《美丽的桂林 中国摄影家·邓淇文风光摄影集 中外文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:7 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:邓淇文摄影
  • 出 版 社:桂林:漓江出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7540729953
  • 页数:95 页

桂林城区桂林市鸟瞰An aerial view of Guilin 7

花桥Flower Bridge 8

象鼻山Elephant Hill 9

塔山冬雪The snow-clad Pagoda Hill 10

叠彩朝霞Diecai Hill in the morning glow 10

骆驼山Camel Hill 11

伏波山Fubo Hill 12

解放桥夜景Liberation Bridge at night 13

榕湖夜景The Banyan Lake at night 14

“宋城”夜色Night view of the Song Dynasty City 15

杉湖双塔Twin towers in the Fir Lake 16

三桥夜景Illuminated bridges 17

木龙古渡The ancient Mulong Ferry 18

桂海碑林Forest of Tablets 19

独秀峰Duxiu Peak 20

桃花江暮色The Taohua River at dusk 21

尧山秋色Yaoshan Mountain in autumn 22

漓江清澈的漓江The limpid Lijiang River 23

雾锁江峰The river and hills veiled in a thick mist 24

冠岩江口River Mouth of Crown Cave 24

杨堤风光Scenes at Yangdi 25

漓江光影Light and shade on the river 26

下龙风光Scenes at Xialong 27

银装素裹All white with snow 28

日出奇峰Sunrise over the amazing peaks 29

九马画山远眺A distant view of Mural Cliff 30

漓江晨霉The Lijiang River in morning mist 31

奇峰初醒The peaks and pinnacles awake to a new day 32

漓江之晨The Lijiang River in the morning 33

水上人家A fishing family 34

晚炊Evening cooking 35

漓江渔火Fishermen's lights on the Lijiang River 35

晨光初照The first golden rays of dawn 36

筏影Bamboo raft drifting 37

朝笏山Tablet Hill 38

僧尼山风光The sight of Monk-Nun Hill 39

兴坪晨色Xingping in the morning 40

清澈的漓江The limpid Lijiang River 41

清江筏影Bamboo raft drifting on the peaceful river 42

残阳如血The blood-red setting sun 43

兴坪胜境The fine scenery of Xingping 44

渔村民居Farmers'houses in Fishing Village 46

江畔秋色Autumn scenes by the river 46

漓江渔火Fishermen's lights on the Lijiang River 47

漓江晨色The Lijiang River in the morning 48

阳朔碧莲峰Green Lotus Peak 49

青山绿水Green hills and blue waters 50

穿破金浪Cutting through the golden waves 51

书童秋影Shutong Hill in autumn 52

金光初照The first golden rays of dawn 53

西街的阳光West Street in the sun 54

西街之景A view of West Street 54

西街之夜West Street at night 55

阳朔城景A view of Yangshuo 56

阳朔朝霞Yangshuo in the morning glow 57

高田秀色Beautiful scenes at Gaotian 58

大地金辉Land bathed in golden sunlight 59

牧牛Grazing cattle 60

高田晨色Gaotian in the morning glow 61

月亮山Moon Hill 62

千年古榕The over-a-thousand-year-old big banyan tree 63

小河背风光Scenes at Xiaohebei 64

高田朝霞Gaotian in the morning glow 65

江畔绿洲Green islet 66

遇龙河之夏The Yulong River in summertime 67

遇龙桥Yulong Bridge 68

遇龙河风光Scenes at Yulong River 69

金色大地Land bathed in golden sunlight 70

岩洞芦笛岩·盘龙宝塔Dragon Coiled Pagoda,Reed Flute Cave 71

芦笛岩·龙宫水府Dragon King's Palace,Reed FIute Cave 72

七里岩·边寨风光Frontier Guard,Seven Star Cave 73

冠岩·仙女寝宫Fairy's Chamber,Crown Cave 74

冠岩·观光小火车Mini Train,Crown Cave 74

黑岩·群龙迎宾Greeting Dragons,Black Cave 75

丰鱼岩·定海神针Magic Pin,Fengyu Cave 76

丰鱼岩·姜太公钓鱼Angler,Fengyu Cave 77

银子岩·金银塔群Pagodas of Gold and Silver,Silver Cave 78

银子岩·独柱擎天Tower of Strength,Silver Cave 78

银子岩·音乐石屏Musical Screen,Silver Cave 79

莲花岩·莲花盆奇观Miraculous Lotus Leaves,Lotus Cave 80

周边各县风光华南第一峰——猫儿山Cat Mountain,the highest mount-ain in the Southern China 81

漓江之源——兴安华江The Huajiang River,Xing'an,source of the Lijiang River 82

兴安灵渠The Lingqu Canal,Xing'an 83

资源八角寨Bajiaozhai Mountain,Ziyuan 84

资江风光Scenes at Zijiang River 85

宝鼎瀑布Baoding Waterfall 86

全州天湖The Heaven Lake,Quanzhou 87

恭域文庙Confucius Temple,Gongcheng 88

榕津古榕Old banyan trees at Rongjin 89

西岭桃花Peach blossoms at Xiling 90

山乡二月Mountain villages in early spring 91

金色梯田Terraced fields in the colour of gold 92

金色家园Golden homeland 93

龙胜冬景Winter scenery Longsheng 94

海洋秋光Autumn scenes in Haiyang 95