目录 1
马铃薯晚疫病菌分子遗传及与寄主互作研究进展 1
利用cDNA-AFLP技术鉴定马铃薯晚疫病菌小种特异无毒基因候选表达序列 9
与马铃薯晚疫病菌无毒基因Avr1连锁的AFLP标记 16
cDNA-AFLP结合BSA初步研究马铃薯晚疫病菌小种特异无毒基因差异表达片段 21
甘蓝型油菜种子无机磷含量变异的初步分析 26
作物低植酸育种研究进展 30
番茄Cf-4-Avr4互作系统中信号转导基因的克隆与功能分析 37
利用PCR标记同时鉴定番茄抗根结线虫和番茄斑点萎凋病毒病基因 46
利用多重PCR反应同时筛选番茄Tm22和Mi基因 53
与番茄Ps-2位点紧密连锁的AFLP分子标记的获得 60
番茄对黄瓜花叶病毒病的抗性材料鉴定及其转育 66
番茄抗晚疫病材料的鉴定及初步转育 70
利用cDNA-AFLP检测不同甘蓝雄性不育育性相关基因时序性表达 74
四种甘蓝雄性不育类型差异基因表达分析 82
青花菜快速碱化因子RALF(Rapid Alkalinization Factors)基因的克隆与序列分析 89
青花菜花药发育相关基因BoDHAR及其启动子区的克隆与分析 96
辣椒C基因全长序列的获得及同源序列比较 104
大白菜部分叶球性状的QTL定位 112
大豆中Glycinol的分离与鉴定 121
外源茉莉酸对大豆异黄酮的影响 129
外源茉莉酸对大豆中异戊烯黄酮Glyceollins及其前体Glycinol累积的影响 135
异源表达细菌二氢喋呤合成酶基因提高拟南芥叶酸含量的研究 142
侵染花生的黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)CA株系核酸全序列分析 151
Linkage mapping of a dominant male sterility gene Ms-cd1 in Brassica oleracea 158
Transcript profiling of a dominant male sterile mutant(Ms-cd1)in cabbage during anther development 168
Characterization of natural variation for zinc accumulation and zinc response in Brassica rapa L 178
Establishment of ecotilling for discovery of DNA polymorphisms in Brassica rapa natural population 194
Identification of QTLs related to bolting in Brassica rapa ssp.pekinensis(syn.Brassica campestris ssp.pekinensis) 202
Mapping QTLs for mineral content in heading Chinese cabbage(Brassica rapa L.ssp.pekinensis) 211
Genetic relationships within Brassica rapa as inferred from AFLP fingerprints 223
A cDNA-AFLP based strategy to identify transcripts associated with avirulence in Phytophthora infestans 244
The utility of NBS profiling for plant:a first study in tuber-bearing Solanum species 262
Tomato defense to the powdery mildew fungus:differences in expression of genes in susceptible,monogenic and polygenic resistance responses are mainly in timing 272
Transcript profiling of genes involved in powdery mildew induced defense responses in tomato mediated by papilla formation,fast or slow hypersensitive responses 291
Tomato defense against powdery mildew:quantitative resistance is mainly mediated by the hypersensitive response 311
Transcriptome investigations of powdery mildew challenged tomato lines carrying different combinations of resistance QTLs 326
Linkage disequilibrium mapping for complex Traits:individual markers versus Haplo-blocks 348
Developing institutional collaboration between Wageningen University(WU) and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS):the joint CAAS-WU sandwich PhD program 358
后记 375