《实用英语综合教程 2》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:《实用英语》教材编写组编
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787040276800
  • 页数:228 页

UNIT 1 News Media 1

Text A:What's New 2

Text B:Will Daily Newspapers Disappear? 10

Skills Development and Practice 17

Reading Skills—Flash Reading—Phrase 17

Translation Practice—省略译 18

Guided Writing 19

Listening and Speaking 21

UNIT 2 Surveys and Advertising 25

Text A:Surveys,Surveys and More Surveys 26

Text B:Advertising 34

Skills Development and Practice 39

Reading Skills—Logical Connection 39

Translation Practice—正反译 41

Guided Writing—General Sentence 42

Listening and Speaking 46

UNIT 3 Public Relations 51

Text A:Public Relations 52

Text B:The Interview 60

Skills Development and Practice 67

Reading Skills—Logical Connection 67

Translation Practice—反正译 68

Guided Writing—General Sentence 70

Listening and Speaking 73

UNIT 4 Culture 77

Text A:What Is Culture? 77

Text B:Food and Culture 85

Skills Development and Practice 91

Reading Skills—Main Idea 91

Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译 92

Guided Writing—Specific Sentence 94

Listening and Speaking 96

UNIT 5 College Education 101

Text A:My Advice to Students:Get a Sound,Broad Education 102

Text B:How Does Education Promote Success? 111

Skills Development and Practice 117

Reading Skills—Main Idea 117

Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译 118

Guided Writing—Specific Sentence 120

Listening and Speaking 122

UNIT 6 Online Learning 127

Text A:Finding a Right Online Degree Program 128

Text B:Does IT Help Us Learn More? 137

Skills Development and Practice 143

Reading Skills—Specific Information 143

Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译 145

Guided Writing—Business Letter 146

Listening and Speaking 148

UNIT 7 Animals 153

Text A:Do Animals Have a Culture? 154

Text B:Do Dogs Have Emotions? 161

Skills Development and Practice 168

Reading Skills—Specific Information 168

Translation Practice—被动语态的译法 169

Guided Writing—Business Letter 171

Listening and Speaking 172

UNIT 8 Everyday Life 177

TextA:A Friend on the Line 178

Text B:Sorry Sir,Sorry,Sorry 186

Skills Development and Practice 191

Reading Skills—Skimming 191

Translation Practice—被动语态的译法 193

Guided Writing—Business Letter 195

Listening and Speaking 197

Glossary 202

Phrases and Expressions 225