
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:齐齐,陈伟华主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7111176294
  • 页数:458 页

目录 2

前言 2

Chapter 1 Living日常生活 2

Unit 1 Talk about the Dream痴人说梦 2

Unit 2 Daily Life起居 6

Unit 3 Eating and Drinking就餐 11

unit 4 Reduce Weight减肥 24

Unit 5 Beauty Parlour美容美发 31

Unit 6 Cosmetics and Costumes化妆品和服装 37

Unit 13 Appreciate and Respond感谢与应答 44

Unit 7 Emergencies紧急情况 45

Unit 8 See a Doctor就医 52

Unit 9 Studies and Examinations学习与考试 60

Unit 10 Likes and Dislikes兴趣爱好 64

Unit 11 Festivals节假日 68

Unit 12 About the Weather天气 74

Unit 13 Go Shopping at Market商场购物 80

Unit 14 Buy House or Car购房买车 87

Unit 15 Repairs and Decoration修葺和装修 93

Unit 16 At the Post Office在邮局 98

Unit 17 At the Bank在银行 103

Unit 18 Insurance保险 112

Unit 1 Ability个人能力 121

Chapter 2 Work工作 121

Unit 2 Recruiting and Training招聘与培训 126

Unit 3 Interview面试 132

Unit 4 Contract签合同 139

Unit 5 Availability到任期 142

Unit 6 Remuneration薪酬 146

Unit 7 With Colleagues同事之间 149

Unit 8 Personnel Matters人事 156

Unit 9 Call on Customers拜访客户 160

Unit 10 Reasons for Leaving离职原因 166

Chapter 3 Relaxation娱乐休闲 173

Unit 1 Read Newspapers读报纸 173

Unit 2 Watch TV看电视 178

Untt 3 See a Film看电影 184

Unit 4 Watch Performance and Shows看演出 191

Unit 5 Listen to the Music听音乐 195

Unit 6 KTV伴唱 202

Unit 7 Bar酒吧 207

Unit 8 Gymnasium Exercise健身 210

Unit 9 Playing the Chess and Cards下棋和打牌 215

Unit 10 Stamp Collecting集邮 221

Unit 11 Feed Pets养宠物 227

Unit 12 Table Tennis乒乓球 231

Unit 13 Tennis网球 236

Chapter 4 Love爱情 243

Unit 1 Make an Appointment约会 243

Unit 2 Fall in Love热恋 248

Unit 3 Ask for Marriage求婚 254

Unit 4 Marry结婚 261

Unit 5 Wedding Etiquette婚嫁礼仪 266

Unit 6 Pregnant怀孕生子 273

Chapter 5 Intercourse交际 280

Unit 1 Greeting打招呼 280

unit 2 How to Open a Conversation如何开始交谈 285

Unit 3 Introducing介绍与自我介绍 289

Unit 4 Receving Telephone Calls接听电话 294

Unit 5 Chat闲聊 300

Unit 6 Discuss商议 307

Unit 7 Arranging an Appointment约见安排 310

Unit 8 Invitation邀请 316

Unit 9 Praise称赞 322

Unit 10 Congratulate祝贺 327

Unit 11 Farewell告别 334

Unit 12 Ask for Help请求帮助 338

Unit 14 Regret and Respond致歉与应答 349

Unit 15 At the Party聚会 355

Unit 16 Complain投诉 360

Unit 17 Claim索赔 364

Chapter 6 Tourism旅行 374

Unit 1 Planning for a Travel旅行计划 374

Unit 2 The Guide导游 377

Unit 3 Transportation交通工具 382

Unit 4 At the Hotel and Book a Room住饭店预订房间 391

Unit 5 Excursion郊游 397

Upit 6 Visit the Hometown故乡游 402

unit 7 Visit the Canyon大峡谷观光 405

Unit 8 Going Abroad's Travel出国旅行 408

Unit 9 Travel around the World周游世界 413

Unit 10 BusinessTrip商务旅行 417

Unit 11 Meet with the Troubles遇到麻烦 422

Chapter 7 The World of Internet网事如烟 428

Unit 1 About the Computer关于电脑 428

Unit 2 Buy a Computer购买电脑 433

Unit 3 Computer's Training电脑培训 437

Unit 4 E-mail电子邮件 441

Unit 5 Computer Games电脑游戏 444

Unit 6 About the Internet网络评说 447

Unit 7 Internet Hackers网络黑客 452

参考文献 458