
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)里德(Reed,M.),(美)米肖(Michaud,C.)编著;李莘译
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7560524389
  • 页数:306 页


Chapter 1:A Preview of Pronunciation 发音概述 1

An Introduction to Language,Sounds,and the Alphabet 1

Sound Concepts:Mini-Lesson 1 7

Consonant & Vowel Sounds:Mini-Lesson 2 8

Introduction to the"th"Sounds:/θ/ and/?/ 10

Rhythm & Music:Mini-Lesson 3 11

Grammar Sounds:Mini-Lesson 4 12

Introduction to the Pronunciations of the Past Tense Ending"-ed" 12

Getting Ready for Chapter 2:What You Need to Know About Pronunciation 关于发音你需要知道的 14

Chapter 2:Diagnostics and Logbook 诊断与日志 19

Diagnostics 19

HoW to Use This Book:The Teacher-Student Partnership 25

Four Levels of Competence 25

HoW You Can Learn to Correct Your Mistakes 26

Using Your Pronunciation Log to Track Your Progress 27

Understanding the Key to Success:Speaking 28

Context for Practice:Language Learning Case Studies 29

Getting Ready for Chapter 3:What You Need to Know About Syllables 关于音节你需要知道的 31

Chapter 3:Syllable Structure and Linked Sounds 音节结构和连读 35

Introduction to Linked Sounds 35

Introduction to Contracted Sounds 36

Introduction to the Sounds/t/and/d/ 38

Syllable Structure 39

Consonant-to-Consonant Linking 43

Saying the Past Tense Ending"-ed" 44

Context for Practice:Language and Borrowings 44

Reflecting on Chapters 1—3:Pronunciation Questions and Priorities 第一至三章的回顾:发音问题和优先级 52

Chapter 4:Stress Patterns and Deleted Sounds 重音和吞音 55

Introduction to Deleted Sounds 55

Deleted/h/ 56

Introduction to Stress 58

Standard Stress Patterns:Two-Syllable Words 59

Standard Stress Patterns:Phrases 61

Standard Stress Patterns:Sentences 63

Introduction to Reduced Sounds 64

Reduced Can:Can→/kn/ 64

Contracted Not:Not→n't 64

Introduction to the Sound/s/ 65

Introduction to the Sound/z/ 66

Third-Person Singular Present Tense Ending("-s"or"-es") 66

Context for Practice:The Trial ofthe Century 72

Assessment Section 1:Chapters 1—4 评价单元一:第一至四章 74


Getting Ready for Chapter 5:What You Need to Know About Stress in Longer Words 关于长单词的重音你需要知道的 76

Chapter 5:Stress in Sentences and Reduced Sounds 句子重音和省略音 81

Reduced Sounds:and and of 81

Introduction to the Sound/aI/(eye) 84

Introduction to the Sound/iy/(eat) 85

Introduction to the Sound/I/(it) 85

Introduction to the Sounds/b/and/v/ 86

Introduction to the Sound /J/ 87

Introduction to the Sound/y/ 87

Regular Plural Count Noun Endings("-s"or"-es") 89

Context for Practice:Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 89

Thought groups 91

Stress with"-ation"Suffixes 93

Reflecting on Chapters 1—5:Pronunciation Change and the Learning Process 第一至五章的回顾:发音变化和学习过程 96

Chapter 6:Contrastive Stress and Altered Sounds 对比重音和变音 99

Introduction to Altered Sounds:Altered You 99

Introduction to the Sound/sh/(ship) 101

Introduction to the Sound/tch/(chip) 101

Introduction to the Sound/zh/(beige) 101

Introduction to the Sound/h/ 102

Introduction to Contrastive Stress 103

More Altered Sounds:Have to 108

Stress with"-ment"and"-mental"Suffixes 110

Stress with"-al"and"-ical"Suffixes 110

Introduction to the Sound/uw/(who) 111

Introduction to the Sound/?/(but) 111

Altered Do and Altered To 112

Altered Going to 113

Introduction to Possessive Noun Endings:-'s,-s' 115

Context for Practice:Parents,Children,and Peers 115

Getting Ready for Chapter 7:What You Need to Know About Stress and Sentenee Rhythm 关于重音和句子节奏你需要知道的 118

Chapter 7:Informational Stress and Altered Sounds 信息重音和变音 119

Introduction to Altered/t/ 119

Introduction to the Sound/r/ 121

Introduction to the Sound/l/ 122

Introduction to the Sound/?/(book) 122

More Contracted Sounds:I'd,He'd,(etc.) 123

Sentence-Level Stress 126

Introduction to Informational Stress 127

Introduction to Intonation 130

Stress with Suffixes:"-ogy,""-ogist" 133

Stress with Suffixes"-ical,""-ity" 134

Recycle Past Tense,Plural Noun,and Third-Person Singular Endings 135

Assessment Section 2:Chapters 5—7 评价单元二:第五至七章 139

Context for Practice:Air Traffic Controllers 140


Getting Ready for Chapter 8:What You Need to Know About Reductions:Or and Are 关于省略or和are你需要知道的 141

Chapter 8:Functional Intonation and Reduced Sounds 功能性语调和省略音 143

Altered Sounds:/y/ 143

Introduction to the Sound/w/ 145

Introduction to the Sound/?/(pat) 146

Introduction to the Sound/ey/(say) 146

Introduction to the Sound/ε/(get) 147

Reduced Sounds:have 148

More About Intonation 150

Functions of Intonation 150

Recycle Past Tense Verb Endings 154

Context for Practice:A History of Chocolate 154

Reflecting on Chapters 1—8 第一至八章的回顾 158

Chapter 9:Functional Intonation and Altered Sounds 功能性语调和变音 161

Altered Verb Phrases:want to,got to,going to 161

Reduced Sounds:because 162

Introduction to the Sound/f/ 164

Introduction to the Sound/p/ 165

Introduction to the Sound/a/(odd) 166

Functions of Intonation:Rising Intonation 167

Functions of Intonation:Falling Intonation 168

Recycle Regular Plural Count Noun Endings 172

Context for Practice:Evolution 172

Stress with"-ial"Suffixes 175

Getting Ready for Chapter 10:What You Need to Know About Intonation & Timing 关于语调和节奏你需要知道的 177

Chapter 10:Timing and Linked Sounds 节奏控制和连音 181

Linked Sounds:Introduction to Vowel-to-Vowel Linking 181

Introduction to the Sound/k/ 182

Introduction to the Sound/g/ 183

Introduction to the Sound/?/ 183

Introduction to Timing 184

Timing and Pauses 185

Recycle Regular Past Tense"-ed"Endings 192

Linked Sounds:Consonant-to-Consonant Linking 192

Review,Reflect,and Recycle 194

Using Stress and Syllables with Negative Prefixes 195

Context for Practice:Compound Nouns and Noun Phrases 196

Assessment Section 3:Chapters 8—10 评价单元三:第八至十章 198

Appendix 1:International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA)Chart and Mouth Diagrams 国际音标表和口型图 200

Appendix 2:Reproducible Speaking Diagnostic 可复制的发音诊断材料 205

Appendix 3:Grammar Cross-Reference 语法参照 206

Appendix 4:Audio Transcript 听力原文及答案 208

Appendix 5:Individual and Language—Specific Trouble Spots 个别语言问题 218

Appendix 6:Pronunciation Log 语音日志 220

Glossary 术语表 221

Index 索引 223

Teacher's Manual 教师用书 227