
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:冯涟漪主编(东华大学外语学院)
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海科技教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:754283889X
  • 页数:195 页

目录Unit OnePart Ⅰ Warming-up Greetings问候 1

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Go Shopping买帽子 3

2.Topic Discussion Window-shopping逛商店 5

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Power of Words(1)词语的力量(1) 6

Unit TwoPart Ⅰ Warming-up Introduction介绍 9

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking A Chinese Idiom Story中国成语故事 11

2.Topic Discussion Name and Culture姓名与文化 12

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Power of Words(2)词语的力量(2) 14

Unit ThreePart Ⅰ Warming-up Saying Goodbye再见 17

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Switch off Your Cell Phone关掉手机 19

2.Topic Discussion Fashion时髦 21

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Grammar of Speech(1)口语语法(1) 22

Unit FourPart Ⅰ Warming-up Saying Thank You感谢  26

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Tour the Tower游东方明珠塔  28

2.Topic Discussion Travel旅行  30

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Grammar of Speech(2)口语语法(2)  31

Unit FivePart Ⅰ Warming-up Apologizing道歉  34

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Marketing推销  36

2.Topic Discussion Spend as You Earn挣来花完  37

Part Ⅲ Tips on Giving Good Talks What Is Communication什么是交流  39

Unit SixPart Ⅰ Warming-up Invitation邀请  43

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking A Funeral书的葬礼  45

2.Topic Discussion Books书籍  46

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Aspects Affecting Good Communication影响交流的几个因素  47

Unit SevenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Suggestion建议 50

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Losing Weight减肥 52

2.Topic Discussion TV电视节目 53

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks To Be A Good Listener善于倾听 55

Unit EightPart Ⅰ Warming-up Conversation会话 58

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking No Cigarette Day世界戒烟日 60

2.Topic Discussion Health健康 61

PartⅢ Tips On Giving Good Talks Public Speaking公开讲演 63

Unit NinePart Ⅰ Warming-up Offering提供帮助  66

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Father and Son父与子  68

2.Topic Discussion Pressure压力  69

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Three Basics for Good Talks作好演讲的三个基本要素  71

Unit TenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Requesting提出要求  73

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Hatching Eggs孵蛋  75

2.Topic Discussion Divorce离婚  76

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Impromptu Talks即兴演讲  78

Unit ElevenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Permission请求应允  80

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Cyber Love网络爱情  82

2.Topic Discussion Communication交际  83

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks The Informative Presentation信息型演讲  85

Unit TwelvePart Ⅰ Warming-up Opinion陈述观点  89

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Teamwork团队工作  91

2.Topic Discussion Career Success成功的事业  92

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks The Persuasive Presentation说服型陈述  94

Unit ThirteenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Agreement Disagreement同意和异议  97

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking How to Use It怎么用  99

2.Topic Discussion Internet因特网  100

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks The Demonstration Presentation演示型陈述  102

Unit FourteenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Compliment Congratulation称赞与祝贺  105

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking “Schools”on Campus校园四派  107

2.Topic Discussion School or Major名校还是热门专业  108

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Debate辩论  110

Unit FifteenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Making Phone Call打电话  114

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Job Hunting找兼职工作  116

2.Topic Discussion Part-time Job兼职工作  118

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Making Preparations for Oral Presentation(1)演讲的准备(1) 119

Unit SixteenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Complaints抱怨  123

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking A Fight打架  125

2.Topic Discussion Juvenile Delinquency少年犯罪  127

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Making Preparations for Oral Presentation(2)演讲的准备(2) 128

Unit SeventeenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Regret Sympathy遗憾和同情  131

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Road Trap公路陷阱  133

2.Topic Discussion Pirated Discs盗版光盘  134

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks Humor Jokes幽默和笑话  136

Unit EighteenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Like Dislike喜欢和厌恶  139

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking The Old and the Young夕阳红  141

2.Topic Discussion Elderly People老年人  142

Part Ⅲ  Tips On Giving Good Talks  Small-group Discussion小组讨论  144

Unit NineteenPart Ⅰ Warming-up Annoyance,Sadness Indifference冷漠、恼怒与悲伤  147

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Chat图表解读  149

2.Topic Discussion Traffic Rules交通规则  151

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks The Silent Language(1)无语的言表(1)  153

Unit TwentyPart Ⅰ Warming-up Good Wishes祝福  156

Part Ⅱ Oral Workshop1.Picture Talking Football Fan球迷  158

2.Topic Discussion Environment环境  159

Part Ⅲ Tips On Giving Good Talks The Silent Language(2)无语的言表(2)  161

Appendix Ⅰ 学生英语口语表达能力自评/互评表  164

Appendix Ⅱ 大学英语四六级口试介绍 166

Appendix Ⅲ 词汇表 176

参考书目 194