《是时候改变了 引进版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)贝瑟著
  • 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787533746476
  • 页数:129 页

Anything is Possible 一切皆有可能 2

It's Never too Late to Make a Change 什么时候做出改变都不太迟 4

Special People 特别的人 8

Be a Dreamer 心怀梦想 10

Life is a Lesson We learn Day After Day 生活是日积月累的教训 12

Take Time to Think About What Truly Makes You Happy 花时间想想真正让你幸福的是什么 16

Lifeline 生命线 20

Let Your Life Be a Wonderful Adventure! 让生活成为精彩的历险! 22

Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You 让内心的光芒照亮你的路途 26

Embracing Change 拥抱改变 30

Wake-Up Call 电话闹铃 34

It's Up to You! 一切由你 40

Your Happiness Depends on One Person……You! 你的幸福你做主! 44

Promise Yourself Only the Best 只给自己许下最好的承诺 48

Time is on Your Side 时间就在你身边 50

Competition is an Opportunity for Us to Give Our Best 竞争是我们充分展示自己的机会 52

A Way of Life 一种生活方式 54

Words to Remember Every Day 每天都要记住的话 56

Not Every Dream Comes True,But the Pursuit Can Still Lead Us to Happiness 不是每一个梦想都能成为现实,但追求梦想依然可以带来幸福 58

It's Important to Always Keep Changing 重要的是要永不停息地改变着 62

Today 今天 64

It's Okay to Be Lonely……for a Little While 偶尔的孤独没有什么关系 66

All Things Come in Time 一切终有收获 68

Nature is Our Best Teacher 自然是我们最好的老师 72

Be Who You Are 保持你的本色 76

Breaking Old Habits 告别旧习惯 78

A Motto for Living Life to Its Fullest 完美生活的座右铭 82

Isn't It Time to Feel Good About Yourself? 自信正当时 84

We Each Have the Power to Choose 我们每人都有选择的能力 88

When you're True to Yourself,Life is Everything You Want It to Be 忠实自己,你就会心想事成 90

Great Achievers 伟大的成就者 100

You Must Let It Go 你必须让它过去 106

The Gift of Time 时间的礼物 110

Let Your Spirit Guide You 让你的精神指引着你 112

Is It Time to Make a Change? 是时候改变了? 114

Feel the Power Within You 感受你内在的力量 116

You Can Be Anything You Dream Of 你可以梦想成真 120

Allow Each Day to Sing Its Own Unique Song for You 让每一天为你唱一首与众不同的歌 122

Keep Believing in Yourself 永远相信自己 126