《英语写作 逻辑与修辞 下》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘琦编著
  • 出 版 社:成都:电子科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7810657534
  • 页数:208 页

Book Two:Image and DescriptionChapter 1 Orientation:Description 1

Ⅰ.Why is Description 1

Ⅱ.Application of Description 1

Ⅲ.Features of Description 3

A.Stylistic feature of description 4

B.Linguistic feature of description 5

Ⅳ.Other Components of Description 7

A.Theme and overall impression 8

B.Atmosphere and tone 8

C.Physical point of view and sequence 10

Ⅴ.Samples for Analysis 11

Exercises 13

Chapter 2 Concrete Words & Meaningful Details:Two prerequisiter for building images 14

Ⅰ.Two Prerequisites for Images 14

Ⅱ.Prerequisite One:Concrete/Specific Words 16

A.Choosing a noun with concrete meaning 18

B.Choosing an adjective or adverb that is descriptive and informative 19

C.Choosing a dynamic verb that speaks for itself 21

Ⅲ.Prerequisite Two:Meaningful Details 24

Ⅳ.Samples for Analysis 25

Exercises 28

Chapter 3 Sources of Images:Simile and Metaphor 31

Ⅰ.Orientation 31

Ⅱ.Tenor and Vehicle 32

Ⅲ.Simile and its Extended Form 32

A.Simile 32

B.Epic simile or Homeric simile 35

Ⅳ.Metaphor and Tropes 35

A.Metaphor 35

B.Four angles to view metaphor 37

C.Tropes(辞格) 39

Ⅴ.Samples For Analysis 41

Exercises 45

Chapter 4 Sources of Images:Symbol & Descriptive Details 50

Ⅰ.Symbol in General 50

A.Literary symbol 50

B.Two kinds of object as the foundation of symbol 50

C.Metaphor and symbol 51

D.Three other attributes of literary symbol 52

Ⅱ.Three Groups of the Symbol and Logical Reasoning 56

A.Three groups of the symbol 56

B.Symbols and logical reasoning 58

C.Symbolism in literature 58

Ⅲ.Descriptive Details 59

Ⅳ.Samples for Analysis 59

Exercises 64

Chapter 5 Color Scheme & Visual Images 65

Ⅰ.Forms of Color Words 65

A.Color words from paints 65

B.Color words from life 66

Ⅱ.Elements of Color-Scheme 67

A.Viewpoint(视点) 67

B.Quality of color(色质) 67

C.Light and color 71

Ⅲ.Functions of Color in Writing 73

A.Colors for information 73

B.Colors for emotion 74

C.Colors for ideas 76

Ⅳ.Samples 80

Exercises 83

Chapter 6 Sound Effect & Auditory Images 86

Ⅰ.Meaning of Sounds 86

Ⅱ.Interpretation of Sound 89

A.Factors that affect quality of sound 89

B.Overtones 92

C.Factors that affect the receiver 95

Ⅲ.Sound Effect and Onomatopoeia 96

A.Musical quality of sound effect 96

B.Sound-idea association 100

V.Constituent Parts of Onomatopoeia 104

A.Pure echoes 104

B.Symbliconomatopoeia 106

C.Sound in particular occasions 108

Ⅴ.Sound Effect in Writing 113

A.Onomatopoeia 113

B.Simile and metaphor 114

C.Repetition 114

D.Contrast 116

E.Suggestion 116

F.Narration 117

Ⅵ.Samples for Analysis 118

Exercises 121

Chapter 7 Shape & Images 125

Ⅰ.What is the Shape 125

Ⅱ.Identification of Shapes 125

A.Identification of natural shape 126

B.Identification of geometric shape 128

C.Identification of Figurative shape 132

Ⅲ.Words that Describe Shapes 134

A.Concrete nous as shape words 134

B.Verbs,adjectives,adverbs as shape words 135

Ⅳ.Ways to Build Images 141

A.Selection of specific nouns 141

B.Seclection of shape-descriptive adjectives 143

C.Selection of dynamic verbs 145

D.Building an image by contrast 145

Ⅴ.Samples for Analysis 146

Chapter 8 People & Images 149

Ⅰ.Characters as Types and Individuals 150

A.Characters as types 150

B.Characters as individuals 153

Ⅱ.Trait Theory and Personality Judgement 157

A.Premise of the trait concept 157

B.Cattell's 16 personality factors 157

C.Eysenck's Two-Dimensional Theory 158

D.The Big Five 158

E.Behaviorists and personality judgement 159

F.Character judgement in literature 160

Exercises on traits 161

Ⅲ.Characterization in Literature 164

A.Direct characterization 164

B.Indirect characterization 167

Ⅳ.Image and Character Analysis 174

A.Significance of physical details 174

B.Character analysis 179

Ⅴ.Physical Details for Image 186

A.Look in the eye 187

B.Expression on the face 189

C.Style of hair 192

D.Shape of the build 194

E.Tone in the voice 198

F.Fashion of the dress 199

Appendix Ⅰ Color 202

Appeneix Ⅱ Sound 203

Appendix Ⅲ Shape 204

Appendix Ⅳ Character Traits 204

Answers to the Exerses 206

Reference 207