《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口语辅导教程 第3版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:杨永平主编;邵瑛,潘晓燕副主编;蒋秀娟,刘君怡,李俊兵编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7313027443
  • 页数:272 页

目录 1

简论英语演讲技巧 1

Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 13

Part One Dialogs 13

Dialog 1 On Campus 13

Dialog 2 Small World 14

Dialog 3 First Day at a New Company 14

Dialog 4 At the Airport 15

Part Two Speech A Personal Account 16

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 17

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 20

Unit 2 Jobs 21

Part One Dialogs 21

Dialog 1 Looking for a Job 21

Dialog 2 A Job Interview 22

Dialog 3 Life in the Office 25

Part Two Speech How to Solve the Problem of Unemploy-ment? 27

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 29

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 32

Unit 3 Culture—East and West 33

Part One Dialogs 33

Dialog 1 Conversation—Ball Games 33

Dialog 2 Personal Space 34

Dialog 3 Family Differences 35

Part Two Speech Chinese and Americans:One Family 36

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 38

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 41

Unit 4 Shopping 42

Part One Dialogs 42

Dialog 1 A Few Errands 42

Dialog 2 Buying a Camera 43

Dialog 3 The New Sweater 44

Part Two Speech A Shoppers'Paradise 45

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 47

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 49

Unit 5 Food and Drink 51

Part One Dialogs 51

Dialog 1 A Chinese Dinner 51

Dialog 2 Eating at a Restaurant in America 53

Dialog 3 In the Cafeteria 54

Part Two Speech The Impact of Fast Food 56

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 58

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 61

Unit 6 Housing 62

Part One Dialogs 62

Dialog 1 I Want to Move Out 62

Dialog 2 Checking Out an Apartment 63

Dialog 3 It Is Nice to Live in the Suburbs 65

Part Two Speech University Students:Dorms or Apartments? 67

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 69

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 72

Unit 7 Transportation 73

Part One Dialogs 73

Dialog 1 A Visit to a Used Car Lot 73

Dialog 2 A Really Good Car 75

Dialog 3 Parking in New York 76

Part Two Speech Public Transportation and Traffic in Shanghai 77

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 79

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 83

Unit 8 Holidays and Festivals 84

Part One Dialogs 84

Dialog 1 Planning a Trip 84

Dialog 2 Thanksgiving Day 86

Dialog 3 Dragon Boat Festival 88

Part Two Speech How I Spend My Holidays 90

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 91

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 94

Part One Dialogs 95

Dialog 1 Enjoying Sightseeing 95

Unit 9 Travel 95

Dialog 2 Washington,D.C.—The Capital of the United States of America 96

Dialog 3 Tourism in Shanghai 98

Part Two Speech Traveling in America 100

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 103

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 106

Dialog 1 A Talk Show 107

Unit 10 Entertainment and Leisure Time 107

Part One Dialogs 107

Dialog 2 What to Do Tonight? 109

Dialog 3 Weekend Hobbies 110

Part Two Speech Watching TV:For or Against? 112

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 114

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 117

Dialog 1 College Life Is Not Always So Easy 118

Unit 11 Education 118

Part One Dialogs 118

Dialog 2 College Education Systems in the USA and Britain 119

Dialog 3 Time Flies When You Are Busy Studying in ESL Class 121

Part Two Speech Education in the United States 123

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 125

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 128

Unit 12 Computers and Information Age 129

Part One Dialogs 129

Dialog 1 A TV Program 129

Dialog 2 I Want a Computer Too! 132

Dialog 3 The Information Explosion 134

Part Two Speech What's the Role of Computers in Our Lives? 136

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 138

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 141

Dialog 1 TV 142

Part One Dialogs 142

Unit 13 Information Channels 142

Dialog 2 Newspapers—a Better Source of Information 143

Dialog 3 At the Reference Room of a Library 145

Part Two Speech My Favorite Source of Information 147

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 149

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 152

Unit 14 Advertising 153

Part One Dialogs 153

Dialog 1 Why Advertise? 153

Dialog 2 A Debate on Advertising 154

Dialog 3 Advertising Is Part of Our Lives 155

Part Two Speech My Attitude towards Advertising 156

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 158

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 161

Part One Dialogs 162

Dialog 1 Water Is Being Wasted This Way 162

Unit 15 The Environment 162

Dialog 2 A Probe into the Sandstorms 163

Dialog 3 Grevious Warning 165

Part Two Speech How to Improve Environmental Protection? 167

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 169

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 171

Part One Dialogs 173

Dialog 1 A Trade Negotiation 173

Unit 16 Business and Economics 173

Dialog 2 Opening a Checking Account 174

Dialog 3 A Sales Review 175

Part Two Speech China,at the Turn of the Century 176

Part Three Words Expressions to Learn 178

Part Four Suggested Topics for Discussion 182

Appendixes 1 Ten Sample Speeches 183

Appendixes 2 Suggested of Translation Versions 195

Appendixes 3 美国大学生英语演讲评分标准 271