
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李华田主编(华中师范大学外国语学院)
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7307048450
  • 页数:217 页

上编 理论指导篇 1

一、《大学英语考试大纲》及《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案》对写作的要求 1

二、大学英语四级考试写作评分原则及标准 3

1.大学英语四级考试写作评分原则 3

2.大学英语四级考试写作评分标准 4

3.大学英语四级考试写作样卷分析 5

4.大学英语四级考试作文阅卷四步曲 10

三、大学英语四级考试写作命题规律及预测 11

四、大学英语四级考试写作应试技巧 13

1.如何遣词、造句、组段、谋篇 13

1)遣词 13

2)造句 17

3)组段 26

4)谋篇 42

2.如何进行大学英语四级写作准备 43

1)审题 43

2)写提纲 44

3)写开头 46

4)写正文 48

5)写结尾 49

6)短文写作的“六项基本原则” 51

3.如何写作四种常用文体的作文 53

1)记叙文 53

2)描写文 57

3)说明文 58

4)议论文 59

4.如何应对大学英语四级考试八种常考题型的作文 62

1)提纲作文 62

2)情景提示作文 64

3)看图作文 66

4)段首句作文 67

5)应用文 70

6)关键词作文 73

7)命题作文 75

8)缩写和摘要写作 77

下编 实践演练篇 81

提纲作文 81

Unit 1 Relationship Between Teachers and Students 81

Unit 2 Two Educational Patterns 82

Unit 3 Reading Selectively or Extensively 84

Unit 4 English Corners 86

Unit 5 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? 87

Unit 6 How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English 88

Unit 7 How I Finance My College Education? 90

Unit 8 An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident 91

Unit 9 Love Can Change A Man 92

Unit 10 Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports 94

Unit 11 Can Money Buy Happiness? 95

Unit 12 Do"Lucky Numbers"Really Bring Good Luck? 97

Unit 13 Don't Hesitate to Say"No" 98

Unit 14 Parents and Children Should Have a Better Understanding 100

Unit 15 My View on Job-hopping 101

Unit 16 The Heavy Bags of School Children 103

Unit 17 "Little Emperor"in China 104

Unit 18 Preserving the Environment 106

Unit 19 What Can We Do About the Water Pollution? 108

Unit 20 Keeping the City Clean 110

Unit 21 Bicycle—an Important Means of Transport in China 111

Unit 22 May People Keep Pets or Not? 113

Unit 23 Shopping on the Net 114

Unit 24 Mercy Killing 116

Unit 25 Should We Clone Human? 117

情景提示作文 119

Unit 1 An Important Person for Me 119

Unit 2 The Importance of Friendship 120

Unit 3 Bridging the Gap between Friends 122

Unit 4 Military Training 124

Unit 5 College Students Use Cell Phones 125

Unit 6 Slimness 126

Unit 7 Love Abuse in Public Places 128

Unit 8 Laid-off Workers Have to Face Reality 130

Unit 9 We Need Chinese Instructions for Our Products 131

Unit 10 Mixed Marriage Encounters More Problems 133

Unit 11 On Sending Materials and Money to the Poor and Backward Countries 134

Unit 12 Why Does MA Jiajue Case Emerge? 136

看图作文 138

Unit 1 Oil Production and Consumption in Various Regions of the World 138

Unit 2 Changes in People's Diet 140

Unit 3 Student Use of Computers 141

Unit 4 Family Spending in Sancha Town,Xiaogan City 143

Unit 5 Air Pollution and Cancer 145

Unit 6 A Black Eye or Two 147

Unit 7 How to Open a Bottle of Wine 149

Unit 8 Loneliness Haunts Children Too 151

Unit 9 The Bird's Heart Is Full of Woe 153

Unit 10 Praise for the Future 154

段首句作文 157

Unit 1 Change Your Study Habits 157

Unit 2 Honesty 159

Unit 3 Why People Work 160

Unit 4 The Large Population 162

Unit 5 The Impact of Commercial Awareness on Higher Education 163

应用文 165

Unit 1 A Private Letter to My Old Classmate 165

Unit 2 A Letter of Saying Farewell to Our Dearest Teacher 167

Unit 3 A Letter of Thanks 169

Unit 4 A Letter in Reply to a Friend 171

Unit 5 A Letter of Congratulations 172

Unit 6 A Letter of Applying for M.A.Degree 174

Unit 7 A Letter of Applying for Scholarship 176

Unit 8 A Letter of Applying for a Teaching Position 179

Unit 9 A Letter of Invitation 181

命题作文 183

Unit 1 A Wonderful Advertisement 183

Unit 2 How to Get Along with Others? 184

Unit 3 No Short-cut Way to Success 185

Unit 4 Target Is Important 187

Unit 5 The Psychology of Poor College Students 188

Unit 6 Difficulties of Living in a New Country 190

关键词作文 191

Unit 1 College Students'Pressure 191

Unit 2 Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) 193

Unit 3 Live to Work or Work to Live 195

Unit 4 Possessions Notarization Before Marriage 197

Unit 5 The Prison System Does More Harm Than Good 199

缩写与摘要 201

Unit 1 Xiao Liu,an Honored Sanitation 201

Unit 2 How New York Became America's Largest City 203

附录部分 206

附录1 大学英语四级写作常用连接词和词组 206

附录2 大学英语四级写作常用句型 209