《高等教育自学考试同步辅导·同步训练 英语写作基础》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:周洁主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人事出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7801395344
  • 页数:285 页

第一部分 《英语写作基础》重、难点解析 1

第一章 句子(THE SENTENCE) 1

第一节 句子种类(Types of Sentences) 1

第二节 常见结构错误(Common Errors) 2

第三节 即灵活又简洁的句子结构(Sentence Variety and Brevity) 5

本章考试重点题型 5

第二章 段落(THE PARAGRAPH) 10

第一节 写前准备(Pre—writing) 10

第二节 列出提纲(Simple Outlining) 10

第三节 主题句(The Topic Sentence) 11

第四节 统一性(Unity) 11

第五节 连贯性(Coherence) 12

第六节 结束段落(Ending a Paragraph) 12

第七节 段落写作方法(Ways of Developing a Paragraph) 12

本章考试重点题型 13

第一节 概要写作(Precise Writing) 17


第二节 应用文写作(Practical Writing) 18

A.便条(Notes) 18

B.信件(Letters) 18

C.个人简历的写法(Resume) 19

本章考试重点题型 20

Practice 23

A.The Periodic Sentence 23

Ⅰ.Types of Sentences 23


第二部分 《英语写作基础》练习解答 23

B.The Short and Long Sentences 24

1.Using short sentences 24

Practice 1 24

Practice 25

2.The compound sentence 25

C.Simple,Compound,Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences 25

1.Simple sentence 25

2.Using long sentences 25

Practice 2 25

3.Alternating short and long sentences 25

3.The complex sentence 26

Practice 1 26

Practice 2 27

4.The compound—somplex sentence 28

Practice 1 28

Practice 3 28

Practice 2 29

Ⅱ.Common Errors 30

A.Run—on Sentences 30

1.Period and captial letter 30

Practice 30

2.Comma and a joining word 31

Practice 1 31

Practice 2 32

Practice 3 33

3.Semicolon 35

Practice 1 35

Practice 2 37

Practice 3 37

Practice 4 38

B.Fragmentary Sentences 39

1.Dependent—Word fragwnents 39

Practice 1 39

Practice 2 40

2.—ing and to fragments 41

Practice 1 41

Practice 2 42

3.Added—detail fragments 43

Practice 1 43

Practice 2 44

4.Missing—subject fragment 45

Practice 1 45

Practice 2 47

Practice 3 49

Practice 4 49

Practice 5 51

C.Faulty Parallelism 53

1.Correcting faulty coordination 53

2.Making a series of parallels 53

3.Watching incorrect omission 53

4.Comparisons using than or as 53

Practice 53

D.Misplaced Modifers 55

Practice 55

Also important 56

Practice 1 56

Practice 2 59

E.Dangling Modifiers 59

Practice 1 59

Practice 2 60

Practice 3 61

Ⅲ.Sentence Variety and Brevity 63

A.Modifying Phrases 63

Practice 63

B.Relative Pronouns 64

Practice 64

C.Joining Sentences and Doing away with Unnecessary Words 65

Practice 65

Practice 66

D.Combining Short Sentences 66

E.Sentence Variety through Participle Phrases 66

F.-ly Openers 68

Practice 68

G.to Openers 69

Practice 1 69

Practice 2 70

Practice 3 70

Practice 4 71

Practice 5 72

Practice 6 73


Ⅰ.Prewriting 74

A.Free-Writing 74

Practice 1 74

B.Questioning 75

Practice 2 75

C.Listing and Grouping 75

Practice 3 75

Practice 4 76

Practice 5 76

Ⅱ.Simple Outlining 79

Practice 1 79

Practice 2 79

Practice 1 80

Supporting sentences 80

Ⅲ.The Topic Sentence 80

Practice 2 82

Practice 3 82

Practice 4 83

Practice 5 83

Ⅳ.Unity 85

Practice 1 85

Practice 2 85

Practice 3 86

V.Coherence 89

A.The Use of Pronoun 89

B.The Repetition of Key Nouns and Key Word Groups 89

Practice 1 89

Practice 2 90

Practice 3 90

Practice 5 91

D.Using Transitional Signals 91

Practice 4 91

C.Avoiding Pronoun Shifts 91

Practice 6 92

Practice 7 92

B.Summarizing the Main Points 94

C.Showing a Result 94

D.Putting the Most Important Point Last 94

A.Restating the Main Idea 94

Ⅵ.Ending a Paragraph 94

Practice 8 94

E.Drawing an Inference 95

Practice 1 95

Practice 2 96

Practice 3 98

Ⅶ.Ways of Developing a Paragraph 99

A.Time and Process 99

Practice 1 99

Practice 2 100

Practice 3 102

Practice 4 104

B.Space 105

Practice 1 105

Practice 2 106

C.Exemplification 109

Practice 1 109

Practice 2 111

Practice 3 113

Practice 117


Ⅰ.Precise Writing 117

Ⅱ Practical Writing 118

A.Notes 118

B.Letters 118

C.Resume 118

Practice 118

Practice 1 120

Ⅰ.Types of Sentences 120

第三部分 补充练习及参考答案 120


Practice 2 121

Practice 3 122

Practice 4 122

Practice 5 123

Practice 6 124

Practice 7 125

Practice 8 126

Practice 9 126

Practice 10 127

Practice 11 128

Practice 12 129

Practice 13 130

Practice 1 131

Practice 2 131

Ⅱ.Common Errors 131

Practice 3 132

Practice 4 133

Practice 5 134

Practice 6 134

Practice 7 135

Practice 8 136

Practice 9 136

Practice 11 137

Practice 10 137

Practice 12 138

Practice 13 139

Practice 14 140

Ⅲ.Sentence Variety and Brevity 141

Practice 1 141

Practice 2 142

Practice 4 143

Practice 3 143

Practice 5 144

Practice 6 145

Practice 7 146

参考答案 147


Ⅰ.Prewriting 167

Practice 1 167

Practice 2 167

Practice 3 167

Practice 4 168

Ⅱ.Simple Outining 168

Practice 1 168

Practice 2 169

Ⅲ.The Topic Sentence 169

Practice 1 169

Practice 3 170

Practice 2 170

Practice 4 171

Practice 5 172

Practice 6 174

Practice 7 175

Practice 8 176

Ⅳ.Unity 177

Practice 1 177

Practice 2 178

Practice 3 179

Practice 4 180

Practice 5 181

Ⅴ.Coherence 182

Practice 1 182

Practice 2 183

Practice 3 183

Practice 5 184

Practice 4 184

Practice 6 185

Practice 7 186

Practice 8 187

Practice 9 188

Ⅵ.Ending a Paragraph 188

Practice 1 188

Practice 2 190

Ⅶ.Ways of Developing a Paragraph 191

Practice 1 191

Practice 2 192

Practice 3 193

Practice 4 193

Practice 5 193

参考答案 196

Practice 223

Ⅰ.Precise Writing 223


Ⅱ.Practical Writing 225

A.Notes 225

Practice 225

B.Letters 227

Practice 227

C.Resume 234

Practice 1 234

参考答案 236

Practice 2 236

第四部分 《英语写作基础》模拟试题 251

英语写作基础模拟试题一 251

参考答案 259

英语写作基础模拟试题二 263

参考答案 270

英语写作基础模拟试题三 274

参考答案 282