated Writing 32

Abstract 32

Part Four Listening and Speaking 36

Business Negotiation 37

Unit Three Careers 41

Part One Reading and Translating 41

Reading A 42

Reading B 48

Part Two Tips for Translation 52

汉英语言差异(1) 52

Part Three Simulated Writing 54

Resumé 54

Part Four Listening and Speaking 59

Job Hunt and Interview 61

Unit Four Hygiene and Health 66

Part One Reading and Translating 66

Reading A 67

Reading B 72

Part Two Tips for Translation 76

汉英语言差异(2) 76

Part Three Sinulated Writing 78

Instruction Manual 78

Part Four Listening and Speaking 81

Supplier Selection 83

Unit Five Professional Ethics 88

Part One Reading and Translating 88

Reading A 89

Reading B 94

Part Two Tips for Translation 98

词义的选择 98

Part Three Simulated Writing 100

Invitation for Bids 100

Part Four Listening and Speaking 103

Agency 104

Unit Six E-Commerce 108

Part One Reading and Translating 108

Reading A 108

Reading B 114

Part Two Tips for Translation 117

词的增补 117

Part Three Simulated Writing 119

E-mail Message 119

Part Four Listening and Speaking 121

Contract Negotiation 123

Unit Seven Corporate Culture 127

Part One Reading and Translating 127

Reading A 128

Reading B 132

Part Two Tips for Translation 137

词的省略 137

Part Three Simulated Writing 139

A Company Profile 139

Part Four Listening and Speaking 142

Presenting a Company 144

Unit Eight Man and Nature 147

Part One Reading and Translating 147

Reading A 147

Reading B 153

Part Two Tips for Translation 157

词类的转换 157

Part Three Simulated Writing 159

Patent 159

Part Four Listening and Speaking 163

Technology Transfer and Cooperation 165

Unit Nine Future Technology 168

Part One Reading and Translating 168

Reading A 169

Reading B 174

Part Two Tips for Translation 179

正面表达与反面表达 179

Part Three Simulated Writing 181

A Research Report 181

Part Four Listening and Speaking 185

Opening Speeches 186

Unit Ten Motivation 190

Part One Reading and Translating 190

Reading A 191

Reading B 195

Part Two Tips for Translation 198

主动与被动(1) 198

Part Three Simulated Writing 200

A Performance Report 200

Part Four Listening and Speaking 204

Closing Speeches 205

Unit Eleven Celebrities 208

Part One Reading and Translating 208

Reading A 208

Reading B 213

Part Two Tips for Translation 218

主动与被动(2) 218

Part Three Simulated Writing 219

Faxes and Memos 219

Part Four Listening and Speaking 221

Job Routines 222

Unit Twelve Cultural Exchanges 226

Part One Reading and Translating 226

Reading A 227

Reading B 232

Part Two Tips for Translation 236

合并与切分(1) 236

Part Three Simulated Writing 238

A Proposal 238

Part Four Listening and Speaking 246

Academic Reports 247

Unit Thirteen Emerging Industry 253

Part One Reading and Translating 253

Reading A 254

Reading B 260

Part Two Tips for Translation 264

合并与切分(2) 264

Part Three Simulated Writing 266

Minutes of a Meeting 266

Part Four Listening and Speaking 271

Leading andParticipatingin aMeeting 272

Unit Fourteen Academic Honesty 277

Part One Reading and Translating 277

Reading A 278

Reading B 283

Part Two Tips for Tianslation 288

科技文本的翻译(1) 288

Part Three Simulated Writing 290

Describing Graphs 290

Part Four Listening and Speaking 294

Making Appointments 295

Unit Fifteen College Education 298

Part One Reading and Translating 298

Reading A 299

Reading B 304

Part Two Tips for Translation 308

科技文本的翻译(2) 308

Part Three Sumulated Writing 310

A Notice 310

Part Four Listening and Speaking 312

College Life 313

Key to the Exercises 317

Transcript 352