
  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:金亚秋主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7532381757
  • 页数:538 页

目录 1

第一章 遥感机理与遥感信息理论 1

1.An Approach of Three-Dimensional Vector Radiative Transfer(3-D-VRT) Equation for Inhomogeneous Scatter Media 2

2.Iterative Solution of Multiple Scattering and Emission from an Inhomogeneous Scatter Media 9

3.Temporal Mueller Matrix Solution for Polarimetric Scattering from Inhomogeneous Random Media of Nonspherical Scatterers 15

4.Iterative Inversion from the Multi-Order Mueller Matrix Solution of Vector Radiative Transfer Equation for a Layer of Random Spheroids 29

5.Inversion of Scattering from a Layer of Random Spheroids Using Iterative Solutions of the Scalar Radiative Transfer Equation 35

6.Retrievals of Underlying Surface Roughness and Moisture from Polarimetric Pulse Echoes in the Specular Direction through Stratified Vegetation Canopy 41

7.Polarimetric Scattering Indexes and Information Entropy of the SAR Imagery for Surface Monitoring 49

8.Terrain Topographic Inversion Using Single-Pass Polarimetric SAR Image Data 54

9.Automatic Detection of Change Direction of Multi-temporal ERS-2 SAR Images Using Two-Threshold EM and MRF Algorithms 62

10.微波辐射计对月面特征参数的遥感理论模拟 69

第二章 大气地表遥感数据验证 79

1.Iterative Inversion of Canopy Parameters and Surface Moisture using the Multi-Order Mueller Matrix Solution of the Vector Radiative Transfer Equation 80

2.Monitoring Sandstorms and Desertification in Northern China Using SSM/I Data and Getis Statistics 87

3.Monitoring Flooding of the Huaihe River,China,in Summer 2003 Using Characteristic Indices Derived From Special Sensor Microwave/Imager(SSM/I) Multitemporal Observations 93

4.Small-Scale Rain Nonuniformity and Its Effect on Evaluation of Nonuniform Beam Filling Error for Spaceborne Radar Rain Measurement 98

5.Roles of Vertical Correlations of Background Error and T-S Relations in Estimation of Temperature and Salinity Profiles from Sea Surface Dynamic Height 108

6.A Numerical Simulation of Temperature Profile Retrievals from the Brightness Temperatures in 6 Channels near 118.75GHz 128

7.A Fusing Technique for Satellite Precipitation Estimate and Raingauge Data 135

8.测量云液水柱含量的一个设想 139

9.从118.75GHz附近六通道亮温反演大气温度廓线的数值模拟研究 143

10.微波/光学植被散射模型及其在热带森林中的应用 148

第三章 遥感图像处理的人工智能技术 158

1.Connected Equi-Length Line Segments for Curve and Structure Matching 159

2.Artificial Life:A New Approach to Texture Classification 169

3.A New Scheme for Detection and Classification of Subpixel Spectral Signatures in Multispectral Data 182

4.SAR Image Segmentation Using Skeleton-Based Fuzzy Clustering 186

5.A Robust Contour Model for Matching Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)Images with Maps 192

6.Aknowledge-Based Restricted Probem Solving Method in GIS Applications 200

7.曲线描述的一种方法:夹角链码 207

8.改进的多层判别回归树算法及其在遥感图像分析中的应用 212

9.一种近似的核线影像相关法在遥感图像处理中的应用 219

10.一个基于SOFM网络模型的遥感图像分类方法 222

第四章 多源数据信息融合 227

1.Force Field Analysis Snake:An Improved Parametric Active Contour Model 228

2.Optimal Linear Estimation Fusion—Part Ⅰ:Unified Fusion Rules 241

3.Comments on“Unbiased Converted Measurements for Tracking” 263

4.New Hausdoff Distance-Based Vehicle Location 267

5.基于雷达与图像信息融合的目标跟踪仿真研究 272

6.一种基于局部多结构元素形态学的边缘检测的修正算法 277

7.用于Landsat ETM+和ERS-2 SAR图像融合对城区地物特征分类的BP-ANN/GA混合算法 281

8.一种快速匹配算法在遥感图像中的应用 288

9.多源遥感影像的集值特征选择与融合分类 291

10.基于小波变换的MODIS与ETM数据融合研究 296

第五章 陆面水文过程与遥感信息应用 301

1.Land-Use Change Analysis in Yulin Prefecture,Northwestern China Using Remote Sensing and GIS 302

2.An Approach to Estimating Evapotranspiration in the Urumqi River Basin,Tianshan,China By Means of Remote Sensing and a Geographical Information System Technique 313

3.A 3S-based Quantitative Scheme on Regional Landslide Hazard Assessment—Its Application and Verification 328

4.Glacial Lake Change and the Detection of Potentially Dangerous Glacial Lakes during the Recent Three Decades in the Pumqu River Basin,Tibetan Plateau 338

5.Investigating the Relationship Between Ground-Measured LAI and Vegetation Indices in an Alpine Meadow,Northwest China 346

6.Spatial Analysis of Air Temperature in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 358

7.用TM影像和DEM获取黑河流域地表反射率和反照率 368

8.基于DEM的地理要素PRISM空间内插研究 374

9.基于遥感与地理信息系统的分布式斜坡稳定性定量评估模型 380

10.SWAT2000气象模拟器的随机模拟原理、验证及改进 387

11.双参数月水量平衡模型在汉江流域上游的应用 394

12.数据同化——一种集成多源地理空间数据的新思路 400

13.张掖绿洲城市热效应的遥感研究 404

14.一种新的实用土地利用/覆盖图生成方法 409

15.黑河流域叶面积指数的遥感估算 413

16.汉江上游流域蒸散量计算方法的比较及改进研究 417

17.基于GIS技术的黑河流域地表通量及蒸散发遥感反演 424

18.分布式水文模型和GIS及遥感集成研究 429

第六章 地海环境中目标特性获取 435

1.Numerical Simulation of Radar Surveillance for the Ship Target and Oceanic Clutters in Two-Dimensional Model 436

2.Numerical Simulation of Bistatic Scattering from a Target at Low Altitude Above Rough Sea Surface Under an EM-Wave Incidence at Low Grazing Angle by Using the Finite Element Method 443

3.The Finite-Element Method with Domain Decomposition for Electromagnetic Bistatic Scattering from the Comprehensive Model of a Ship on and a Target above a Large-Scale Rough Sea Surface 450

4.Numerical Simulation of the Doppler Spectrum of a Flying Target above Dynamic Oceanic Surface by Using the FEM-DDM Method 459

5.Enhanced Backscattering from a Metallic Cylinder with a Random Rough Surface 468

6.Parameterization of the Tapered Incident Wave for Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Scattering from Rough Surface 475

7.A Fast Approach for Track Initiation and Termination 480

8.The Numerical Realization of the Probe Method for the Inverse Scattering Problems from the Near-Field Data 485

9.预警雷达信号模拟的研究 498

10.一种基于集中式融合的多模型图像跟踪系统 502

11.极坐标系中带多普勒量测的雷达目标跟踪 507

12.虚拟战场环境中地形编码技术的研究与实现 511

13.相关噪声情况下航迹的关联及融合算法 515

14.分布式多传感信息融合系统的异步航迹关联方法 519

15.航迹起始算法研究 524

16.视景仿真系统光学视觉通道技术研究与实现 529

17.路面机动目标的融合跟踪 532

18.一种带未知时变系统噪声水平的目标跟踪滤波器 534