
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张英珊编
  • 出 版 社:北京:化学工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7502555919
  • 页数:339 页


Chapter 1 Gases,Gas Phase Equilibria 1

1.1 The Perfect-gas Law 1

1.2 The Partial Pressures of Components of a Gas Mixture 5

1.3 The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases 8

1.4 Diffusion and Effusion 10

1.5 Real Gases 12

1.6 The Scientific Method 14

1.7 Chemical Equilibrium in gaseous state 15

1.8 Le Ch?telier's Principle 20

1.9 Heterogeneous Equilibria 23

Chapter 2 Chemical Thermodynamics 27

2.1 First Law of Thermodynamics 27

2.2 The Isothermal Expansion of an Ideal Gas 30

2.3 Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change 32

2.4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 38

2.5 Gibbs Free Energy and Spontaneity 44

2.6 Interpretation of Free Energy 46

Chapter 3 Chemical Kinetics 53

3.1 Reaction Rates 53

3.2 Rate Laws and Reaction Order 56

3.3 Determining the Rate Law 58

3.4 Temperature and Rate:A Model for Chemical Kinetics 62

3.5 Reaction Mechanisms 66

3.6 Catalysis 68

Chapter 4 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table of the Elements 72

4.1 Dalton's Atomic Theory 72

4.2 Basic Compositions of Atoms 73

4.3 The Birth of the Quantum Theory 73

4.4 The Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen and Bohr Theory 75

4.5 The Quantum Mechanical Description of Hydrogen Atom 78

4.6 Polyelectronic Atoms 82

4.7 Electron Configurations of Atoms 84

4.8 Electron Diagrams of Atoms 87

4.9 The Periodic Table 88

4.10 Periodic Trends in Atomic Properties 90

Chapter 5 The Chemical Bond 97

5.1 Types of Chemical Bonds 97

5.2 Ionic Bond 97

5.3 Covalent Bond 102

5.4 Describing the Valence Electron Arrangement 104

5.5 Predicting the Molecular Structure:The VSEPR Model 109

5.6 Valence Bond Theory:Hybrid Orbitals 113

5.7 Polar covalent Bond 119

5.8 Bond Energy 121

5.9 Molecular Orbital Theory 123

5.10 Orbitals:Human Inventions 128

Chapter 6 Liquid and Solid 132

6.1 Intermolecular Forces 132

6.2 The Properties of Liquid State 135

6.3 Solid state 136

6.4 Lattices 139

6.5 Metallic Crystals 141

6.6 Ionic Crystals 143

6.7 Covalent Network Solids:Carbon and Silicon 145

6.8 Phase Transitions 146

Chapter 7 Acid-Base Equilibria 153

7.1 Acid-Base concept 153

7.2 Water as an Acid and a Base 155

7.3 Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases 156

7.5 Calculating the pH of Weak Acid Solutions 158

7.4 The pH Scale 158

7.6 Acid-Base Properties of Salts 161

7.7 Acid Solutions in Which Water Contributes to the H+Concentration 165

7.8 Common Ion Effect 167

7.9 Buffered Solutions 169

7.10 Acid-Base Titration 171

Chapter 8 Solutions 183

8.1 Solubility 183

8.2 Solubility Equilibria 187

8.3 Complications Inherent in Solubility Calculations 195

8.4 Complex Ion Equilibria 195

8.5 Colligative Properties 199

8.6 Colloidal Solution 205

9.1 Electrochemical Cells 209

Chapter 9 Electrochemistry 209

9.2 Standard Reduction Potentials 213

9.3 Electrochemistry and Thermodynamics 217

9.4 Dependence of the Cell Potential on Concentration 218

9.5 Batteries 221

9.6 Corrosion 223

9.7 Electrolysis 224

9.8 Commercial Electrolytic Processes 226

Chapter 10 The Main-Group Elements 230

10.1 A Survey of the Main-Group Elements 230

10.2 Group ⅠA Elements 234

10.3 The Chemistry of Hydrogen 236

10.4 The Group ⅡA Elements 238

10.5 The Group ⅢA Elements 240

10.6 The Group ⅣA Elements 242

10.7 The Group ⅤA Elements 246

10.8 The Chemistry of Nitrogen 248

10.9 The Chemistry of Phosphorus 252

10.10 The Group Ⅵ A Elements 254

10.11 The Chemistry of Sulfur 256

10.12 The Group ⅦA Elements 259

10.13 The Group ⅧA Elements 263

Chapter 11 Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry 268

11.1 Properties of the Transition Elements 268

11.2 The chemistry of First-Row Transition Metals 272

11.3 Complex Ions and Coordination Compounds 279

11.4 Structure and Isomerism 283

11.5 Valence Bond Theory of Complex Ions:The Localized Electron Model 284

11.6 The Crystal Field Model 287

11.7 The Biological Importance of Coordination Complexes 291

Appendix A Mathematical Procedures 295

A1 Uncertainties in Measurements 295

A2 Significant Figures 299

A3 Discordant Data 300

Appendix B Spectral Analysis 302

Appendix C Naming Simple Compounds 306

C1 Binary Ionic Compounds 306

C2 Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic Ions 307

C3 Covalent Compounds 307

C4 Hydrates 308

Appendix D Selected Thermodynamic Data 309

Appendix E Equilibrium Constants and Standard Reduction Potentials 312

Appendix F 314


Reference Materials 339