
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:范万军,楼晏著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:华中理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7560916171
  • 页数:253 页

A 1

a,an 1

able 3

about 3

above 3

abroad 3

absent 4

accept 4

accuse 4

accustom 5

act 5

activity 5

add 5

address 6

admit 6

advice 6

afraid 6

after 7

against 8

ago 8

agree 8

aim 9

alike 9

alive 10

alone 10

also 10

although 11

amaze 11

among 11

amount 11

angry 12

answer 12

anxious 12

apply 12

apologize 13

appeal 13

approach 13

arise 13

ashamed 14

ask 14

asleep 15

at 15

avoid 16

B 16

baggage 16

ban 17

bark 17

before 17

begin 17

believe 18

belong 18

beside 18

besides 19

better 19

beyond 20

bit 20

boast 21

body 21

borrow 21

both 21

bound 22

bread 22

bring 23

burden 23

busy 23

but 23

by 24

C 25

call 25

capable 25

care 25

careful 26

carry 26

carve 26

catch 26

cattle 27

cause 27

cease 28

chalk 28

charge 28

cheap 28

cheat 28

choice 28

choose 29

church 29

cinema 29

class 30

climate 30

clothes 30

clothing 31

cold 31

colour 31

come 32

command 32

comment 32

committee 33

common 33

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complete 33

oondition 33

confess 34

confidence 34

confident 34

congratulate 34

congratulation 34

consider 35

consist 35

contact 35

continue 35

convenient 36

cost 36

cough 36

countryside 37

cover 37

cow 37

cross 37

cure 37

cut 38

D 38

dare 38

date 38

deal1 39

deal2 39

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dead 40

death 40

delay 40

demand 40

deny 40

depend 41

deprive 41

despair 41

devote 41

diary 42

die 42

differ 43

different 43

difficult 44

difficulty 44

direction 44

disagree 44

discuss 44

distaste 45

divide 45

double 45

dozen 45

dream 46

dress 46

during 46

E 47

ear 47

east 47

economic 47

effect 48

effort 48

either 48

else 49

end 49

engage 50

English 50

enjoy 51

enough 51

enter 52

equal 52

evade 53

evening 53

everybody 53

everyday 54

everyone 54

everything 54

examination 54

example 54

except 54

excuse 55

exercise 55

expect 55

expensive 55

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eye 56

F 57

fall 57

familiar 57

family 57

famous 58

fast 58

feed 58

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few 60

fill 60

find 61

finish 61

fire 61

first 62

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fit 63

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food 65

fool 65

foot 65

for 66

forbid 66

force 67

forget 67

freeze 67

from 68

front 69

fruit 69

full 69

fun 70

furniture 70

further 70

G 70

game 70

gaze 71

generally 71

get 71

gift 72

give 72

glad 73

glass 73

go 74

good 75

goods 75

grass 75

group 76

grow 76

guilty 77

H 77

habit 77

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hair 78

half 78

hand 79

hang 80

happen 80

hard 81

hardly 81

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have 82

head① 83

head② 83

headache 83

health 83

hear 83

heart 85

help 85

high 86

highly 86

hinder 86

hole 87

home 87

hope 87

horse 88

hour 88

how 89

hundred 89

hunt 90

hurry 90

hurt 90

I 91

ice 91

if 91

ill 92

imagine 93

impossible 93

impress 93

in 93

independent 95

influence 95

inform 95

information 95

injury 95

ink 96

insist 96

instead 96

interest 97

interested 97

interesting 97

introduce 98

invaluable 98

it 98

its 99

J 100

jealous 100

job 100

join 100

judge 101

just 101

K 101

keep 101

key 102

kind 103

knife 103

knock 103

know 104

knowledge 104

L 104

lack 104

language 105

laat 105

late 105

laugh 106

lay 106

leaf 106

learn 106

learned 107

leave 107

lend 107

less 108

let 108

lie1 108

lie2 109

life 109

like 109

likely 110

listen 110

little 111

live1 111

live2 112

living1 112

living2 112

lone 112

lonely 112

look 113

lot 114

loud 114

love 115

low 115

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lunch 116

M 116

machine 116

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mail 117

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man 118

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manner 119

many 119

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mathematics 120

may 120

means 121

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mention 122

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mirror 123

miss 124

Miss 124

mistake 124

moment 124

money 125

moonlight 125

more 125

morning 126

most 126

mount 127

mountain 127

mouse 128

Mr(Mr.) 128

Mrs(Mrs.) 128

much 128

music 129

must 129

myself 130

N 131

name 131

nature 131

near 131

nearly 132

necessary 132

need 132

neither 133

never 134

news 135

newspaper 135

next 135

night 136

nobody 136

none 136

nor 137

north 137

not 137

nothing 139

number 139

O 140

obey 140

object 140

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off 141

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on 143

one 143

once 144

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open 145

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or 146

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ought 147

out 147

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P 148

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Q 163

quarter 163

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R 164

radio 164

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rid 173

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S 175

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some 190

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south 193

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specialist 194

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street 198

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such 201

sugar 201

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suggestion 202

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T 206

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television 210

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temperature 212

than 212

that 212

the 214

there 214

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to 220

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train 223

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U 226

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V 231

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W 233

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write 251

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Y 252

year 252

yes 252

yet 253