《新思路大学英语口语 下》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张在新,穆杨主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7810957414
  • 页数:120 页

Table of Contents 3


Unit 1 ?dueation 3

Activity 1 3

Math Test 3

Caring Teacher 4

Activity 2 6

Bet 6

The Lizard 7

Unit 2 Serviees 9

Activity 3 9

The Cat and the Bowl 9

At the Hotel 10

Unit 3 Food and Drink 13

Activity 4 13

Dead German Shepherd 13

The Seeing Eye Dog 14

Activity 5 16

A Phone Call 16

Unit 4 Daily ?ipe 16

Crossing the Street 17

Unit 5 Jravel 19

Activity 6 19

E-mail Error 19

Trip to the Country 20

Unit 6 Health 22

Activity 7 22

Sleeping Pills 22

Light Bulb 23

Sick Man 24

Activity 8 24

Last Word 25

Unit 7 Home and Family 28

Activity 9 28

True Love 28

In the Jungle 29

Activity 10 31

Happy and Unhappy Marriages 31

Dog of a Big Family 32

A Winning Lottery Ticket 35

Unit 8 People 35

Activity 11 35

Lying 36

Activity 12 37

Psychic 37

Appointment in Samara 39

Unit 9 ?obs and Oeeupations 41

Activity 13 41

Chalk Mark 41

Breakfast for Free 42

Unit 10 Soeial Relations 45

Activity 14 45

The Perfect Man 45

Carjacking 46

Activity 15 48

Feel like a Woman 48

Cookies 49

Activity 16 51

A Push 51

Unit 11 Free-Jime Aetivities 51

Skipping Church 52

Activity 17 54

Four Hunters 54

Two Paintings 55


Unit 1 Serviees 61

Unit 2 Daily ?i?e 63

Unit 3 ?dueation 66

Unit 4 Free-Jime Aetivities 70

Unit 5 Home and Family 73

Unit 6 Health 75

Unit 7 Jobs and Oeeupations 78

Unit 8 People 82

Unit 9 Soeial Relations 89

Self/PeerEvaluation(Level2) 91

Oral Assessment Guidelines 92

Tapescript 94

Answer Key 110

Vocabulary 118