Chap 1.Some Foundamental Concept 1
Chap 2.Alkanes and cycloalkenes 5
Chap 3.Alkenes and cycloalkenes 13
Chap 4.Alkynes 23
ChaP 5.Benzenoid Hydrocarbons 29
Chap 6.Halogen Compound 45
Chap 7.Alcohols and Phenols 57
Chap 8.Ethers 69
Chap 9.Aldehvdes and Ketones 75
Chap 10.Sterochemistry 91
Chap 11.Carboxylic and Suiphonic Acid 99
Chap 12.Carboxylic and Sulphonic Acid Derivatives 1 109
Chap 13.Nitro and Nitroso compound 119
ChaP 14.Amines and Diaroviun compounds 125
Chap 15.Amino-acid Dolypeptides and proteins 139
Chap 16.Carbohydrates 143
Chap 17.Heterocyclic compound 153
Chap 18.Spectrochemistry 161
附录: 191
历届研究所入学有机化学试题暨解答 191
历年台大有机化学试题集锦暨解答 191
历年清大有机试题集锦 201
64年台大有机化学试题暨解答 211
65年台大有机化学试题暨解答 217
66年清华研究所入学有机试题 223
67年台大有机化学试题暨解答 234
68年台大有机化学试题暨解答 249
69年台大有机化学试题暨解答 253