《UML精粹 标准对象建模语言简明指南 第3版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)福勒(Fouler,M.)著
  • 出 版 社:北京市:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7302125422
  • 页数:167 页
图书介绍:本书为著名的Martin Fouler所作。本书首版自1997年问世以来,深受读者欢迎,堪称书中上乘。第3版以UML 2.0为基础,引进交互概观图、定时图、复合结构图等新图型;对类图、顺序图、状态图、活动图等均多有更新。作者一如既往,力求以极小篇幅,讲述主要内容,见地独到,且使用对话文体,讲述技术内容,实用与基础并重;文笔清新,引人入胜。本书可作为高等学校计算机、电子、通信等专业高年级学生及研究生课程之教学用书,同时对软件研究者与开发人员亦颇具参考价值。

Chapter 1:Introduction(引言) 1

What Is the UML?(何谓UML?) 1

Ways of Using the UML(UML的使用方式) 2

How We Got to the UML(UML发展简史) 7

Notations and Meta-Models(图示法与元模型) 9

UML Diagrams(UML图) 10

What is Legal UML?(何谓合法UML?) 13

The Meaning of UML(UML的含义) 14

UML is not enough(UML并非足够) 14

Where to Start with the UML(何处着手使用UML) 16

Looking for More Information(何处找寻更多资料) 16

Chapter 2:Development Process(开发过程) 19

Iterative and Waterfall Processes.(迭代过程与瀑布过程) 19

Predictive and Adaptive Planning.(预见性计划制订与适应性计划制订) 23

Agile Processes.(敏捷过程) 24

Rational Unified Process.(Rational统一过程) 25

Fitting a Process to a Project.(过程适配项目) 26

Fitting the UMLinto aprocess.(UML适配过程) 29

Requirements Analysis(需求分析) 29

Design(设计) 30

Documentation(文档) 31

Understanding Legacy Code.(理解遗产代码) 32

Choosing a Development Process.(选择开发过程) 33

Where to Find Out More.(何处找寻更多资料) 33

Chapter 3:Class Diagrams:The Essentials.(类图:基础部分) 35

Properties.(特性) 35

Attributes.(属性) 36

Associations.(关联) 37

Multiplicity.(重数) 38

Programming Interpretation of Properties.(特性的程序解释) 39

Bi-directional Associations.(双向关联) 41

Operations.(操作) 43

Generalization.(泛化) 45

Notcs and Comments.(注文与注释) 46

Dependency.(依赖) 47

Constraint Rules.(约束规则) 49

When to Use Class Diagrams.(何时使用类图) 51

Where to Find Out More.(何处找寻更多资料) 52

Chapter 4:Sequence Diagrams.(顺序图) 53

Creating and deleting participants.(参加者的创建与删除) 56

Loops,conditionals and the like.(循环、条件等) 57

Synchronous and Asynchronous Calls.(同步调用与异步调用) 61

When to use Sequence Diagrams.(何时使用顺序图) 61

Chapter 5:5.Class Diagrams:Advanced Concepts.(类图:高级概念) 65

Keywords.(基词) 65

Responsibilities.(职责) 66

Static Operations and Attributes.(静态操作与静态属性) 66

Aggregation and Composition.(聚合与组合) 67

Derived Properties.(导出特性) 68

Interfaces and Abstract Classes.(接口与抽象类) 69

Read Onlv and Frozen.(只读与冻结) 72

Reference Objects and Value Objects.(指引对象与值对象) 73

Qualified Associations.(受限关联) 74

Classification and Generalization.(分类与泛化) 75

Multiple and Dynamic Classification.(多重分类与动态分类) 76

Association Class.(关联类) 78

Template(Parameterized)Class.(模板(参数化)类) 81

Enumerations.(枚举) 82

Active Class.(主动类) 83

Visibility.(可见性) 83

Messages.(消息) 84

Chapter 6:Object Diagrams.(对象图) 87

When to use Object Diagrams.(何时使用对象图) 87

Chapter 7:Package Diagrams.(包图) 89

Packages and Dependencies.(包与依赖) 91

Package Aspects.(包面) 93

Implementing Packages.(包的实现) 94

Where to Find Out More.(何时使用包图) 95

When to Use Package Diagrams.(何处找寻更多资料) 95

Chapter 8:Deployment Diagrams.(部署图) 97

When to use deployment diagrams.(何时使用部署图) 98

Chapter 9:Use Cases.(用例) 99

Content of a Use Case.(用例的内容) 100

Use Case Diagrams.(用例图) 102

Levels of Use Cases.(用例级别) 103

Use cases and features(or stories).(用例与特征(或情节)) 104

When to Use Use Cases.(何时使用用例) 104

Where to Find Out More.(何处找寻更多资料) 105

Chapter 10:State Machine Diagrams.(状态机图) 107

Internal Activities.(内部活动) 109

Activity States.(活动状态) 109

Superstates.(超态) 110

Implementing State Diagrams.(状态图的实现) 111

Concurrent States.(并发状态) 111

When to Use State Diagrams.(何时使用状态图) 114

Where to Find Out More.(何处找寻更多资料) 115

Chapter 11.Activity Diagrams.(活动图) 117

Decomposing an action.(动作的分解) 119

Partitions.(分划) 120

Signals.(信号) 121

Flows and Edges.(流与边) 124

Tokens.(权标) 124

Pins and Transformations.(饰针与转换) 125

Expansion Regions.(展开区域) 126

Flow Final.(流终) 127

Join Specifications.(汇合指明) 128

And there's more.(此外尚有更多内容) 129

When to Use Activity Diagrams.(何时使用活动图) 129

Where to Find Out More.(何处找寻更多资料) 130

Chapter 12.Communication Diagrams.(通信图) 131

When to use Communication Diagrams.(何时使用通信图) 133

Chapter 13.Composite Structures.(复合结构) 135

When to Use Composite Structures.(何时使用复合结构) 137

Chapter 14.Component Diagrams.(构件图) 139

When to use Component Diagrams.(何时使用构件图) 141

Chapter 15.Collaborations.(协作) 143

When to Use Collaborations.(何时使用协作) 146

Chapter 16.Interaction Overview Diagrams.(交互概观图) 147

When to use Interaction Overview Diagrams.(何时使用交互概观图) 147

Chapter 17.Timing Diagrams.(定时图) 149

When to use Timing Diagrams.(何时使用定时图) 150

Appendix:Changes between UML Versions.(UML各个版本间的变动) 151

Revisions to the UML.(UML的修订) 151

Changes in UML Distilled.(《UML精粹》中的变动) 152

Changes from UML 1.0 to 1.1.(从UML 10到UML 11的变动) 153

Type and Implementation Class.(类型与实现类) 153

Returns on Sequence Diagrams.(顺序图上的回送(返回)) 154

Immutability and Frozen.(永恒与冻结) 154

Composition.(组合) 154

Complete and Incomplete Discriminator Constraints.(完整与不完整判别元约束) 154

Use of the Term“Role”.(术语“角色”的使用) 155

Changes from UML 1.2(and 1.1)to 1.3(and 1.5).(从UML 12(及11)到 UML 13(及15)的变动) 155

Use Cases.(用例) 155

Activity Diagrams.(活动图) 156

Changes from UML 1.3 to 1.4.(从UML 13到UML 14的变动) 157

Changes from UML 1.4.to 1.5.(从UML 14到UML 15的变动) 157

From UML 1.x to UML 2.0.(从UML 1x到UML) 157

Class Diagrams:The Essentials(Chapter 3).(类图: 基础部分(第3章)) 158

Interaction Diagrams.(Chapter4)(顺序图(第4章)) 158

Class Diagrams:Concepts(Chapter5).(类图:高级概念(第5章)) 158

State Diagrams.(状态机图) 159

Activity Diagrams.(活动图) 159

Bibliography.(参考文献) 161

Index.(索引) 167